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Harm Reduction (Social) OD Social v7. ~ I'm a Horse With No Race (Look at my Face)

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If I have to spend another second reading/writing VBA macros in excel I might kill EVERYONE.
What are you trying to do, get me to spike my own drink? LOL. I clicked it and listened, it turned out to be a harmless message from the governator.
i'm hungry too.

there's a lovely pork belly roast sitting in the oven, on the brink of beoing picked apart and eaten the shit out of. it's smelling delicious! the veges better e just as good!
Hah, time differences. I suppose I could go for a midnight snack. I just brushed my teeths though.
good for you all, i only just awoke from a lovely nod just before and come to put up with a bunch of wise guys around here;)

smarten up, the lot of you!
vaporizing in the morning with my woman :)

what's up OD? I haven't been too active here for a minute, what've you guys been up to
house to yourself ricomb?!?! wooo.

my missus and kids are off today leaving me home alone as well! hough, i've got some shit to do throughout the day. otherwise it's kick back on the morphine and valium and keep powering through this course.

it's another glorious day here:)

how are you all?
Indeed, kicking back with morph. What do you have to do today dais?
not a lot - housework/tidying up essentially otherwise just back n forth on the computer. i did need to go into town to get something but i'm forgetting what - fresh fruit maybe?

i'm laying down the pot as of last night.
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