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So I quit smoking by accident.


Jun 7, 2018
Two weeks ago, I went on a bit of an alcohol bender with a mate who turned 40 that week. It was match day, we went out and didn't come back for two days of pubs (our boys won 5:1 a.e.t!).
Woke up Monday feeling like complete shite.
Me and my friends aren't alcoholics, but when we drink, we drink everything. Tolerances super high, never get denied service at a pub, even after having drank for 12 hours or whatever. Brutal alcohol binge drinking. My hangovers have been ridiculous the last few years (I'm 34).
I've been smoking for 15 years. Started off smoking 4-6 a day, a year later up to 20 a day, down to about 15 a few years ago, and most recently 5ish last winter and up to 10-13 a day most recently. However, in the last year or so I've found I don't want a smoke when hungover.

I had been thinking about quitting in the last few months, by cutting down drastically, and eventually only smoking once or twice a week.
So that Monday, when I woke up at noon feeling like a bag of pissed-on dirt, I really didn't want a smoke.
Still felt like shite the next day and still didn't feel like smoking.
By day 3 I had decided that I would stubbornly go on not smoking.

At first this vexed me immensely as I had not at any point decided that that Sunday I would have my last smoke. To make it worse, I bought a pack on my way hom after pub number 3 on Sunday at midnight and had one smoke when I got home before going to bed. This was two weeks ago today. I still have that pack and carry it in my work lunch bag ( I work full time). I think I wiped my brain clean with that last binge, though I had also started making low dose (not micro dose) mushroom tea in the las two months and drinking that fairly regularly. Had some on the first night of the last binge. Wondering if that had some effect on wiping my addicted mind clean of the nicotine.

I don't know why I haven't done this sooner as I find this to be the easiest thing I've ever quit. I quit doing meth regularly after 8 months like shutting off a light switch, but this has been even easier. Only on day 4 did I jones a bit in the evening after a hectic day at work.

The only negative effect of withdrawal I noticed was a constant hunger during the first week and a half. I mostly ignored it and just drank more water.
I feel I can breathe better. I can smell better. I feel better because in the last few years I started getting weird chest pains on occasion. Nothing drastic and quickly passing, but I haven't had one since.

I still want to be able to have a smoke once in a while, but now I'm scared of fucking up any recovery my body has made. This happened after I read about how the body heals upon ceasing.

Does anyone know if having the occasional smoke does damage on the same scale as chronic smoking to, for example, the cilia in the lungs? Does risk of heart attack acutely increase with a single cigarette?

Anyway, I may just give up on that once in a while smoke idea altogether.

It's a weird feeling all of a sudden not having something in your daily life that has been there for so long. 15 years. It was like a part of who I was. A lot of my friends can't believe I quit cold turkey like that.

Still, I feel it must be a trap because it's been too easy. I think it's been this easy because I wasn't a true head. I had cut out my morning smoke (after breakfast, with my tea, within an hour of waking up daily) a few years ago and didn't smoke that much. I also didn't smoke everywhere like some smokers do (indoors at home, in the car, etc). So that may have something to do with it.

Bonus has been that I've decided I can no longer drink anything more that a touch because I just know (for now at least) that 3 pints in I'm going for a smoke. Thankfully football season is over so I should be able to handle a drink or five for when it starts up again.

I've stocked up on mushrooms and have started making low dose tea on the regular.

Anyway, if I can do it, so can you. :)
Yeah, cheers, it's been alright indeed. The aversion to alcohol bonus makes it beyond worthwhile.
Mushrooms will definitely nudge you away from regular tobacco use. That being said occasional cigarettes, especially whilst tripping on mushrooms can be downright magical.

It's weird because I've been doing mushrooms for 15 years and when I used to do them the first couple years I would never feel like smoking during the high. I had a massive aversion to it. In those days, I didn't drink during mushroom use either. In subsequent years, I would drink lots of beer when doing mushrooms and the smoking came into it then.

I think the last month and a half of regular low dose tea has maybe done the trick though, yeah. I mean it's the only thing that changed in my life.

By "low dose" I'm talking maybe 4-5g dry mushroom, ground up in a 1L pot of tea, split between two people always brewed with 5 tsp of black tea.
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interesting that you blend it with black tea, how is that? I feel like that counts as a nootropics stack or something lol
interesting that you blend it with black tea, how is that? I feel like that counts as a nootropics stack or something lol

Sorry, didn't see this originally back then.

It's awesome with black tea. I'm a black tea head so I pound that stuff back on the regular so it was a natural thing for me to start brewing it with mushrooms.
I've been doing a loose leaf Earl Grey for flavour. Good times.

Also, since this got bumped...I still don't smoke aaaaaand my worries about not being able to drink the way I used to for fear of fiending a smoke when drinking were ill founded, unfortunately....or fortunately, depending on how you look at it.

I can still drink like a fish without feeling for a smoke. This is both a feature and a bug.
Congrats man
Quitting smoking was the best decision I made. I struggled through many attempts before succeeding.

I had quit for I dont know how many years (5-7 though) and having friends who smoked I thought ah just one. I caught a little head rush and it was ncie. I didnt have another for quite some time. Over the next year though it went from once every couple months to once a month to once a week to once a day. Before my little Lent abstinence bit I was up to 3-5 most days. And the head rush was long gone.. even after a toke.

Been 6 weeks without one now.
I been down this road enough that I knew I shouldnt get started as I have habitual tendencies. But idk I was in a rut and figured wtf.
But for me I dont think Ill smoke again. I dont think I can without incidence. And really why do I want to?There are so many reasons not to and so few to indulge. At least chronic weed smoking gets me somewhat high. Constantly smoking cigs just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I know this may be related to smoking, but I quit vaping the day before yesterday. This time I gave away the mods and batteries. So no more vape this time.

Reasons were several, ranging from low energy to dizzy spells/head rushes lasting a few seconds to a couple minutes. Scary shit, and I got tired of it.
I guess I'll see if in a couple of weeks or so whether these weird turns keep happening...I still got them today and yesterday even though the nicotine was out of my system, but they happened after I started vaping again (after not vaping for a few months), and that scared me enough that I resolved to quit for good.
That’s great you’re still not smoking! I quit like 16 days ago and it’s been great. I only started like 2 years ago because I was literally dreaming for months about smoking, like properly craving smoking and I’d never even tried a cigarette before not even when I was young. So it was super weird. Anyway. I’ve quit now and I’m able to run much easier and breathe much better. When I get back to the sea I imagine my free diving will be much improved also so that’s a bonus.

Well done again! You’re a great quitter, in the best way! ❤️
Quitting smoking was the best decision I made. I struggled through many attempts before succeeding.

Congrats. I know a lot of people who needed several attempts to do it in for good. It's just an easy thing to do....smoke, I mean. It's around. It's nice with a drink. Or a tea. Or a coffee. Or after sex. Or after a nice meal, etc.
So I can see how it can be hard to stay away from the temptation once in a while.

I had quit for I dont know how many years (5-7 though) and having friends who smoked I thought ah just one. I caught a little head rush and it was ncie. I didnt have another for quite some time. Over the next year though it went from once every couple months to once a month to once a week to once a day.

So, originally, I actually planned on quitting regular daily smoking and going to like one or two darts on a weekend with like coffee on my balcony or after dinner or something. One of my besties who doesn't smoke daily but still smokes on occasion told me that if I wasn't 100% sure that I could legit keep it to smoking when I wanted to and not when I felt like I had to or should, then I could try getting away with that. I wasn't sure so I didn't even bother trying. There's at least a 50% chance that I'd end up like you and get back into it. Especially with alcohol. So I just scared myself away from even tempting fate.

Been 6 weeks without one now.
I been down this road enough that I knew I shouldnt get started as I have habitual tendencies. But idk I was in a rut and figured wtf.
But for me I dont think Ill smoke again. I dont think I can without incidence.

Yeah, same. Just keep it going. I think it will be way easier for you not to if you smoke weed. A lot of my friends replaced smoking darts with weed and never relapsed.
Best of luck and best of health! :)
I can't. I just can't, as simple as it sounds I can't, dunno. But fuck yo, nicely done. You save a lotta cheese.

Yeah, when I started smoking at 19, I always said it was only for my crazy 20s and I'd quit when I turned 30. Well, that age passed and I just didn't want to quit yet so I didn't.
It comes when it comes and it doesn't happen until you want it. I say I quit by accident but I had been thinking about it a lot in the few months prior.

Saving cheese is right! Fuck, I wasn't even smoking that much (a small king, which is a 20 pack) would last me like 2-3 days in the months before I quit. And I was still spending about 180-220$ a month because of how much Belmonts cost.

PS: I will forever rep and love Belmonts (formerly known as Belmont Milds) <3 They are THE Toronto smoke and they're the original charcoal filter dart. I love you Belmont! <3
That’s great you’re still not smoking! I quit like 16 days ago and it’s been great. I only started like 2 years ago because I was literally dreaming for months about smoking, like properly craving smoking and I’d never even tried a cigarette before not even when I was young. So it was super weird. Anyway. I’ve quit now and I’m able to run much easier and breathe much better. When I get back to the sea I imagine my free diving will be much improved also so that’s a bonus.

Good on ya! Keep it going. :)
Ah, the diving! I miss it. When I was younger, before I started smoking at 19, I was a decent diver. I would go snorkeling in Cuba on the reefs and free dive for decent lengths of time. I miss it so much! In subsequent trips to the island, after I started smoking, I couldn't dive anymore and spent the mass hours I used to spend diving, sitting around drinking and smoking.....though that was its own little beautiful experience.

That is so interesting that you just rando started craving darts. Was there something happening in your life at the time that was maybe stressful? Or were you surrounded by smokers?
Good on ya! Keep it going. :)
Ah, the diving! I miss it. When I was younger, before I started smoking at 19, I was a decent diver. I would go snorkeling in Cuba on the reefs and free dive for decent lengths of time. I miss it so much! In subsequent trips to the island, after I started smoking, I couldn't dive anymore and spent the mass hours I used to spend diving, sitting around drinking and smoking.....though that was its own little beautiful experience.

That is so interesting that you just rando started craving darts. Was there something happening in your life at the time that was maybe stressful? Or were you surrounded by smokers?
Nothing happening at all and no one smoked really. It just was this crazy craving, it totally consumed me. I didn’t even like smoking at the start it made me throw up but I continued. I only smoked the strong menthol ones though but still. Haha glad it’s done with! They are banning menthol in may anyway over here so I would have been quitting anyway. Can’t stand normal cigarettes.
Nothing happening at all and no one smoked really. It just was this crazy craving, it totally consumed me. I didn’t even like smoking at the start it made me throw up but I continued.

That is fucking mental, luv. :ROFLMAO:

I only smoked the strong menthol ones though but still.

Aha! That's why you yacked. I hate menthol. They make me gag as well. I only smoked them semi-regularly when I first started doing MDMA because, fuck me, that felt nice.

They're outright banning menthol smokes in Ireland? Not just like making it illegal to market them or name them? Here any flavoured dart has to have some sort of stupid euphemistic nickname so as to not "market flavoured darts to the youngsters".
That is fucking mental, luv. :ROFLMAO:

Aha! That's why you yacked. I hate menthol. They make me gag as well. I only smoked them semi-regularly when I first started doing MDMA because, fuck me, that felt nice.

They're outright banning menthol smokes in Ireland? Not just like making it illegal to market them or name them? Here any flavoured dart has to have some sort of stupid euphemistic nickname so as to not "market flavoured darts to the youngsters".
It was a normal cig I had that’s why I boked! Hahah And yes it’s an outright ban, it’s EU I think not just Ireland I know UK is doing it as well.
When I was in Tenerife I had amazing camel blueberry cigarettes, they were amazing. Do they have them in US?
Nothing happening at all and no one smoked really. It just was this crazy craving, it totally consumed me. I didn’t even like smoking at the start it made me throw up but I continued. I only smoked the strong menthol ones though but still. Haha glad it’s done with! They are banning menthol in may anyway over here so I would have been quitting anyway. Can’t stand normal cigarettes.

surprisingly common, that

was pretty much the same for me - I remember really having to work at it (acquiring a nicotine habit) - made me feel very nauseous but I stuck it out until I 'liked' it, such was the need to be one of the cool kids at the time