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Jan 24, 2017
So I take 100mg tramadol am and 100mg PM. THING is last week I went through a binge of gram after gram of gabapentin. I started wding yesterday and it was fking unbearable so I bought some DXM to ease the gaba wd symptoms today and I was wondering why I was sweating my ass off in the evening. I've prolly taken 400mg over the course of the day and I just took my 100mg tram of the night.
Now, 10 mins ago I read that tram+dxm is a bad mix cause it could cause serotonin syndrome. Am I gonna survive this night? I'm scared ffs
You're probably OK with such a relatively low dose of tramadol.

First signs of serotonin syndrome would be agitation, anxiety, tachycardia, high blood pressure, tremors or other disturbances. It feels like the worst stimulant you've ever taken. It would present around 1 hour and peak within 2 hours of causative drugs.

Don't add more, and you'll probably be OK.

Sweating is not a symptom of SS to my knowledge. I felt very cold when when I experience it, if anything.
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You're probably OK with such a relatively low dose of tramadol.

First signs of serotonin syndrome would be agitation, anxiety, tachycardia, high blood pressure, tremors or other disturbances. It feels like the worst stimulant you've ever taken. It would present around 1 hour and peak within 2 hours of causative drugs.

Don't add more, and you'll probably be OK.

Sweating is not a symptom of SS to my knowledge. I felt very cold when when I experience it, if anything.
Well so far I feel a bit amped and hot but no tremors or tachycardia thanks snaff🤜🤛
I instantly get addicted to something that is for pain relief especially. I can't take much of anything anymore.

I hope you stay strong @nznity and worked through all of that too. <3 :)
Yes, my dear hylite. Always 🥰🥰🥰🤙
You're probably OK with such a relatively low dose of tramadol.

First signs of serotonin syndrome would be agitation, anxiety, tachycardia, high blood pressure, tremors or other disturbances. It feels like the worst stimulant you've ever taken. It would present around 1 hour and peak within 2 hours of causative drugs.

Don't add more, and you'll probably be OK.

Sweating is not a symptom of SS to my knowledge. I felt very cold when when I experience it, if anything.

These were basically my feelings. I know hindsight is 20/20, but I wouldn't recommend Dextromethorphan (DXM) for withdrawal of this kind. I've taken small amounts for Opioid withdrawal in the past and that was a pretty positive experience, but if we're talking about stuff like Gabapentinoids, I wouldn't recommend it. I'm really shooting from the hip here, but I don't feel it would be very useful for the symptoms produced by Gabapentin withdrawal. I think it could easily make someone feel worse. I'm unsure of the actual danger involved or if there is any as this is relatively uncharted waters for the medical community at-large, for whom chronic Gabapentinoid usage is only now coming into focus following decades of these drugs being available for consumption.

Fun fact: Pharma has neither the desire nor the means to test a drugs' effects following 30 years of usage. Benzodiazepines hit he scene in like 1970ish and were touted as "safe" in a similar way to how Gabapentinoids have been prescribed as a "less intense" analog to the Benzodiazepines for conditions like Anxiety. It took a couple of decades for them to start seeing cases of Chronic Benzodiazepine Dependence. Here we are now, 50 years later and the doctors are keeping their prescription pads pretty close regarding Benzodiazepines.

I knew a lady whom I bought Clonazepam pills off for about 5 straight years. At first she had enough to keep her high and sell a few to some friends. She went through years of selling less, taking less and slowly going crazy. Was it the withdrawal, the Benzodiazepines themselves? We will never know. I had a thought to go check on her. It had been a couple of years. She had long since lost her mind essentially, was incontinent and over the next two weeks, I stoppe by and brought her coffee. She spoke only about being hungry, sick and/or wanting to die. She said her best moments were when she took her .25mg Clonazepam (She was on 8mg per day when I met her and had been since the 90's) and looked at pictures of her children, one who was in prison and the other who had forgotten her.

I went back on a whim the other day when I was in her neighborhood. I hit her buzzer ten times and she didn't come. A neighbor came out and told me hey had brought her out on a bed and he didn't know whether she was live or dead. Did she die? Completely lose her mind? Both? Did she die clutching that picture of her boy in prison garb with a measly .25mg Clonazepam stuck in her throat? Who knows and who cares is what the world says. I know this is a lot, but these little things can cause some insidious damage.
hope you're doing well @nznity

Alive, ty brother.
These were basically my feelings. I know hindsight is 20/20, but I wouldn't recommend Dextromethorphan (DXM) for withdrawal of this kind. I've taken small amounts for Opioid withdrawal in the past and that was a pretty positive experience, but if we're talking about stuff like Gabapentinoids, I wouldn't recommend it. I'm really shooting from the hip here, but I don't feel it would be very useful for the symptoms produced by Gabapentin withdrawal. I think it could easily make someone feel worse. I'm unsure of the actual danger involved or if there is any as this is relatively uncharted waters for the medical community at-large, for whom chronic Gabapentinoid usage is only now coming into focus following decades of these drugs being available for consumption.

Fun fact: Pharma has neither the desire nor the means to test a drugs' effects following 30 years of usage. Benzodiazepines hit he scene in like 1970ish and were touted as "safe" in a similar way to how Gabapentinoids have been prescribed as a "less intense" analog to the Benzodiazepines for conditions like Anxiety. It took a couple of decades for them to start seeing cases of Chronic Benzodiazepine Dependence. Here we are now, 50 years later and the doctors are keeping their prescription pads pretty close regarding Benzodiazepines.

I knew a lady whom I bought Clonazepam pills off for about 5 straight years. At first she had enough to keep her high and sell a few to some friends. She went through years of selling less, taking less and slowly going crazy. Was it the withdrawal, the Benzodiazepines themselves? We will never know. I had a thought to go check on her. It had been a couple of years. She had long since lost her mind essentially, was incontinent and over the next two weeks, I stoppe by and brought her coffee. She spoke only about being hungry, sick and/or wanting to die. She said her best moments were when she took her .25mg Clonazepam (She was on 8mg per day when I met her and had been since the 90's) and looked at pictures of her children, one who was in prison and the other who had forgotten her.

I went back on a whim the other day when I was in her neighborhood. I hit her buzzer ten times and she didn't come. A neighbor came out and told me hey had brought her out on a bed and he didn't know whether she was live or dead. Did she die? Completely lose her mind? Both? Did she die clutching that picture of her boy in prison garb with a measly .25mg Clonazepam stuck in her throat? Who knows and who cares is what the world says. I know this is a lot, but these little things can cause some insidious damage.
Only thing thst has worked for gabapentin wds has been alcohol tbh, that along with my reg daily 2mg clonazepam. 👌
DXM ehhhh, worked a lil bit(it actually potentiates really good the pain relief fx from opis) but the side fx outweigh the + benefits so.....never again.
Only thing thst has worked for gabapentin wds has been alcohol tbh, that along with my reg daily 2mg clonazepam. 👌

Alcohol works better because it is also a calcium ion channel blocker like gabapentin. However I have found that when it wears off, I end up feeling worse. I have been addicted to gabapentin lightly, and also phenibut (heavily), which works partly through the same mechanism. Alcohol always brought short-term relief but ultimately I found it just made things worse.

Benzos seem to work better because they don't make things worse after an hour, but they also don't help quite as much as that first hour of alcohol.
Alcohol works better because it is also a calcium ion channel blocker like gabapentin. However I have found that when it wears off, I end up feeling worse. I have been addicted to gabapentin lightly, and also phenibut (heavily), which works partly through the same mechanism. Alcohol always brought short-term relief but ultimately I found it just made things worse.

Benzos seem to work better because they don't make things worse after an hour, but they also don't help quite as much as that first hour of alcohol.
Damn xork,
You're a beast. I've actually been trying for gabapentinoids aids and fk yeah. Clonaz helps a bit but alcohol obliterates all wd symptoms lol. I'm off the gaba for 6 days 2day and the worst I'd over bur yeah. I'm kinda tipsy rn, 2morrow on gonna do some shrooms to reset my brain :p
Tramadol is a shit drug. It made me feel like I was gonna have a seizure long before I actually had any. Now that my seizure threshold is permanently lowered, I’d never risk taking it. Fuck no
Just my two cents here(also, I'm very glad you're ok!)

Withdrawals from gabapentanoids like gabapentin/lyrica, the best thing you can do is suffer through it and try to move around, any excercises at all help massively, even mundane things like doing the dishes.

Now if you've taken massive doses over long periods, your going to suffer regardless but....that's what happens.

When you're adding in other compounds, you can make it worse(usually a physical thing which is NOT GOOD), or it may have a psychosomatic effect temporarily which may be good. Problem is, if it's bad, it could be really bad. If it's good, you might be tempted to try thos again because you feel it "worked".

Also, tramadol is one of the worst medications/compounds I've ever seen. Whomever originally developed it should have lost their license and been thrown out of medicine. I can dive in on those thoughts later.

Anyhow, I know it's not the answer anyone wants to hear, but it's like having a flu. What helps? Rest, water, food(even if you throw up, still try to eat some) and that's it. The main reason WD is so bad is because most fear it! And in doing so they forget to move around and get some endorphins going.

When you do rest, dont think about WDs, do anything positive to keep your mind off of it.

I have some other thoughts/experiences from when I was an alternative therapies counselor but I think that's best saved for after withdrawal.

I hope your doing great! Feeling better and have a positive day!!!
Tramadol is a shit drug. It made me feel like I was gonna have a seizure long before I actually had any. Now that my seizure threshold is permanently lowered, I’d never risk taking it. Fuck no
Ewww tramadol is a dirty drug. Ikr I'm sick of it but my drs don't wanna prescfibe me full agonist opiates ;(
I like tramadol if I take two of them. Makes me want to clean the kitchen or do something

If I take an oxy now I'm like "damn my couch is comfortable" which is weird because a decade ago a perc 30 made me want to get a bunch of stuff done
I like tramadol if I take two of them. Makes me want to clean the kitchen or do something

If I take an oxy now I'm like "damn my couch is comfortable" which is weird because a decade ago a perc 30 made me want to get a bunch of stuff done
That's why there are different medications even in the same classes.

They have a "designed " effect, a "desired" effect, and those all change with dosages, methods etc.

Then you add in those same variables found in people, you get different effects.

All classes of drugs work like this and effect us all differently.

When I broke my leg/knee, I got 10mg percocet 4x daily. Quit after less than a week because I just felt nauseous and dizzy.

Then I got oxy 30s and all I could do was puke, quit after 3 days.

Then, recreationally, I tried another opiate at a 50mg dose(I only ate one quarter), and was like "holy fuckin shit I feel amazing"!

Pharmacology and physiology can be amazing and terrifying at the same time
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That's why there are different medications even in the same classes.

They have a "designed " effect, a "desired" effect, and those all change with dosages, methods etc.

Then you add in those same variables found in people, you get different effects.

All classes of drugs work like this and effect us all differently.

When I broke my leg/knee, I got 10mg percocet 4x daily. Quit after less than a week because I just felt nauseous and dizzy.

Then I got oxygen 30s and all I could do was puke, quit after 3 days.

Then, recreationally, I tried another opiate at a 50mg dose(I only ate one quarter), and was like "holy fuckin shit I feel amazing"!

Pharmacology and physiology can be amazing and terrifying at the same time
Each person is a whole different world.
So I take 100mg tramadol am and 100mg PM. THING is last week I went through a binge of gram after gram of gabapentin. I started wding yesterday and it was fking unbearable so I bought some DXM to ease the gaba wd symptoms today and I was wondering why I was sweating my ass off in the evening. I've prolly taken 400mg over the course of the day and I just took my 100mg tram of the night.
Now, 10 mins ago I read that tram+dxm is a bad mix cause it could cause serotonin syndrome. Am I gonna survive this night? I'm scared ffs
Youll be okay. Would lay off gabapentin and dxm those are garbage. Ive had hard times with getting stuff to get fucked up on too but necer resorted to these "troubled teen with daddy issues" type scapegoats. Learn to garden and grow some drugs. Theres tones of drugs rooted in plant. Opiates , thc, apomorphine, kava, lsa; the list is wide and all it takes is a little effort.
You're going to be fine dude. I have been using drugs in combinations people say to never use for like 20 years. I would be homeless taking psyche meds mixed hallucinogens, alcohol with painkillers, ecstasy with antidepressants and benzos with opiates. The human body can survive a lot. It's easy to get worked up, but you're not going to just drop dead from a bad mix unless it's from over sedation. Most overdoses outside of opiods require ridiculous amounts and still are generally not fatal
You're going to be fine dude. I have been using drugs in combinations people say to never use for like 20 years. I would be homeless taking psyche meds mixed hallucinogens, alcohol with painkillers, ecstasy with antidepressants and benzos with opiates. The human body can survive a lot. It's easy to get worked up, but you're not going to just drop dead from a bad mix unless it's from over sedation. Most overdoses outside of opiods require ridiculous amounts and still are generally not fatal
U clearly are underestimating the power of a bad mix. I've been close to death far too many times to think that I'm invincible, we are super fucking fragile. I don't wanna risk having a seizure ever again, no thanks.
This site is about harm reduction man and that clearly wasn't, I know what u mean but srsly after many years doing drugs I've got to know how suddenly things can change for the bad so i like to take my precautions.
I know this is old thread but I found it when searching dxm&tramadol. I have also took in the past too much DXM (600mg) and forgot it's metabolite long half-life and took the next day tramadol something like 150-300mg and got quite nasty serotonin/noradrenalin syndrome few hours after that.

Today many - many years later and somewhat wiser after that incident - I took 40mg DXM and 100mg tramadol about 1h after that. I am trying to lower my tolerance to tramadol with DXM and Naltrexone simultaneously it seems to be working (especially naltrexone). But this is the first time I took this much DXM with that high dose of tramadol so I am too a little concerned (because of my previous nasty experiences) about getting too much serotonin. But I suppose this dose should be safe that is why I took it before I came here to search for more as I have allready searched for info many years before. I can report my feelings after 2-3h.. that is when it last time hit hard when I had took much more DXM the day before.

But I don't understand why some people here say DXM is shit or maybe even seems to be some consensus here that it is worthless. I mean there are tons of studies regarding DXM as neuroprotective in multiple different scenarios and with many different mechanisms ex. Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, preventing glutamate excitotoxicity and abolishing those inflammatory cascades from too much calcium influx, preventing toxicity of neuroleptics and protecting even dopaminergic neurons and helping even with atherosclehoris because of it's anti-inflammatory effects. It has even been noted that those who have used the most cough medicine in their lives are less likely to develop dementia/alzheimer. That is why they are trying to develop some form of drug from it. Allready they have developed that antidepressant called Auvelity (www.auvelity.com). It has sigma agonism besides moderate NMDA-antagonism and also acts as a very good antidepressant for many besides increasing neurotransmitters and decreasing inflammation&toxicity by activating anabolic mTor pathways and BDNF signalling so it is also anabolic/anticatabolic to brains. I have extensive history of usage with DXM and it can even (or propably) cause mania with high doses and really can have this quite distinct nootropic effects ex. Enchancing memory and cognition (I have wrote about those experiences at 2012 when I was in quite egomaniac state after using it many years daily with doses like 600mg/d or more. I speculate it really can spur new synapse growth by creating this anabolic/anticatabolic enviroment. But it will cause or can cause severe mania if used with high doses for long periods of time and then it will eventually make you feel dumb and depressed. Especially after you stop it. So I think there is some dosage range where it is mostly neuroprotective and beneficial for the brains but when the dose is increased past that point it can become the opposite - at least in the long term from psycholocigal standpoint not necessarily physically toxic per se. It will inflate the ego massively.

I don't also understand why many hear say tramadol is shit. Ok, I understand for some or even many it is not suitable but for me it has been maybe the best opioid I have used. As it is simultaneously calming but keeps you alert as it is "dirty" and has this serotonergic/noradrenergic component in it. So for me it has been very good medication. I have now again used it few months with good results.

Also I have extensive history with gabapentinoids like pregabalin, phenibut and gabapentin but for now I have used only gabapentin few months 2100-3000mg/d and some phenibut lately (only week). I have been in the past addicted to >1200mg pregabalin and >10g phenibut per day in the past and I know those withdrawals. I also eat clonazepam but I am withdrawing from that now.. Now I am focusing lowering tolerance to opioids ie. Tramadol. But I am not planning to withdraw from gabapentin or tramadol yet. They have been working quite well for me.

Edit: For the DXM, I will add that I even consider it so good neuroprotective that I would use it (and have it in stock) if I got ex. Some hit, trauma or oxygen deprivation in the head. Stroke or something. I would use it with progesterone, methylene blue and vitamin C (high dose -5-10g, I allready use daily 5g) and some other vitamins/herbals like vitamin E (tocotrienols+tocopherols) bacopa, gotu kola and citicoline. And some gabaergics too.
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