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Smoking heroin on uk trains


Apr 13, 2013
If I smoked heroin in the toilet would I set off the alarm? Do they really have smoke alarms in train toilets because I hear some do and some don't I've heard of trains stopping because someone was smoking last time I went to visit some family up in Liverpool I took about 7 grams of smack with me and I knew from past experience to take a bit out separate so I could find somewhere to smoke it I was tempted to risk it's in the trains toilets but thought better of it and just sat patiently I ended up going in a pub toilets while waiting for my change at Birmingham but it did make me wonder if I went in the train toilets put a blanket over my head or something smoked my stuff and as soon as I was finished get straight up and leave the toilets in case the alarm goes off after the smoke had left the blanket would I get away with it?

Now I think I may have posted a similar thread about smoking weed on the train but as heroin gives off far less smoke especially if your good at catching all the smoke.
If I smoked heroin in the toilet would I set off the alarm? Do they really have smoke alarms in train toilets because I hear some do and some don't I've heard of trains stopping because someone was smoking last time I went to visit some family up in Liverpool I took about 7 grams of smack with me and I knew from past experience to take a bit out separate so I could find somewhere to smoke it I was tempted to risk it's in the trains toilets but thought better of it and just sat patiently I ended up going in a pub toilets while waiting for my change at Birmingham but it did make me wonder if I went in the train toilets put a blanket over my head or something smoked my stuff and as soon as I was finished get straight up and leave the toilets in case the alarm goes off after the smoke had left the blanket would I get away with it?

Now I think I may have posted a similar thread about smoking weed on the train but as heroin gives off far less smoke especially if your good at catching all the smoke.

I wouldn't risk it. Just because if you do that wet-toilet-paper-funnel thing wrong, it's not like you're gonna get caught and maybe fined for smoking cig in there, you're getting caught in possession of 7g of a Class A Drug.
If smoke alarm is all your worried about you should be good just holding in your hit for a long time till almost no smoke comes out…if people smoke weed then heroin should be easier to get away with, I would think, but as mentioned risk reward
I got busted on both planes and buses but never on a train but that was cigs in the 90’s so if the train carts are newer they’re probably wired for smoke..
lol yeah , theres a trick where you wet toilet paper and make some kind of cone snaped funnel with it inside of an empty toilet paper roll and then blow the smoke into the wet toilet paper and that apparently works on train toilets according to a friend of mine. They sucessfully smoke a bong in a train toilet with this method.

Ive heard it works off a few people and i think they use it in gaol to smoke cannabis too. Someone chime in and correct me if im wrong. I also have no idea how to make the device to do this , so ill be of no further help on this topic lollll
Now that's what I like to see proper out of the box 'where there is a will there is a way' stoner creativity Thank you for that that's probably one of the best and most practical ideas because I should have a safe exhale without worrying about where the smoke ends up, the only thing I would have to worry about is if I miss any smoke with my toot and where that will end if I miss a certain amount of smoke there will be no way for me to clear it even if I had a fan trust me try smoking heroin in a small room or toilet stall with no window or vent don't matter how much you save a t-shirt or something round the smoke just accumulstes again because there is no where for it to go 🤔 not that it's anything to be proud of its pretty sad actually but I have been using long enough now and had enough experience that I like to consider myself something of an expert when it comes to smoking stealthily inside housing accommodation(shared house) anyway back on topic.

anyone know how to make one of these toilet roll sploof things or something similar??.. is it just as simple as shoving some toilet paper in one of does the toilet paper need to be soaked in water or fragrance is that it or am I missing something?

Btw I will get round to reading everyone's replies tomorrow as I have nodded out 5+ times while writing this post😁
I have vaped tobacco - they still have flavours in the UK---not here in Mass---but I was never caught on the anglian line out of Liverpool st. Only trains I took from where I lived to London. It's really not a good idea and |Heroin on the train - scary thought. Be very careful--there's always an employee walking up and down the aisles sometimes out of uniform , and the cart girl always shows up unexpected.
No worries man :) Ummm i think its really common knowledge in some circles on how to make those, i have a feeling if you post it as a specific thread you will get it solved pretty quick.

Haha theres that weird thing where when you smoke cannabis, you get a bit tolerant to it on your breath and on your clothes after you've smoked it and cant smell it. Not too sure if it's the same with Heroin? Might want to watch how much your shirt and breath smells when you go to sit back down.
Haha that takes me back thinking because I can't smell it in my room anymore I'm in the clear and can shut the window then my mum takes one step through the front door sniffs and goes ape shit "YOU'VE BEEN SMOKING WEED YOU FUCKING BASTARD BLA BLA BLA"

and yes you get the same thing with heroin you can still smell it but not as much when your starting to get sick though it's another story I start smelling and tasting it everywhere.
I wouldn't risk it. Just because if you do that wet-toilet-paper-funnel thing wrong, it's not like you're gonna get caught and maybe fined for smoking cig in there, you're getting caught in possession of 7g of a Class A Drug.
Well I was talking about past tense when I said I brought 7g but as you said it isn't probably worth the risk without a foolproof way which is why I waited and went to a pub in Birmingham I found a mostly empty back of coke in there to lol
I have vaped tobacco - they still have flavours in the UK---not here in Mass---but I was never caught on the anglian line out of Liverpool st. Only trains I took from where I lived to London. It's really not a good idea and |Heroin on the train - scary thought. Be very careful--there's always an employee walking up and down the aisles sometimes out of uniform , and the cart girl always shows up unexpected.
Wow seriously? I never knew they had civilian clothed employees. In my experience it's luck weather there are any staff or ticket conductors on the last time I travelled as stated above I caught about 6 trains 3 changes there and 3 changes back and the only time they checked my ticket was on the last train the last few times I travelled up North I never had my ticket checked once meaning I could have saved that £80ish I spent for each ticket oh well😔 I must say I have always travelled long distance as I have a lot of family living around England their is just something about traveling on trains that is really theruptic especially if your staying in the countryside.. Nice fat slab of top quality brown some methadone for emergencies and some weed and your all set even sweeter when the relatives your visiting are paying for all your needs to xD
Wow seriously? I never knew they had civilian clothed employees. In my experience it's luck weather there are any staff or ticket conductors on the last time I travelled as stated above I caught about 6 trains 3 changes there and 3 changes back and the only time they checked my ticket was on the last train the last few times I travelled up North I never had my ticket checked once meaning I could have saved that £80ish I spent for each ticket oh well😔 I must say I have always travelled long distance as I have a lot of family living around England their is just something about traveling on trains that is really theruptic especially if your staying in the countryside.. Nice fat slab of top quality brown some methadone for emergencies and some weed and your all set even sweeter when the relatives your visiting are paying for all your needs to xD
You could easily get away with chasing dark in the train toliet it barely even smells and most people don't reconise the smell
You could easily get away with chasing dark in the train toliet it barely even smells and most people don't reconise the smell
on paper it seems like that mate, but in reality some smoke alarms(like the one in my room) are sensitive as fuck just the tiniest bit of vapour can set them off and if that happens I could get kicked off the train.. Then I'm screwed lol
Well I was talking about past tense when I said I brought 7g but as you said it isn't probably worth the risk without a foolproof way which is why I waited and went to a pub in Birmingham I found a mostly empty back of coke in there to lol

Finding drugs is one of the best feelings ever lol. I was walking through a field once (VERY common place to cross, not like a rural or farmer type field) and found baggie with SEVEN MDMA pills.
i used to smoke light and dark in train toilets all the time. i didn't even really try to hide it apart from holding breath as long as possible to reduce amount of smoke that came out.

i once had an inspector threaten to phone british transport police cos i refused to come out.

don't recommend it though, feels sketchy as fuck so you end up wasting your drugs cos any effect is mitigated by the paranoia it causes.
on paper it seems like that mate, but in reality some smoke alarms(like the one in my room) are sensitive as fuck just the tiniest bit of vapour can set them off and if that happens I could get kicked off the train.. Then I'm screwed lol
i used to smoke light and dark in train toilets all the time. i didn't even really try to hide it apart from holding breath as long as possible to reduce amount of smoke that came out.

i once had an inspector threaten to phone british transport police cos i refused to come out.

don't recommend it though, feels sketchy as fuck so you end up wasting your drugs cos any effect is mitigated by the paranoia it causes.
There was a guy on one train that kept going to the bathroom and smoking-the alarm didn't go off, I think, but he came out reeking of smoke. Eventually someone reported it and they still didn't know who--but made a very long announcement about if they found out who it was etc...I don't know how they didn't smell him immediately.....
Not that its a good Idea, but I did the vaping in my seat --chose one with noone around if I could and when I wear my long black winter coat and scarf--I would pull the scarf up to vape a little--really not a good idea.
Just snort it til you’re off the train. Problem solved.
I think the toilet paper roll idea may be skewed a bit.

The technique I’ve used and was taught, was to put dryer cleaner sheets into a roll. Shove a bunch in but not too much to impede air flow. Then after your hit ghost it as much as possible then blow through the tube.

Wet paper towel sounds like it may work but could impede airflow. The dryer sheets don’t impede airflow while catching a lot of the bigger smelly particulates, then the exhaust has a nice clean smell depending on the scent.

I’ve smoked cannabis seconds before people have walked in with this method no problem. It’s shocking how well it works.
