Mental Health Social media root of most mental illness?


Jan 18, 2013
Yes you’ve heard the stories is social media the root of all mental health, what makes me think is when you see a good looking couple with a baby just born in hospital on Instagram, Is my Positive mind says ‘ah ain’t that so cute, you 3 look so good together, congratulations!’ My Negative mind says ‘ You lot are just showing off your privileged life, they should not be on here. Keep these things private like they used to’ I bet these kind of photos cause a lot of jealousy for women who can’t have children or single men that can’t find anyone to create a family with! I find with these sites it’s all showing off especially Pinterest, there’s some very pretty models on there but they look all the same after a while.
Do you understand what I mean?

Yeah i guess but i don't follow those sites. I use public transportation and have a job. I connect with people and attempt to see peoples true colors, as opposed to a one shot glimpse into their life as on social media.

I think people can become depressed because of social media, but that's about as far as i'll humor this idea.

Disconnect bro life isn't like that. It's a facade.
The last bit of social media in my life, besides drug topic forums of course, was AIM as a kid. Soon as I got into high school and partying damn near daily (I still ain’t sure how we partied like we did, I could run anyone any age under the table) I completely stopped. Life is to be lived moment to moment, social media steals that away.

And I completely agree Op, much of it seems to be showing off or for Facebook likes. I’ve even heard of couples breaking up cuz one of them has grown in social media status and is “too good” for the other lol it’s ridiculous.

I’m beyond happy not spending my free hours subconsciously comparing myself to the most perfect brief snapshots of other people’s lives.

Great example, when I go out dancing sometimes I feel like the only one these days which isn’t either trying to take that perfect t selfie or video to show off just how much fun they were having. In the process of doing so they lose what it’s all about.

I feel this is why kids these days don’t let loose or enjoy themselves as much as they could. They’re too busy on their phones or worried about getting caught looking dumb in a random picture. Dancing, especially to get good, takes looking like a fool sometimes and not giving a fuck what others think. That’s what the rave scene was born on, the freedom to express yourself however you feel with zero judgement.

In the end, those that spend all their time on social media likely get jealous when they see a person like me who lives life free and happy from those constraints.

It must be shit to grow up these days. No one lives in the moment anymore. Too worried about everyone else and looking like xyz.
The damage that social media is doing to young people is nuts. Never ending need to feel validated or look like so and so.
I absolutely believe that social media is one of the largest contributors to bad social and mental health. I often go on rants about it lol. Imho it devalues human interaction and breeds an oppositional mentality among people (look at what they have that I dont I hate my life etc etc). People keep breaking into smaller and more obscure groups trying to feel like they fit in with something. Individuality is important, especially to me, but all too often I see people nowadays wielding it like a weapon. "They're different than me, or would likely exclude me, so I need to exclude them first".

I meet so many people that interact with people as if they're not really in front of them, but like it's text on a screen. Don't even get me fucking STARTED about nouveau meme humor. I don't fear the technology I fear the people who possess it and are letting it erode their personality.

Bill Cooper predicted this in the fucking 60s. We are being chipped away at and manufactured to think certain ways. As misanthropic as I am I understand that we are social creatures who need connection with others. Social media gives us the illusion of it and leaves us withering socially and mentally, and most people can't/won't ever realize why.
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There has been lots of scientific investigation into the effects of social media on the human brain, the reward system, and the broader psychological impacts of migrating our real world social interactions over to the internet. Social media addiction is real.

Basically they’ve discovered that the effect on the reward system of the brain is similar to compulsive gambling and cocaine. Kids have committed suicide over things that have been posted on social media.

The problem is that we’ve taken the same evolutionary flaws that we had before the internet was invented, and mapped them onto this new platform of interaction. Algorithms have been specifically engineered by tech companies to funnel people’s interests into highly specific niche’s, thus actively shaping your opinion, and your circle of “friends” on the go.

It’s a dream come true for advertisers, because you can target and re-target people for you’re ads in very specific demographics with surgical precision in order to maximise click-through and conversion rates.

But the sorting algorithms also apply to your online friends and their posts. This supercharged the incentive for people to try to always be visible and get the most likes and comments, because if you don’t your posts don’t get seen and you don’t your dopamine hit.

And all the sociopaths and narcissists know exactly how to use this to manipulate others, by playing the same boring ego-games they play in real life but in cyberspace. Love-bombing you, ignoring you, gaslighting you, hoovering you on messenger. Social media is the narcissists’ playground.

It’s all fucked up, because the kinds of things that people post to get “likes” are generally not reflective of what’s going on in their daily lives anyway. If you scroll through a narcissist’s Facebook profile, it’s just an endless showreel of the best, most “successful” and happiest moments in their life. And so their clique tend to be their circle of flying monkeys.

On the other hand, some people who are depressed tend to compete for the most debasing and disgusting/offensive posts (vice-signallers), and their friend circle becomes alchemically reduced to people who enjoy trashy content.

The virtue-signallers post a lot of so-called “memes”, those photos with block capital letters over them saying something sanctimonious or displaying some nugget of urban wisdom, or mocking someone across the political divide from them.

I just don’t get why people prefer to interact in that way as opposed to in real life. Being connected all the time - and all the mind-deranging expectations that generates - is driving people mad.

Yet here we all are on Bluelight, doing exactly the same thing...
The fact that 20 year old women on Instagram are famous and more rich than I may ever be just because of their fake tits and huge asses kills me inside.

I still follow them though...

My friend and I used to “troll” Instagram (just call people out on their bullshit, not tell people to kill themselves) and we just couldn’t believe what we saw. Those fake asses! And the amount of makeup is like transvestites (they buy that Jeffery Star makeup and he is a tranny). It’s an absolute freak show.

Note: I’m not transphobic.. Was accused of that on Twitter last night so please don’t call me it. I meant the 20yo women look like freaks.
My friend and I used to “troll” Instagram (just call people out on their bullshit, not tell people to kill themselves) and we just couldn’t believe what we saw. Those fake asses! And the amount of makeup is like transvestites (they buy that Jeffery Star makeup and he is a tranny). It’s an absolute freak show.

Note: I’m not transphobic.. Was accused of that on Twitter last night so please don’t call me it. I meant the 20yo women look like freaks.

I don't hold any sort of prejudice towards any of those people either besides the obvious factor of "what the actual fuck are you doing and even weirder why are you rich for it" lmao.
Pretty sure people had mental health issues way before social media. They were just labelled differently, like if you were a woman who was a bit loony you were a witch and burned at the stake. I'm pretty sure depression was pretty prevalent during the plague, etc.