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ssri withdrawls?

dj wave

Mar 5, 2003
ive been taking 40mg of lexapro and stopped takng it last week so i could roll next week. recently i've been experiencing really strange things, such as an "inner pulse" in my body. i dont know how else to describe it...its just like a little pulse.

um...not really expecting any replies to this but has anyone else experienced this or have the slightest clue what im talking about?

sorry for such an incomplete description.
Yes, SSRI withdrawls can be very severe and scary. It was not the smartest thing to take yourself off of it your should call the doctor. And, BTW any PDR would have the answers your looking for.
ok this shit was NOT in the papers i got with the medicine. all the research i did said it has a half life of 36 hours and was NOT a dependant drug. i'm going to the doctor to complain tomorrow.
I saw someone before going through SSRI withdrawl from effoxor and it was not pretty.
WOW....40mg of Lexapro a day, isn't this a lot? I am only on 10mg and when I stopped I got shocking sensations and anxiety attacks!!
its not really that bad, now that i know why i am feeling this way. if this topic had gotten ZERO replies, thats when i would have been worried.
Effexor is NOT an SSRI; it has much worse withdrawal than SSRIs.

And yes, withdrawal symptoms from lexapro/celexa and some other SSRIs (but usually not prozac) are very common. In the future I suggest that you taper down your dose over the course of a couple of weeks.
i dont want to stop all together i just did as i was told on here and stopped 7-10 days before rolling. if it gets really bad, i'll go back on them. i'm still going to bitch my doc out though.
sorry.. " i just did as i was told on here and stopped 7-10 days before consuming my mdma pills. "
BTw, you probably STILL won't be able to roll despite going off your lexapro. It takes longer for the brain to return to its normal state...like months.
i just quit taking lexapro after about 6 months. i quit cold turkey, and felt a little tense for a few days, but now im feeling great (much better than when on the med). I think ssri's seriously amplified my anxiety - especially when stoned.

lexapro wasn't like effexor or zoloft, both of those rocked my ass hard on the withdrawl
i've managed to "roll" (also hate the word), after a week in coming off celexa. although i was only on it for 3 months.

the w/d's, although not nice, werent that bad. nothing compared to methadone withdrawal. It makes sense with ANY drug to taper if you have used it everyday for months/years. Our bodies are great at adapting, but not so good at being slammed this way and that. So gradual tapering should always be undertaken with such drugs.
i've been on it for 2 1/2months. i dont like to be dependant on ANYTHING. i dont smoke cigs and i wont touch oxy's/herion with a 10 ft pole
i dont think SSRI/SNRI are in the same legue as heroin and other well known brands of addictive substances. They arent "addictive" in the normal sense, in theory, they tend to "kickstart" your neural pathways so that in the end you wont need them and your brain chemistry will work on its own accord. Obviously, when your brain gets used to an exogenous source for serotonin, dopamine or whatever, when the meds are stopped a rebound occurs - That isnt the same thing as dependency IMO

An aside: many people who are on drugs such as heroin, amphetamines dont all do it for fun/weakness or need for a "crutch", many self medicate because they have underlying disorders that havent been recognised/treated by their doctors eg Attention Defecit Disorder, Bipolar etc. or even simple depression/anxiety. SSRI/SNRI are a godsend to many people, but to others they dont work. There is a long way to go in this field before they correct the problem without side effects.
i was taking 10mg a day at first, then after a while i switched to 20mg, which is what i quit at
i've been on paxil for 4 years now. i tried stopping cold turkey a couple times. its horrible. like bedridden. shaking, twitching, sweating, freezing, not able to sleep or eat, nausea, head zaps. i'm never comin off that shit. now i've started with the oxy about a month ago. most i've done it for is 4 days straight.. didnt notice any withdrawl. is coming off oxy comparable to coming off an ssri like paxil or worse? also i've rolled well over a hundred times all while being on paxil. seems to work just fine for me... i usually need more than the average person though