Mental Health SSRI(zoloft) brain efficiency ,my experience food/steroids for thought


Dec 2, 2013
Hey guys. Just wondering about my experience . So long story short,I ve been prescribed antidepressants for depression that triggered the anxiety and panic attacks..Im not very social,frankly im quite a sociopath..people often dont get me and I seem moody,even my friends are turning on me..I can see by the looks that they see my awkwardness and make them feel depression is about loneliness and feeling of losing at life in general,sure people can sense it,Ive been told im very strange guy to the im not socialising very often..too much worry makes you speak sort of strange.
Shit,forgot about my topic,got carried away,so yeah Ive started them SSRIs and they made me feel more like a person,more hyped I guess,more sure about my self,sometimes too much confidence(got my friend beat up,cuz of shit i said and made a lot of stupid things like shoplifting)..sometimes with very good effect,Im sort of person that likes to talk,but the topics I chose are not very much to talk about,thats what Ive always thought about my self,well honestly also Im slow,kinda slow thinking person . SSRI. I just forgot about it and expressed my self as I wanted:good example is when Im high ,like really high I just shut up,because of my paranoia,depressed thoughts and fear of not making sense,but on these pills I just went all positive and did some really good chatting with people,even made them laugh ,made my self interesting person...I dont know how,but this is really how I felt,it made me genuinely interesting and active person. My thoughts on it me? Like real me? Or is it that this drug can make you think better,maybe even faster,all things that make you a good thinker,and think of good things to say? Also made one girl to fall in love to me,I didnt care about her,it was all her,and she was very into me,didnt happen earlier in life..never..this is frist time and Im on damn pills! Then for several reasons I quit my SSRIs they weren't very effective anyway as I slipped in my depression,again but hey its part of me..for that short period of my experience with Zoloft Ive actually felt some people interest in me,yeah thats important for me,because of loneliness and awkwardness in this experiment you call life.
So could be like that? One part of me is saying to go back to them pills (wishing that this will change me for better,as some pushing force inside my brain to get thingz going all good) and another part is telling to work on my self,as theres no quick fixes and just work it out without any help(if pills have tendency to just mess the order in life)
Oh nevermind,I dont wait to see here some medical experts,just people experienced in taking SSRI's. And yeah,zero answers made my lazy ass to use google search,and Ive found some interesting things. For example
"Scientists believe that the prefrontal cortex may act as a kind of brake that keeps emotional responses in check. When this brake becomes less effective, it might therefore give freer rein to negative emotions arising from the limbic structures, which are generally hyperactive in patients with depression or bipolar disorder. Antidepressant medications tend to reverse this pattern, increasing activity in the cortex while reducing hyperactivity in the limbic system.(Certain parts of the parietal lobe and of the superior portion of the temporal lobe are associated with attentiveness to the outside world. These parts of the brain work more slowly in people with depression, which confirms the observation that people with depression are constantly focused inward on their own dark thoughts.)"
"In addition, the tightly linked connections of the depressed brain make it less flexible, creating difficulty in the person’s ability to react appropriately to certain events. Those with depression can tend to make catastrophes of situations that healthy individuals can deal with in a calm and rational manner."
So yeah basically Ive found that depression can make you kind of slow aaand ...... less receptive or open-minded. So I must come to conclusion that when the depressed mind gets portion of serotonin it can make you more resourceful,more socially active as it should be,so yeah its more complicated then I thought... Kinda both of truths,now I think - makes your thought process better, which is the effect of depression free mind,but that mind is still yours and you dont get smarter than naturally you will be.