So, I'm pretty sure my friend's phone is tapped...


Jun 11, 2000
This isn't paranoia - police have been watching the building in the past as far back as 2000, going as far as to rent rooms across the street and have stakeouts in vans. See, back then a friend of mine had a problem with his friends bringing people over to his house that happened to be reported as runaway teenagers. He wasn't aware that these people were runaways, and now he's much more careful about who he lets stay at his apartment.

More of my friends live next door - now, I know for a fact that no one's doing anything seriously illegal other than a slight problem with underage drinking and some unknown person who "borrows" CDs and cigarettes that have been left out in the open. It's likely one or two people have pot on them, but no one is sitting around the place getting high.

I have half a mind to think that the police consider my friends a street gang - since the summer started, there have been police driving past the place at least every two hours, just due to the fact that people like to come outside to chill - it's a cramped, old apartment building with no air conditioning - it's much cooler outside. Any trash left behind gets picked up, and the noise is pretty minimal seeing as how it's on the corner of two major streets. The real problem is on Friday and Saturday nights, people other than my friends will park their cars at the fast food place next door, blasting music, trashing the parking lot, and taking parking spaces at the apartments. They've had the cops called on us for hurling "racial epithets" at them - the cops told us this with a straight face with a black friend of mine standing with us. We're about as anti-racist as you're going to get.

But yeah, they're convinced we're all neo-nazi drug dealers who like to harbor runaways. Or something.

Point is - whenever you answer the phone, or call someone from that line, there's that little "click-click-click". A friend of mine told me that he heard someone say, "yeah, it's recording" before being connected. I'm not exactly sure how wiretaps work or how constitutional they are (I'll bet they can haul out the "fighting terrorism" excuse on this one). My question is: is there a definite way you can find out if your phone is tapped? If so, could you get an answer as to why from the police or whoever's doing it? It's not like we're career criminals here.

( - and yes, in the meantime, we're making sure no one mentions anything STUPID on the phone. I'm sure someone asking me for "a ride to work" is supposed to mean I'm supposed to deliver another kilo of hash, in their eyes.)

Any help/advice/etc. would be just great.
Police phone taps are undetectable. It's either some amateur job, or they just happen to be hooked up to a shitty switch. More than likely the latter.
click click click and then dialtone?

are you sure they don't have an answercall service?

because that's how it lets you know you have messages.
I have heard there is a way to use a simple voltage meter to determine if your phone is tapped.%)
the clickm ight mean something, but the voice sounds hmmmmm... an illusion, why would they do that??
are th clicks when someone is calling you.
my phone clicks sometimes, and i dont think im tapped.
A Voltometer will not work. ESS7 is the switching system, and it is very computerized and complex. A tap on a line would be done through a computer, not the old fashioned way. Besides, there was only 1000 taps last year (supoosedly) but with the new "Anti-Terror" laws, theres probably a whole lot more going on now. You are probably just paranoid.
^^^ Riiight. Where I am, the lines are of such low quality - the phones always "click". Way back when, clicks indicated a tap. Now it simply wouldn't do that. Clicks are most likely voltage spikes or drops. Damn lazy line men.
*CrystalMeth Bunny* said:
This isn't paranoia - police have been watching the building in the past as far back as 2000, going as far as to rent rooms across the street and have stakeouts in vans. See, back then a friend of mine had a problem with his friends bringing people over to his house that happened to be reported as runaway teenagers. He wasn't aware that these people were runaways, and now he's much more careful about who he lets stay at his apartment.

More of my friends live next door - now, I know for a fact that no one's doing anything seriously illegal other than a slight problem with underage drinking and some unknown person who "borrows" CDs and cigarettes that have been left out in the open. It's likely one or two people have pot on them, but no one is sitting around the place getting high.

I have half a mind to think that the police consider my friends a street gang - since the summer started, there have been police driving past the place at least every two hours, just due to the fact that people like to come outside to chill - it's a cramped, old apartment building with no air conditioning - it's much cooler outside. Any trash left behind gets picked up, and the noise is pretty minimal seeing as how it's on the corner of two major streets. The real problem is on Friday and Saturday nights, people other than my friends will park their cars at the fast food place next door, blasting music, trashing the parking lot, and taking parking spaces at the apartments. They've had the cops called on us for hurling "racial epithets" at them - the cops told us this with a straight face with a black friend of mine standing with us. We're about as anti-racist as you're going to get.

But yeah, they're convinced we're all neo-nazi drug dealers who like to harbor runaways. Or something.

Point is - whenever you answer the phone, or call someone from that line, there's that little "click-click-click". A friend of mine told me that he heard someone say, "yeah, it's recording" before being connected. I'm not exactly sure how wiretaps work or how constitutional they are (I'll bet they can haul out the "fighting terrorism" excuse on this one). My question is: is there a definite way you can find out if your phone is tapped? If so, could you get an answer as to why from the police or whoever's doing it? It's not like we're career criminals here.

( - and yes, in the meantime, we're making sure no one mentions anything STUPID on the phone. I'm sure someone asking me for "a ride to work" is supposed to mean I'm supposed to deliver another kilo of hash, in their eyes.)

Any help/advice/etc. would be just great.

for police to tap a phone, they have to go to a judge with a written request stating they have viewed illegal activities and have proof there is illegal activities going on. they cannot tap a phone just because they think, or you look like, your thugs or whatever. and they wouldnt tap it because of racial slurs or namecalling blah blah blah.
they really only tap phones for really big busts. not petty stuff.

you know, any bozo can go online and buy a kit to tap a phone. theyre readily available. and if so, do you really think someone would have beef with you so bad to actually do that??

keep watching your back though. its always good to be a little paranoid.
isn't it ironic that your nickname is crystalmeth bunny and you are asking about this? hehe
CMB- You'r mate's stuffed, sorry to say but I think you're just going to have to come to terms with the fact he will likely be hauled off to Gitmo any day now, and tried in front of a military tribunal with no legal representation and no access to the public. Hell, his family won't even find out. They'll just get stone-walled by the Dept. of homeland Security again and again, citing security risks as their reason for not realeasing any information. Let's face it, your buddy is doomed. These are very strange and troubling times we live in, my friend.