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Stimulants Speed or Benzo WD's, or both?


Jul 20, 2015
Hey folks,

I have a problem (don't we all), I have been using speed (strong 60-70% paste, that I dry out) for about 14 days straight (with a 1 day break around 6 days in and another day break 12 days in). I also have been using Etizolam and/or Lorazepam to help sleep in between. I generally get about 5-6 hours sleep a night and then go to work, take some speed, and repeat for the next day.

I generally dose about 20mgs around 7am (usually plugged, but if not, parachuted) then I'll have about 10-15mgs up my nose around noon and then maybe another line or two around 6pm.

Question is that lately I have been getting a tight chest around 3-4 in the afternoon sort of like a panic attack but my heart rate is normal and I feel OK apart from the chest pain. It is in the upper left portion of my chest which is obviously worrying. I am trying to figure out if it is the speed or benzo WD's that is causing this. Today I just did my morning plug and felt fine until around 1pm and the chest thing started again.
Last night I took 2mg of Etizolam at around 8pm and as it has a short half life, I figure that could cause the problem. But equally, maybe moving to only one dose of speed caused the fuck up, or is it both?

I am going to try and slow down my speed usage and eventually stop, at least for a while, but the last thing I need is a Benzo problem. I generally haven't taken them regularly until these past couple of weeks, and never much more than 2mgs of Lorazepam or Etizolam. Although I did have some Flubromazolam for a while and would take 1mg of that to relax after stims, but that was a month or so ago now.

Anyway, does anyone have any experience with this? Does it sound like benzo WD's? If so I need to use my remaining Lorazepams to taper a bit I imagine.

Any help is most appreciated.
your chest pain is most likely caused by your stimulant use. heavy use of stimulants messes up your blood pressure heart rate and can put undue amounts of stress on your cardio vascular system. You could be experiencing chest pain due to heart palpitations, arythmia or many other heart related problems.

I am not a medical professional but have alot of experience with both stims, and benzos. Having abused both I can say I have experienced something similar to what you are describing ONLY from stimulant use. You seem to be using Benzos to help cope with a stimulant abuse problem, which is actually going to hurt worse in the long run. benzo addiction and withdrawl is known to be one of the worst withdrawls out there on par with and some believe worse than heroin withdrawals. I can attest that Benzo withdrawal sucks.

If i were in your shoes, i would take the chest pain as a warning sign for much more serious issues. the best thing you can do is first stop using speed. Its causing your benzo use, and causing you issues with chest pain coming from the area your heart is in, not good. It sounds like quitting cold turkey is out of the question, but reduce your doses and do your best to get off of the speed. it can take a long time to feel normal again after heavy stimulant use, but its worth it. I think if you can get your speed use under control everything else will take care of itself. try and put some serious thought into your next step forward.

Best of luck hroark.
Do you eat enough, and quality foods at that? I've experienced what you describe and had it checked out. It was heartburn / irritated stomach from lack of proper diet.

Please see a qualified physician. I'm not a medical professional, it could be very serious as the above poster mentioned.

Edit: abdominal pain, esp., from digestive issues, ime and as explained to me by my physicians often radiates pain from a location not exactly where the irritation is internally. Hence a stomach ulcer can feel like a heart attack and vice-versa.

Best to get this checked out asafp.
Thanks for the excellent advice from both of you guys. I know I need to get a grip on my speed usage, I think Ill try to dose just once in the AM fro a few days and then cut it back in size every few days, until hopefully I come off it totally. You are right about the benzos though, I rarely use them otherwise, only if I actually get a panic attack which is what I am RX'd them for.
Speedballs - I think you may have a point too as I am prone to stomach issues and acid reflux and the like. I try and eat even when I'm not hungry, drink fresh OJ, take a MultiVitamin, Mg supplements, L-Tyrosine at night too (which I'm starting to think might be a rip off).

Thanks again guys for the heartfelt responses, it's given me a drive to succeed I didn't have before, thanks a lot.
mmmm.. was it like a pulsing/sucking? and was there pain directly associated with the event? I get the same on my left hand side in a position that feels like just behind the bottom of my ribs, but stuck between. This was caused by a shitload of cough medicine and OTC meds over a long time, so it's not that regular any more.. Most likely not my thing, but, malnutrition/not getting your liver flushed out regularly could cause it also?
Update, first day off the speed today.
Went to work and felt OK but around 10am I popped an Etizolam to stop my tight chest from getting any worse. It seems to be the center of my chest that is tight without the speed usage so that seems a little less scary to me. Anyway, got through today and it wasn't too bad, the worst is yet to come no doubt what with amp's long half life....
I did a CWE just now with OTC codeine and APAP pills (ain't Canada great!!) and will probably take around 150mgs which should take the edge off everything and let me sleep hopefully. Chest is tightening up again, I'm wondering if this Benzo withdrawals kicking in, Etiz has a short half-life and it's about 9 hours since I took the last one.....I fucking hope not....anyway thanks and see you soon.