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Sodium Valproate (Depakote, Valproic Acid) - Abusable/Recreational?


Apr 29, 2018
Since it:

1) Causes a Phenytoin-like prolongation of Sodium Channel inactivation
2) Causes a weak tenuation of Calcium mediated "T" current
and, most importantly:
3) Inhibits GABA Transaminase, therefore increasing the concentration of GABA in the brain

Surely it has pleasant sedative properties in the same way other "GABA" drugs do?
As anyone will tell you, experience is subjective, but you can pretty much write this one off for any recreational potential. I know you didn't mean anything by it @ChemicallyEnhanced, but we're not crazy about threads like "is this fun" and that sort of thing, as they are interesting and everything, but you're not really in a situation in which you could be potentially harmed and that's really what we try to be about here in the HR forums.
It could be considered a smart drug....

There was one or two studies that suggested it can give people perfect pitch and reopen critical periods of memory.

I take 100mg for migraines
Hell no. I used to take that shit. It just made me sleep, and gain a fuckton of weight. (Luckily Topamax takes it off again, so after I stopped this and started Topamax I was set.) if anyone is thinking of trying it for recreational purposes, I’ll give you all the rest of what I have left, I don’t need it.
It could be considered a smart drug....

There was one or two studies that suggested it can give people perfect pitch and reopen critical periods of memory.

I take 100mg for migraines

Hmm, cool.
I take 800mg for non-epileptiform seizure disorder.
I actually have some brain damage that effects my short-and intermediate term memory and things like word recall. I wonder if it could help with that?

Oh and I have actually read that it (and actually several similar meds) increases the effects of most drugs and sedative type meds like benzos, gabapentinoids and opioids...so that's cool.
Hell no. I used to take that shit. It just made me sleep, and gain a fuckton of weight. (Luckily Topamax takes it off again, so after I stopped this and started Topamax I was set.) if anyone is thinking of trying it for recreational purposes, I’ll give you all the rest of what I have left, I don’t need it.

Not gaslighting you at all...but DID it cause the weight-gain? I feel like A LOT of people blame meds for weight gain when they actually just gained weight the normal way (eating too much). Especially if their know before they start the med that weight gain is a possible side effect. Like "oh, it's not me, it's the medication".
Oh it’s definitely eating too much. BECAUSE OF the meds 😂

Fair enough then! lol
And I do know what you mean. I'm on Quetiapine and when I was on a high dose (1200mg/day) all I wanted to do was binge on carbs and then sleep for 16 hours. I didn't gain a huge amount of weight - the average person gains 30lbs in the first year and some people gain over 100lbs! It's the second worst med there is for weight gain - but I went from like 114 to 126 and just felt uncomfortable. Like, the smaller you are the more noticeable weight gain is, too.
I think you might be able to get more recreational effects out of diphenhydramine than you can from sodium valproate.

When i was a teenager I took an entire bottle of the brown ones (i think 250mg), most of a #60 count prescription, and pretty much nothing happened. Maybe it made me tired, i don't know, I remember expecting more was going to happen.

You take 60 pills of diphenhydramine and something will definitely happen, but it's gonna be rough and it will almost certainly involve imaginary ants or spiders 🤣. I don't think anyone can take a large dose of an antihistamines without being visited by imaginary insects at some point. Not sure how recreational that is. Alot of anticholinergics have some DRI effects at high dose, and some stimulants haves anticholinergic effects at high doses. Not surprising, just look at the structures of cocaine and atropine...