since i am the queen of bitching out last minute--i'm not sayin i'll definetly be there.
but i will say that i'm DEFINETLY tryin to see taul paul and feelgood, as charles feelgood is my god and i worship him :D hehe. ok not really--but, i love him dearly, and simply can't get enough of him (i'm soooooooo lucky to live near bmore/dc). and only during his sets do i do my "special feelgood dance", as it has been lovingly nicknamed. teehee. and i haven't seen taul paul in...ummm...i dunno...long-ass time. i remember being blown away when i did see him--damn--maybe it was a year ago that i saw him at buzz in dc? who knows
so yeah--i will bug my friends and attempt to drag one or more of them with me. i fucking deserve to go to a good partie, as i've been such a hermit lately :p
wish me luck!
It's been two months almost to the day. A "happy birthday" is LoOOoooOOng overdue. Come to Long Island!
^^so true :D
when my boyfriend comes back from vacation, i'll bug him about it. he promised me a weekend mini-vacation b4 he goes back to school. and time is just about run out!! we'll see.
/me needs to remind myself to get off of work for this day :)
Frosty I will be going shopping for those customs this week hehehe so I will tell you if there is anything at my location that would be of interest to ya :)
Once again this duo will be locked together like peanut butter and jelly to a sammich :)
Customs can't forget about the customs....
You just reminded me that I need work off that day too....hehe..
(your my nut to my shell) hehe
Originally posted by gmni13:
^I'm not enough for you anymore?
Erik erik erik...when will you ever learn? Anymore? You were never good enough for me in the first place.
muahahahahaha take some of your own medicine Mr. sarcasshole (which reminds me I haven't bumped that thread on the front page of lounge in a while)
Anyone esle hear about a punk show thats also supposed to be held here on the same day? Here is the link
Dana can you clear this up?
[ 14 August 2002: Message edited by: TriXieee ]
i have to work that day. i DOUBT i can get out of it, but i'd love to go...
The Amiptheatre *was* double booked... but the SOE show is a go.
(right from Jeff's mouth)
Sorry for the delay.... Yes the venue was double booked but Sol-fest is defiantly gonna happen there.
Hello everyone....if any is into DnB...come look for me at sol-fest....ill have free cds woohoo ;)
well, i've worked the same job... hmmm... this will be the third summer (i work on a farm, so it's just the july-august-september months we're open)... and i've worked EVERY LABOR DAY WEEKEND. three, count em THREE in a row isn't gonna happen. i'm takin the day off, sucks to be my boss who's gonna cover for me.
*gets determined* i will be there.
*comes out of now where*
i guess i'll be making an appearance
come say hi, i might just not bite you :p
^^ bite me please!!!
I can't wait till this party ... i need to shake my ass sumwhere outsideof my bedroom~ haha
originally i wasn't planning on going to this, but now i think i might try to.