spiritual bliss


Nov 16, 1999
Here's a thread that could prove interesting; my own little attempt to pick the brains of my fellow bluelighters.
How many of you do E for spiritual pouposes?
How many of you just for the fun of it?
Who does it just to fit in at party's?
Who does it for musical enhancement...to make shaking your booty that much easier?
I myself have multiple reasons...it's such a wonderful tool to reach levels of personified beauty and spiritual oneness with everything; people AND objects, because that is the magic number...ONE...we are all from the same ONE mass of energy, experiencing ourself in as many variations as possible. while on e...i remember what its like to be ONE again (if you can dig it)
i love to be in a huge mass of people dancing and throwing their energy all over the place amidst drunk and swirling lights and building sized bass beats as well...but it always goes much deeper than that for me..the joy is always so overwhelming...
there is also something to be said for rolling at home with a friend, a few jars of vicks and glowsticks/necklaces...fuzzy feather boas and a whole lot of luvin' and massages...it reminds you how it is to be ALIVE again...and how lost we would be without close friends who truly love us.
3 tons of love
the rapture is comming
shameless boot back to the top
rapture, i know what you mean. pure rapture.
the spiritual side of it is what keeps me coming back. the feeling of communion that you get on a dancefloor when everyone is in the same groove and love is a given...you expressed it so well, it is a such feeling of oneness. the beauty and truth of it is overwhelming sometimes.
i have had true brushes with a higher power on e that have been threaded into me. i feel like i was in heaven once: we had been at a huge outdoor party where everyone around us was deeply happy. at around 7 am, we went swimming in lake huron (ontario) while the sun rose. when the cold water hit and started climbing my body, i looked at the sky and felt at complete peace. so thankful for everything i have ever had. to have known this feeling at an early stage in my life...amazing.
i don't think we need e all the time to reach this bliss either. often, dancing sober surrounded by a great vibe or listening to a trancy progressive build-up, i get that same rush of joy and sense of being part of something so much bigger. i think e is a portal to this sense of communion, a door that you enter and once you have stepped through and seen the vast room, you can remember the knowledge that is there and recapture it without using the drug every time (and with a bit of openness.)
so glad you brought this up, rapture. beautiful! gabe
I understand what both of you are saying, but the most intense moments of rapture I've had similair to that have been sober. I used to be a part of a madrigals group in highschool. standing in amongst a small group of people creating beautiful, soaring music with nothing more than your voices, being surrounded by that sound, that energy, with everyone relying on everyone else for the next perfect note; while having the knowledge that the music you are singing hasn't been heard on this earth in over 400 years... that to me is incredible rapture, and I miss it so much. Any communion with another peron is similair to that, for me, weather its a connection with a true emotion and my audience (when acting) or that moment when you really truely communicate with someone; but I don't take e to feel that. I like doing e because it seems to bring out the best in me. It makes it a little easier to remember why it is I'm happy in life, which makes it easier to BE happy, and talk to people, and share my happiness, and dance, and let go.
Gee, I went off. Great topic. Hope I answered the question in a way.
When i first started rolling when i was 18-ten years ago=i hung out with an older group -my future husband and them were musicans who did it to party with before they played out and i would do it to hang out and stay up all nite.we got away from it for awhile-not by choice-and when we started rolling again it was after the birth of our child.my husband would put him to bed and fill the house with candles,and we would sit n the jacuzzi and talk for 6 hours about our love,future dreams,how we felt ONE
with each other,we would smoke all of our weed,and listen to our fav CDs, and talk all nite and then when the sun was coming up we would have incredible sex.well we loved it soooo much we started doing it everyweekend and sometimes twice.so it lost its novelty after about 8 months.then we satarted rotating between rolling at home with friends,going out or to another friends house,and by ourselves.I use it, too, for spiritual enligtenment.(see my post under "going to chuch on drugs a sin?)i love the feeling the next day,music still souds good,esp mellower shit,I sit around feeling blessed and thankful for all i have,and just think about it all.
[This message has been edited by beanergrl (edited 26 January 2000).]