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Recovery Solfeggio Frequencies for a more healthy mental and physical state?


Moderator: H&R, TL
Staff member
Mar 18, 2018
Just wanted to share some info introduced to me (through therapy) that seems to be of use for dealing with my many mental "issues" and to provide some literature on it. If interested do some research and get back with some ideas, results or like options.
Best to us all.


What are the Solfeggio Frequencies?​

The modern world is finally catching up to the powerful frequencies that ancient cultures have been using for years (396, 417, 432, 528, 639, 741, and 852 Hertz) for years. Solfeggio frequencies are specific tones used across cultures to promote mind and body health, help people heal, and alter consciousness. Some people believe that they can raise your vibrations and reduce negativity. These frequencies have been used internationally, from ancient Egypt to Western Christianity and Eastern Indian religions. During Medieval times, Gregorian chants used the frequencies as part of a spiritual experience.
Thanks to the research done in the 1970s by physician and researcher Dr. Joseph Puleo, Solfeggio frequencies came back into the spotlight. Using mathematical calculations, Puleo identified six electromagnetic sound frequencies. All six frequencies are thought to raise vibrations to help heal and manifest abundance. Here is a breakdown of the six tones.
  • 396 Hz (UT) - grounding and cleansing, helpful for people experiencing grief, fear, and guilt
  • 417 Hz (RE) - clears negativity and helps facilitate positive change.
  • 528 Hz (MI) - helps to increase awareness; it’s also known as the “love frequency.”
  • 639 Hz (FA) - increases understanding, harmony, and empathy, helpful for strengthening relationships.
  • 741 Hz (SOL) - detoxifying frequency, also may help with problem-solving.
  • 852 Hz (LA) - helps awaken intuition.
People continue to use Solfeggio frequencies for spiritual, mental, and physical healing. Some of these tones slow heart rate, reduce stress, relieve anxiety, enhance creativity, and more. Some people believe that because of the promising results of scientific studies (covered below), Solfeggio frequencies could be used to help treat PTSD and anxiety.

I read somewhere that the frequency of cat purrs can be healing. Do you think that’s true? I think it’s kinda cool if it is
Yes cat purrs are one use as a self healing process for themselves (just and example that I read) but when I hear them or one is laying in my lap and purrs it has always made me feel more relaxed, eases stress and brings a loving/healthy vibration. My experience from years of it; I miss this vibration when away from my furry familiars.
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