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Some test results with the EZ Test Supreme

MMMMMMM I was very lovey on BB's - only did a half and best friends ended up all touchy feely... before that we were all fucked up (in a good way). Sorry not on the topic of the tester, but had to agree, I thought BB's were excrellent and were rated 9 a few times on pillreports too.
If I move it, it will be closed here I understand.
Is that a good idea ?
I don't know, I just thought this thread is better in the pill testing forum.
There is not so much discussion about EZ Supreme yet.
AJ: Maybe start a thread there for EZ Supreme discussion, and include a link to this thread, or copy&paste relevant parts of this thread?

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Shoot.
If you were to look closely at the HQ's and the BB's you'd notice that the press/texture is quite different.
The HQ's were hard as fuck and split nicely down the middle when bitten in half. BB's were crumbly as shit and broke into teeny weeny pieces when i cut it with the knife (no way i was risking it crumbling in my mouth.. GAG)
Anyway, there were a few pills that had the exact same press as the HQ's (ie double domed, very well pressed, not crumbly) right down to the pressure crack that some of them I can only think of Pink Hearts and Green CU's atm.. but I'm sure there were more.
So, basically. i think you're mistaken. BB press is totally different! well maybe not totally, but way more different than the other pills that were SO obviously by the same cook.
My opinion on BB's (even though I know its not about this) well... I recently had a quarter of a pill.. a fucking QUARTER!!! and i felt it good. Couldnt wipe the grin off my face, added one more quarter and yes indeedy i was fucked, in a good way of course.
everyone else who had the BB's that night said they were the nicest, cleanest pill they;d had in a long time - and hella strong to boot. low grade MDMA? methinks not. Bah anyway.. matter of opinion really until we get the tests to prove it

NOW, onto some relevance. I recently tested a pill for a friend (as you do), despite my wariness of it being a quality pill (the thing just LOOKED dodgy) I'd never seen a pill shaped like it before. it looked like one of those little pink musk lollies, you know they ones that are shaped like little barrels? it was a tiny pill, white with a bomb printed on one side, can't remember if it was scored. anyway, I looked at it and thought "speed bomb" but it tested a really nice dark purple/black reaction in a few seconds. I tested it with e1 only,
after talking to this girl this morning, it turns out she'd had a pretty bad night becase of the little bugger (and i felt like shit because i basically told her itd be alright). after asking her a few questions I came to the conclusion that it was a K pill. so why would it test black? is this because there may have been some MD** in it? what would have been the likely result had I tested it with e1 and e2? Would e2 have picked up the K as well or would the MD** in it have covered the result of the K.
Just a little disappointing i guess, i encourage so many of my friends who dont take pills as often as we all do to come to me and get their pills tested whenever they buy them - its hard enough (god knows why) to convince them that they should buy a tester themselves, so when something like this happens and yo;re looking at buying 2 testers... well, anyway. Guess I'll be purchasing e2 next.
PS. Soma, if a secondary amine being present indicates MDEA/MA , why have you posted the results as being MDMA only? If how you felt whilst on the pill has led you to believe that it is MDMA only, then you should state it. Otherwise why do we get so excited about these darn testers!!!
done now.
[This message has been edited by mona (edited 02 August 2001).]
Soma were those green question marks you tested the older dark green ones or the light green ones from early last month?
I'm pretty sure the original light green ones (seems like copies of them were made pretty quickly) are mdma. I guess I just like to have confirmation.
Still it's a shame there's no way of telling whether they are mdma or mdea. I suspect they might be mdea. The peak was only about or just over two hours and they hit me very hard. This could point to the pill being mainly mdea. I had been overdoing it in the weeks before having them and of course set and setting comes into play so it's quite possible they are mdma. Can you get halucinations from mdea? If not then they were definitely mdma becuase the visuals I got (mainly with my eyes closed) were wonderful. Regardless of their content they are still one of my favourite pills.
Mona, i big to differ, no way would hq's come from where the CU's... No way!
im not saying im a drug distripution know it all. but im quite sure the BB's came from the HQ's... just because they were crumbly and the HQ's were hard is not enough of a discriminant... i have had more then "my fair share" of bb's and in halfs they feel cleanish, but then so do HQ's... they have the same "drop off" of a comedown that HQ's did when taken in wholes... (HQ's look heaps like BB's as well, ever seen 2 next to each other ?)
and the test of mdma/mdea confirmed my suspusions... they are good but not great.
alot of other people think (or know) that they came from same cook (maybe i should say "reprocessor" if they are repressed imports) i am not saying they are the same as HQ's... not at all... its fair to say that cooks generally wouldnt make them exactly the same (contents wise) all the time but with different stamps and colours.
low grade mdma is still mdma as is still fun, there is just alot more "quality" pills out there, compare the effects to the cu's and other much much better pills and its easy to spot the diff

the secret to success is clean underwear and a good top hat
hehe hi Mona. The MDMA thing is more of a 'this definantly was not MDA'. We did in fact find an MDA pill which was a Yellow TP *high five's Horse*
Other reason to get excited is that it will give you a 'this in methamphetamine' or 'this is plain ol' amphetamine'
As for the Green ?'s - hmmm can't remember, although I know there was a fake batch going around and it definantly wasn't those. Hmmm light green I think - or mebbe dark.
btw - two new speed tests, one a pretty much pure snow white and one was off the beige rock stuff - both meth.
Well, Ive never seen any other pills with those cracks around the middle like the ones on the Hearts and HQ's, I never said they FELT the same, merely had the exact same press with the exact same crack. Just like you said, cooks might not be putting the same shit in every new batch/different pill and just because the HQ's/Hearts/CU's felt different is no indication that they came from different cooks.
OK, i just went and had a look at the BB's again.. and yeah, there's a similarity in shape, but the crumbliness makes it look like a complete different pill.
I would swear on my life that the HQ's, Pink Hearts, CU's, the old Orange ?'s, Purple Doves etc have all come from the same cook, all have the same press with those tell tale cracks in them... if you think the BB's and HQ's are coming from the same people.. then well.. they're from the same people that made all the above stated ones..
blah. excuse me. i don't know why i'm so hung up on this
just want to say...
IT IS VERY LIKELY that cooks put different shit in different pills. Just because 2 pills feel the same doesn't mean they've come from different chemists, a think the press is a bit more of a sign that a pill has come from somewhere. Think about it... when a didgy batch of a popular pill comes out, there is usually some slight flaw in the press that makes it recognisable as dodgy (think dodgy HQ's, dodgy gold CK's etc).
Food for thought i guess.