Social drugs & circadian rhythms


Executive Director
Staff member
Mar 12, 2002
The following advertisement was printed in Melbourne's Beat street press recently. I have the researcher's permission to reprint it here.

Volunteers required to participate in a study about the effects of ‘Ecstasy’ or MDMA

My name is Rowan Ogeil and I am conducting a research project as part of my Ph.D. at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

I am seeking English speaking people who are over 18 years old, and who have used ‘ecstasy’ at least once in their lifetime. Participation involves completing an anonymous questionnaire on-line in your own time, and takes about 30 minutes to complete. The questionnaire covers questions such as the amount and experience of drug use, what effects you have experienced after use, harm reduction strategies you have employed to minimise side-effects and what other substances you use.

If this project interests you, please go to the following web-site to start the questionnaire: - SURVEY CLOSED MAY 2009

If you would like more information about the project, please read the explanatory statement on the website or send an e-mail to myself (Rowan Ogeil) or to my supervisor (Jillian Broadbear).

Thank you.

A little more information from the survey's front page says:
My research considers whether the social drugs alcohol, cannabis (marijuana) and ecstasy (MDMA) affect body systems that are under circadian control (follow a repeating pattern every 24 hours), both in the short and longer term. These systems control hormone release, temperature, sleep and daily activity. My research aim is to identify whether these biological systems may be affected by social drug use, which will tell us more about how these drugs change the way our minds and bodies function.

The intro also mentions results dissemination:
If you would like details of final averaged results, they will be available on the following web-site: after data collection has been completed.
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Done and done. Although as there was no option for MDMA crystal I had to approximate it in terms of pills. I don't know many people that actually still use pills in the UK as crystal is often easier to acquire, far superior and also cheaper. There have to be a few good points to balance out the 9 months of winter a year we have over here :D.
Done and done. Although as there was no option for MDMA crystal I had to approximate it in terms of pills. I don't know many people that actually still use pills in the UK as crystal is often easier to acquire, far superior and also cheaper. There have to be a few good points to balance out the 9 months of winter a year we have over here :D.

The pills are also notoriously shit too, am I right?

I completed the survey, hope to see some result. I'm not a huge E user but hopefully my Marijuana and Alcohol feedback will be useful to you nonetheless.
^ Very occasionally a fairly decent batch of pills comes through, but it really is very rare. Varies across the country, but crystal seem to be much more popular and common - in the areas I know anyway. It's very high quality too :).
done. but somehow strange how the questionnare automatically assumes that you smoke pot if you say that you have smoked pot in your lifetime...
I think my survey fucked up. I got done with the marijuana stuff and it suddenly redirected me to a survey software site. Alas at least I tried.
Will complete this when I can find 30 minutes to spare!

Black, what a great avatar! Love it :)
reply to problem!

Hi, thanks for your feedback. sorry you encountered some sort of problem.... I have notified out IT techs and they are looking into it!

I think my survey fucked up. I got done with the marijuana stuff and it suddenly redirected me to a survey software site. Alas at least I tried.
i didnt understand why there was no option for NOT taking alcohol with the drugs mentioned
...and so I did. I have to say though...your questionnaire needs MASSIVE improvement. Message me if you want my thoughts...
Honestly I fail to understand how you can gain any insightful info, and anything useful enough for a Ph.D from that questionnaire. You really do need to reconsider your methods...
Jeez I just re-read what I wrote and it sounds hellishly patronising. I say it with a nice tone...I promise! lol :)
And then I just re-read that and it sounds EVER MORE patronising! Honestly you're probably a brighter spark than I am so I apologise...I don't always have a way with words!

Hope your study yields something of interest to you.
mrcraggles, you appear to be having a conversation with yourself!

Best not to judge the adequacy of a research project until you have the full picture of its scope. Perhaps in this case the survey forms just one part of the data - this was certainly the case in my own PhD sized project :)

Although there is a lot of data collected in this survey and it could well pass as the main part of his work. There are many ways to cut data!