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Someone said they would explain ordering drugs on the dark web to me?

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Jun 26, 2008
I'm not trying to break any rules but I need more norcos, I need more pain meds. I'm not making up my feet pain and let's leave it there because as much as I love to try and figure out what's really going on in my head all that matters is someone said to pm them and I can't find the reply now. I have been planning to go out of country and just ship tramadol back to be instead crossing the border with it and you might say what's the all about then? I'm in a rush. I really want to know could I order tramadol off the dark web with out to much risk. I know for a fact in the old days I never lost a package of research chemicals but that was shipping from the USA this would be from Mexico. Anyways I'm just thinking about it and I want better information. I've watched you tube videos on the dark web and I kinda get it. Order from a tor. What I don't get is your still getting the link for the tor from Google right? I mean tor is like locking your front door right? It's not super protection VS just ordering of Google. On the end isn't it more luck. Again I'm not trying to break the rules.
What I don't get is your still getting the link for the tor from Google right?
Which is neither illegal nor something that isnt done quite a lot by quite a lot of people.
As for the darkweb itself, it's kind of a big gamble in every possible way. Rather look into RCs.
You can probably get tramadol off the clear web from countries where it's not a controlled substance. And the risk is probably low because it's not a high priority drug. Customs will probably just take your shit. Whereas I suspect ordering off the darknet you might run a higher risk of getting fented out shit and might even run higher legal risk.
I'm not trying to break any rules but I need more norcos, I need more pain meds. I'm not making up my feet pain and let's leave it there because as much as I love to try and figure out what's really going on in my head all that matters is someone said to pm them and I can't find the reply now. I have been planning to go out of country and just ship tramadol back to be instead crossing the border with it and you might say what's the all about then? I'm in a rush. I really want to know could I order tramadol off the dark web with out to much risk. I know for a fact in the old days I never lost a package of research chemicals but that was shipping from the USA this would be from Mexico. Anyways I'm just thinking about it and I want better information. I've watched you tube videos on the dark web and I kinda get it. Order from a tor. What I don't get is your still getting the link for the tor from Google right? I mean tor is like locking your front door right? It's not super protection VS just ordering of Google. On the end isn't it more luck. Again I'm not trying to break the rules.
I get your frustration but sourcing or even this type of question is not allowed on Bluelight. A BDD mod will probably come along and close the thread shortly.
The DNM is actually a great place IF and a big IF you know how to use it properly, which is not something you will know by watching a few YouTube videos. There is a lot of information out there (and misinformation), but not on BL. I learned how to use the DNM by spending a good solid week using Google to teach myself.

Trust but always verify.
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