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Spiritual Enlightenment on LSD


Mar 3, 2014
Hello everyone, before i get started i would like to share a little backstory about myself. Im a college student and for about 6 months now ive been experimenting with psychedelics and have done everything from Shrooms, LSD, 25i-NBOME, Ketamine, MXE, DXM, MDMA, Salvia, and smoke pot everyday. So i wasn't that unaccustomed to psychedelics and after having many ego destroying moments over the course of those months, and i was becoming more comfortable with myself and more confident as a person. I also opened my third eye following an OBE i had on DXM and i started to pursue full self enlightenment, and thats when my life pretty much changed forever...
So one day following a DXM & DPH combo (which was a fucked up night in of itself), me and my friend who i will refer to as X, picked up 2 sheets of high quality LSD. When got back to the room we decided to smoke a few bowls of salvia 25x, and wait for my other friends to come so we could sell them 2 strips of LSD. Eventually the two kids showed up for the strips and my friend X who was still a little wonked out by the salvia misunderstood them and cut out two huge ass tabs for them instead of strips. These things mustve been the size of 4 to 5 normal sized tabs. After a good laugh X cut them their strips and they left, but we were both stuck with these oversized tabs of lsd. Both me and X had a bit of experience in the past with lsd so we thought it was a good opportunity to test the quality so we both stuck the tab on our tongues and braced for impact. Before when i did LSD i remember my come up being pretty slow and not feeling anything for a good 45 mins to an hour of taking the tabs. NOPE, a few mins after dropping i could feel the energy from the tab flowing through my body. Now, I was a little worried i mightve taken a bit too much LSD but i was in good company, there was X and X's roommate (who well call D), and i know that there was the kids that we sold the lsd to already dropped an hour or so ago, so i was pretty much ready for what was in store, or so i thought. So in the mean time we played super smash as me and X waited for it to fully take effect.

The LSD was gradually taking effect as i was getting fantastic tracers, and the familiar fractalizing visuals i was accustomed to with LSD, but it had only been 30 minutes and im tripping as hard as i was 2 hrs into my previous LSD escapades. As i was sitting playing super smash when all of a sudden i felt it really start to hit me as i pretty much cant play video games anymore and throw the controller away and run over to the computer to look up some music to play to keep myself centered as i can feel myself becoming more and more out of touch with reality. I put on some crystal castles and a few minutes later i completely lose touch with reality and everything associated with it. It feels as though my body was completely destroyed as disassembled like every atom of my body separated from one another. I had no concept of the self. I was just an entity, a being just a drop in the swimming pool we call our consciousness. I felt reunited like i belonged here and I was convinced that i had died. I was sad i was leaving my family behind but i was happy when i realized that we would all be reunited one day and to wait out their deaths so we could be one forever. I was free. Free from the burden of humanity i felt all my past memories melt away and i wasn't any one thing, i was everything. I became a fractal ever expanding and all encompassing and all knowing. I realized that this fractal is God and I am part of him and that i strayed away from the path He set for me but now i am home and he is me and i am him and we are one and we are being.

I then saw my body from the outside and what looked like an Alex Grey painting and i constantly went from looking at my body from the outside and then rejoining my body as i weaved throughout myself as i surfed the very fabric of time as it repieced the memories associated with the trip into my psyche. I relived these events but through the lens of an observer that was not the person living the events. I felt like i was on autopilot as my body was doing things but my mind was trying to make sense of what i was doing. Everyone was looking at me strangely as i basically made a fool of myself acting like an idiot but i didn't care and neither did X who i feel like we have a connection and would consider one of my only true friends. I felt as though i knew everyones thoughts and that the people laughing at my expense dont understand the true beauty of LSD and that they use it to just get fucked up and care so much about how they act on it and people are so caught up in how others think of them that they dont take time to care about what you think about yourself. I tried to leave messages to everyone to tell them what is going on and the profound messages i received from the other realm! I run to the computer and type "we are part of a universal consciousness that governs everything we do and what we are going to be in this world and no matter what happens in life or the problems you may face just remember to giggle". Thats all i could type as i then was ripped again out of my body and thrown into many other scenarios where i feel as though im trying to convey this all to X, as we are lost in the woods in the dark and theres a 10 inches of snow on the ground and trying to find our way home as were laughing and having the best time of my life. I cant stop laughing! Im laughing at the sheer absurdity of life, and how life here is a just a joke! After the trip when i finally completely regained consciousness and tried to piece this all together it was so profound that i was anything at all and so humbled that i was, and that i ignored Him and my own divinity all my life it was enough to make me cry for hours, but not tears of sadness it was tears of joy that He created me and everything to make me happy and that us as humans just can throw that all away and be so ignorant towards Him and each other and ignorant to the God in all of us saddens me, i realize that God put LSD on this earth as a tool for humans to realize their true divine nature.
Afterwards this has made me a firm believer in a all knowing all creative God. Every time i think of him i get the most intense joy and rushing emotion and have to almost hide the smile on my face if im in public. I haven't touched a drug in 3 weeks and im trying to get my life on track after some bs happened later that week which i also think is part of his plan for me so i really dont stress it, im eternally happy from this day on and this trip has changed my perspective of my self and on life itself. I was the most beautiful experience i have ever been through and i am forever grateful to LSD for making that happen and i cant wait to do it again :).

edit: I forgot to add that after this experience i overheard a conversation between my father and my elderly grandmother and they were talking about religion because my grandmother is a devout catholic and she was saying that her and my grandfather were praying for everyone who wandered away from God to come back to him the day before this trip happened, which i find to be too strange of a coincidence not to consider.

tl;dr LSD changed my life, has it done the same for anyone else :?
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Not LSD, but mushrooms. That first encounter with the oneness tends to have a life-changing effect. Once you have experienced that and realized the implications, it's pretty impossible not to be changed by it.
LSD changed and saved my life. Gave me a whole new perspective on things. As Jerry Garcia once said, it's kinda like dog shit. Once it gets on you it touches everything you do, and other people can recognize that. That's what LSD did to me... tinted my world psychedelic.
Yes I wish everyone could experience this!!! It really is a thing of beauty
I read the whole report this time and that's great man, that's almost exactly what I experienced the first time I tripped, which was on mushrooms. Beautiful experience, thanks for sharing.
it's the most pure thing
the least body load thing
it has healed so many people if they can just spend time with themselves this way.
LSD changed and saved my life. Gave me a whole new perspective on things. As Jerry Garcia once said, it's kinda like dog shit. Once it gets on you it touches everything you do, and other people can recognize that

Although Jerry did die a hopeless heroin addict so what good LSD actually did for him is open to question.

I think it certainly help you cope with life but whether it gives you "enlightenment" - I don't think "enlightenment" actually exists.
Shrooms for me. LSD is too euphoric on the body. Shrooms more in the head. LSD can be scary. Shrooms trippy and natural.
O.P. I'm glad you had a rewarding experience. My first psychedelic experiences were interpreted as spiritual too. Over the years I learned to differentiate the neurobiological effects from the less tangible ephemeral effects. I discovered the feeling I interpreted as spiritual was actually me feeling well in a more tangible sense. I had always been bitter and burdened by self loathing. Some psychedelics helped me resolve these issues in a physical way similar to how anti-depressants and penicillin do in regards to depression and infection. When you have been in a psychological prison your whole life a glimpse of freedom can feel very spiritual. Have you considered this possibility?

I do believe humans can have spiritual experiences. In retrospect prayer, meditation, or religion are safer ways to seek spirituality. I avoid giving undue significance to any revelation I have while hallucinating. I have noticed in history bad things happen whenever spirituality, government, or drugs combine in any combination.

To all those that prefer mushrooms, from a rational therapeutic stance they aren't a substitute for acid. I also might warn against taking mushrooms if you are sensitive to fluorine, chlorine, or other additives in municipal water supplies. I have dental flourosis and other issues from hypersensitivity to additives in tap water and must avoid putting anything grown with tap water in my body. The quality of mushrooms is less reliable than the quality of acid.

Although Jerry did die a hopeless heroin addict so what good LSD actually did for him is open to question.

I think it certainly help you cope with life but whether it gives you "enlightenment" - I don't think "enlightenment" actually exists.

Well, it's hard to deny an experience like the OP and myself and many others have had, once you've had it.
Although Jerry did die a hopeless heroin addict so what good LSD actually did for him is open to question.

I think it certainly help you cope with life but whether it gives you "enlightenment" - I don't think "enlightenment" actually exists.

On the one hand "enlightenment" can't exist, because it's not a thing. On the other hand, countless people have accessed what they describe as a spiritually enlightened state through meditation, mushrooms, LSD etc. If it's not enlightenment, then what is it? I mean, isn't the word "enlightenment" simply is the word we use in english to describe that state? And that state seems to be extremely profound in people's lives. So maybe it is an illusion, but what is it an illusion of? If it is an utterly convincing illusion, of a non-tangible, non-physical mind state, then where is the illusion? But, yeah, it doesn't exist, because it's all in your head...

In any case, enlightenment isn't something that can be possessed. Spiritual seekers and trippers often make the mistake of believing that they have achieved something, and hold on to the idea of enlightenment like a badge or medal. This is of course opposite of transcending ego and is nonsensical anyways.

I want to include a warning here to the spiritual seekers amongst us: trying to hunt for this mystical state via drugs can be a dangerous mistake. Psychedelics can help potentiate it, but it's not like taking a pill to relieve a headache. Check out meditation, find a group to work with, it will be good for you in any case. Tread with care friends, your mind isn't a toy <3
I had a life-changing experience on LSD last week, though not for this sort of reason.... Kind of opposite to it actually. The trip heavily strengthened my sense of self. It put me more in touch with my inner me than I thought was even possible, and in result several issues that had been dragging me down for my whole life simply began to unravel one by one, and are continuing to to this moment, hence the term "life-changing".... I've never had any sort of oneness experience, but that trip felt spiritual as well... just in a very human way. It was the best trip of my life.

Gotta love that LSD. <3
That sounds familiar Dancing Chick! I'd say my life-changing experiences on LSD have been of the sort you describe. I've not experienced any of those oneness type experiences either.. just little hints of it here and there. The most useful and positive stuff for me has always been rooted in this physical plane, like taking a look at what's going on in my life, relationships, values etc. Human stuff, like you said.
Some of my most valuable and profound trips have been of the sort you're describing, where instead of removing me from my person, they strengthened my sense of self. Though it can be argued that a oneness experience is the ultimate strengthening of self, as you understand viscerally what it is that we even ARE.
On the one hand "enlightenment" can't exist, because it's not a thing. On the other hand, countless people have accessed what they describe as a spiritually enlightened state through meditation, mushrooms, LSD etc.

True, I think it's just the use of the word "enlightened" generally being claimed by religious people who claim it for themselves. I don't believe there's such a thing as an enlightened person or that there ever has been. I'm sure that you can feel profound feelings while tripping - but whether that makes you an enlightened being I dunno.

trying to hunt for this mystical state via drugs can be a dangerous mistake.

I disagree perpetual, I think the psychedelic state is it's own territory. I don't think you know what tripping is like even if if you've spent 50 years meditating in the ashram. I know Ram Dass's guru allegedly just sat there when they gave him 900mics because "he was already enlightened" but as someone else who was there pointed out "He palmed the acid and then pretended so Ram Dass would be impressed with him". Meditation is ok but I don't think it's comparable to tripping.
I just mean, don't go hunting for enlightenment by taking obscene amounts of drugs. I've seen friends severely loose touch with reality, becoming lost, trying to chase a spiritual dragon through increasingly insane consumption of drugs. I'm just saying, for those seeking transcendent experiences, balancing the drugs with some genuine spiritual practice seems to be a safer route because it keeps your ship on course. Just taking lots of drugs can be risky because people loose the map.
perpetualdawn, I'm glad you feel this way as well hehe.... These human aspects of the trip are probably my favorite part of LSD. In this particular experience I didn't even guide my thoughts in any direction... I was simply shown a part of myself which has been repressed by myself and others for my whole life, a side which I knew existed but actually experiencing it is something totally different. It was the kind of trip that shows you that all the bullshit of life just doesn't matter, and we are all inherently beautiful people. <3 I still need to write a trip report, I've been putting it off mainly because I'm still coming to understand the magnitude of the impact it had on me....

Xorkoth, well that's up to your personal beliefs. ;P I've yet to come across anything that's made me believe that these oneness experiences are actually an "understanding" rather than just a "feeling". I'll get back to you after I try 5-MeO-DMT, though.
Yes do get back to me after that. :) It's impossible to comprehend such an experience until you've had one, and even then, you can only approximate an understanding in your daily life. Many people have had a breakthrough experience on psychedelics, I don't think we're all just delusional. :)
But can you prove that you're not? X) Hehe.... Many people have had these experiences, but the only thing that proves to me is that the potential for such an experience is inherent to being human. Whether or not the experience has any actual meaning is another question entirely.

My deal is that I just don't trust my self. Not my self as in me as a personality, but as a sensory processing machine. I couldn't even tell you with complete certainty that this conversation is actually happening right now.... I'm always at least mildly suspicious that I'm actually forty years older, slowly dying on the couch in my lonely apartment from a massive overdose of diphenhydramine, and that's with my gut telling me I'm sober. How am I supposed to believe anything that I experience when I know I've ingested a mind-altering substance?
No of course not, none of us can prove anything one way or the other, so we are left with interpreting the experiences we have individually had. :) For me, the experiences feel true. Not all experiences by a longshot that I've had on psychedelics feel true, but my breakthrough, oneness experiences do. They feel like I have awoken from a dream, but the dream was my non-altered life. The experiences also jive with my beliefs about the nature of life/reality.

Seriously, it feels the same way it feels when you wake up from a dream, and for a moment you still feel the reality of the dream and then it skitters away from you and you think "wow, how could I have thought that was real?" Same for my regular life when I have a breakthrough psychedelic experience. I become aware that I have woken up into something more real, I remember what I am unable to remember ordinarily.