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Gaming Snafu's Chess Academy

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
I'm getting myself back into chess! You know what that means....!!!

I am going to post various chess videos, lessons, whatever in this thread for anyone that is interested.

Also anyone wants to play - OR if anyone wants me to give lessons or learn how to play JUST PM ME OR DISCORD or something! I'm open all the time and would love to help anyone get more interested or better at chess.

It's really nice to see chess making a somewhat mainstream comeback with all of the online attention from social media it's been getting. I wish more people were into it. Best game ever invented. It stands the test of time.
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for starters, here is a really interesting game between two of the best players of all time. Kasparov sacrifices his queen 12 moves in and wins due to development and positional initiative. Maybe a hard game for beginners to understand but one of my favorite games that isn't very famous.
I'm getting myself back into chess! You know what that means....!!!

I am going to post various chess videos, lessons, whatever in this thread for anyone that is interested.

Also anyone wants to play - OR if anyone wants me to give lessons or learn how to play JUST PM ME OR DISCORD or something! I'm open all the time and would love to help anyone get more interested or better at chess.

It's really nice to see chess making a somewhat mainstream comeback with all of the online attention from social media it's been getting. I wish more people were into it. Best game ever invented. It stands the test of time.
I'm in! I have become interesred in learning how to play ever since bindging Queens Gambit. I know, lame......but, at least it sparked an interest!
Hand up

Professor Void Sir, Can you look back at our match and starting around move 14 you rapidly realign your nights etc. Pretty nice. What specific advantages does a player receive from doing this. What’s further strategy after you do that.
Hand up

Professor Void Sir, Can you look back at our match and starting around move 14 you rapidly realign your nights etc. Pretty nice. What specific advantages does a player receive from doing this. What’s further strategy after you do that.

What was your username on chess.com when we played? I can find the game with that (or at least on which day we played)
I'm in! I have become interesred in learning how to play ever since bindging Queens Gambit. I know, lame......but, at least it sparked an interest!
Not lame! Was a great show.

I can point you to some basic videos for beginners if you need to learn the fundamentals. How much do you know already?
Atoraxic is my username and I played you as SnafulnTheVoid or under the BL chess group you set up.

I made a lot of basic mistakes that game myself, but that's blitz for you

hope that answers some of your questions

Basically you allowed me to create a major weakness (double isolated pawns), I repositioned my night to attack that vulnerability.
This is like the best thread on this whole site. For real.

I love chess. I'm kinda shit at it......in fact I once got beat by a mate who was dozing off drunk....but I love it. Was in chess club in elementary school. Love started then.
Don't play nearly enough.....and, as I said I'm pretty shit...but nice one.
I love chess. I'm kinda shit at it......in fact I once got beat by a mate who was dozing off drunk....but I love it.
I went to the Nor Cal state championship back in... 2010 or something like that for the lolz. I didn't sleep the night before and was also high on a few things. I had an entire match where I was literally falling asleep at the board and had to leave the board every 5 minutes to smoke a cig because I couldn't stay awake. Won that game, and could tell my opponent was pissed lol. Went 4/5 that tournament and tied for first and won $1300 lmao xD

hey man I'm just glad you like chess.

if you ever wanna play or learn hit me up!
It was hilarious....I had to wake the fucker up for every one of his moves by kicking his leg under the small dining table I have at home. He'd come to, bleary-eyed, take a look at the board with like half a drunk eye, make his move within 10s, and fall back asleep.

I wasn't even embarrassed....it was funny. Me and him used to have all night pints and chess sessions then go to the pub for more pints and breakfast in the morning. Good times.

There's a way to play online?

I made a lot of basic mistakes that game myself, but that's blitz for you

hope that answers some of your questions

Basically you allowed me to create a major weakness (double isolated pawns), I repositioned my night to attack that vulnerability.

Thanks, so that night set up wasn't even really intentional, Thank you for the advice.
There's a way to play online?

chess.com, sign up it's completely free and we have a BL chess club on there

Anyone get rock hard when they watch The Queens Gambit?

Not in a sexual way. I've only watched the first 3 episodes I need to finish it.

I love it but also it kinda makes me wish I was 12 years old again and as good at chess as I used to be before all the drugs, alcohol and brain damage
Thanks, so that night set up wasn't even really intentional, Thank you for the advice.

big rule in chess: always reposition your pieces to attack your opponent's weaknesses (if time permits, this often requires the initiative if you know what that means, there is a tempo in chess games just like music, only one person can control it at a time).

I could talk for 30 minutes about that game but I just tried to answer your question
Damn, that's way past my weekday bed time....but after Friday, I'll be off work til the 4th so any time can be go time.
What helped me get better were high level analysis of games by top players.

You need to be semi good already to follow, but it's like an insight in how grandmasters think about, and see the game, helped me a lot.