Speed in pills - A thought...


Bluelight Crew
Dec 21, 1999
ok, i never confirmed this on here, i just kinda figured it to be true. anywayz, everyone knows the some pills are speedier than others..my thought is "is this really from speed?" if MDMA is an amphetamine, could that be causing the speedy effect or is X cut with Meth? any thoughts, observations or answers?
Open your eyes
See all the love in me
I got enough for ever.
Don't be afraid
Take all you need from me
And we'll be strong together.
-The Artist Formerly Known As EckstahsE
Ok i have no idea if speed is in pills or not, but i just wanted to say that i love that song *eyeopener* it is one of my fave songs.

hell yeah, eye opener is rad...who is that, hixxy and mental theo? i have it on this random comp of happy hardcore. that song is so awesome!!!
Open your eyes
See all the love in me
I got enough for ever.
Don't be afraid
Take all you need from me
And we'll be strong together.
-The Artist Formerly Known As EckstahsE
i think its really speed. that what i was told anyway, the kid i buy from gets it direcctly from new york from a guy that makes it, and he said its actually cut with speed.
maybe true, maybe not....either way, i love it.
LOL @ rainbow and spencer...
"Hey guys, I have this totally valid and intelligent question about what's in my ecstacy" "I have no idea, let's discuss my favorite song instead!!" "I love that song!" Hehee.. sorry. Oh okay, that was his quote at the bottom. It just looked very random first time I read it thru. Heh, on to the question.
Yeah, some pills are cut with speed. Just look at any website that does pill testing analysis. Or consider the fact that the E-Z home testing kits have a color devoted specifically to speed on their charts.
But honestly, *most* pills cut by shady dealers to make their batch go further are cut with drugs that are LEGAL and/or terribly inexpensive drugs: Ephedrine, caffeine, tylenol, Guaifenesin, ect. That, or an illegal drug that most people still wouldn't pay money for: MDEA, MDE, or DMX. Well -- with that last, a pill won't be CUT with DMX, it will usually just BE that. Or it will be DMX cut with caffeine, or somethin. If dealers cut their E with DMX, they'd wind up with a lotta dead kidz for customers.
Dealers who tell you their suppliers cut the pills with heroin, mescaline (recently found this one out), crystal meth (tho there are rare exceptions with this one), or usually just anything that will supposedly make it a "better" pill that's not MDMA.... I would translate that as your dealer not knowing what's in the pills he's selling, or he's willing to say anything to pass pills off to you. Most chemists, when they actually care about how well the pills will be liked, are gonna just go with a pill that's got high mg of MDMA.
Once one of my dealers -- current favorite dealer actually -- told me this, when I asked what was in them: "Ecstacy. Maybe other stuff. Who knows? Yer the one with the internet. Go research or something. But yanno, you got kids on the couch right there rollin face off these pills. Ask em what's in them: they'll tell you 'bliss'."
He's cool.

~*~ Ashke ~*~
P.S. Ecks, why the change to Spencer? Or are you another victem of the mysterious disappearing registered names?
Most likely if you're buying a pressed tab, its cut with something i.e. speed, heroin, mescaline, ephedrine, etc. I have a hard time believing that the really speedy pills are *just* ephedrine and MDMA. I don't get that big of a kick off of ephedrine.