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Smackie Thread

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No, I don't regret trying heroin and proceeding to IV daily for 5 years, and I still use semi-regularly. I think how it's affected me sucks certainly, I've wasted the last 5 years and achieved absolutely nothing. But to experience and have experienced that euphoria is something years of living like a "normal person" nor money can't buy.

A. <3
I regret using a needle. I tried heroin every other way and it didn't have any negative consequences. Unfortunately, due to the availability of heroin, I was left wanting opiates and unable to find my preferred oxycodone, got sick of "wasting my money" by snorting/smoking/plugging in that order so I began injecting.

I know no person who can say they use heroin infrequently, without any adverse affects. I know people who say they do, but they're lying to themselves and others by saying it.
I'm not addicted to heroin specifically, just opioids generally, so although perhaps my opinion isn't really what you're looking for I'll throw in my 0.02c. I don't regret trying smack or any other opioid. I think it's different when you IV, but I haven't found heroin much more addictive than other opioids. I think the idea that heroin is so much more risky than any other opioids, is a bit of a myth perpetuated by the anti drugs crusade, but I can't tell you how many people I've met who have the rule that they'll try anything but smack.

I know a lot of people who use heroin recreationally; far more people I know have just tried it one or twice or use recreationally than have become addicted. All of my old group of friends (10 or so people) who I originally got into drugs with have tried it, but only one ever became addicted. Even though I currently have an opie habit I find it easy to only use heroin once a month or so.
I don't regret my decision to use it, I don't like to look back at stuff and wish I'd done something differently because it's pointless, I just wish I could use more responsibly when I do use. I'm kicking now because Im exhausted of addiction for the time being but I'm 99% sure I'll be addicted to heroin and other opiates again in the future and I'm cool with that as long as I can keep it under control.
I was wondering out of you who have used heroin and have subsequently become addicted to it, do you regret your decision to try it in the first place?

I am a fan of opiates but don't think I will ever try smack due to the potential to become hopelessly addicted and lose control of my life. Incidently, do many of you guys here consider yourself to be recreational users or know many people who have managed to keep themselves to only occassional use? It seems that through reading the other forums on here that most people believe it is a very hard substance to use occassionally.

i think i have my smack use under control.i first used about 6 months ago then didnt use again for about 2 months then about 3 months later i got some looovely smack.its so hard not to have benders when u have a fair bit in your hands :\ poppy seed tea on the other hannnnnd i would say i have a problem there hasnt been a week that i can rember in agesssss where i've gone with out it.hmmm that gives me a idea once i smoked my meth today im getting some poppy seeds!
I am so sick of ppl giving the IV route such a bad rap in this forum !
I just don't understand it is an ROA just a more instantaneous one just my 2 cents.
I was addicted to altering my mind way before I tried opiates. Opiates however provide me with a superior alteration which is preferable to anything else.
I am on maintenance To control My ( obsession) use and to keep me functional. I don't regret using heroin although I wish I had more will power and self control to manage my use without maintenance .
I am so sick of ppl giving the IV route such a bad rap in this forum !
I just don't understand it is an ROA just a more instantaneous one just my 2 cents.

I really don't know what to say to you dude. I wasn't trying to give anything a bad rap, I was giving my opinion.

I really don't see where you're coming from.
I am so sick of ppl giving the IV route such a bad rap in this forum !
I just don't understand it is an ROA just a more instantaneous one just my 2 cents.

the reason is cus it can be quite dangrouse....well more risky than other ROA's and this is a harm reduction forum :)
^harm reduction means giving people the skills and tools to do what they plan to do as safely as possible. Injecting is preferred by many people - it's good harm reduction practice to have safer injecting info and equipment available for that reason. You should check out William Burrough's rave on opium smokers versus opium eaters (I think in the foreword to Naked Lunch?) - the opium smokers basically saying "I'm not a junky cos I don't eat it". Relevant in this case I think. More relevant to psytaco's question is the false distinction between heroin and other opiates that seems to be alive and well here. Everyone's got their line in the sand and on the other side is the dreaded junky. "I need my 600mg of codeine every day or I go into withdrawal, but I'm NOT a junky because I don't use heroin!!" No bro - you're not a junky because ther's no such thing (a morally inferior creature because of drug used). Having a habit does not make you a bad person. <end rant>

I have used heroin a few times over the years (smoked) and find it very nice. I like the opi stone a lot. But I really don't have much time to be wasted these days so it's an occasional treat. Also - opioids are the best pain killers and I want them to keep working for me to full effect in case I need them!
Sorry Opi was having a bad morning & prob took your coment the wrong way Mondays suck when your @ work & waiting for the chemist to open, my bad. Peace
I really don't know what to say to you dude. I wasn't trying to give anything a bad rap, I was giving my opinion.

I really don't see where you're coming from.
Hi all, just a reminder of one of our guidelines, as I've noticed several posts about pms and emails lately:

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Ive seem heroin like that and only needed water, but I also seen shit that looked looked the same and did need a bit of acid to comply.
Christ! you may well have #2 heroin there, a lot of heroin I have done smells like vinegar and while you can't go on this alone if it has an opiate like effect there is a good chance it contains some heroin. #2 Heroin requires some acid to dissolve in water so that is probably why it wont dissolve. You do get brown #4 heroin that does dissolve in water which is probably why the above poster has seen brown gear that did dissolve. I believe for #4 heroin to get the white colour it needs to be filtered through activated charcoal or something but don't quote me on that.

I have never used #2 myself but have had mediocre experience smoking #4 in a glass meth pipe. In my experience the glass is too thick to get a good enough heat transfer for the heroin to vapourise quick enough to get a good plume of smoke. You should try chasing the gear off foil and I am sure you will have better results, assuming what you have is heroin.
Can anyone see themselves NEVER using heroin ever ever never again?

A. <3
^ It isn't going to happen but I mean, I could be fairly content just to use other opiates for the rest of my life. For some reason, even though I consider them my DOC I have more self control with opiates than pretty much any other drug unless I have been on them for a few days straight. I honestly don't remember when the last time I used heroin was, and you can bet that before that little run it was months before my previous use of the stuff. To be fair I don't inject, but lately I sort of prefer oxycodone because I can hit a harder nod without passing out, where with heroin when I go hard on it I find it very easy to fall asleep and miss half the buzz.
Yeah, that would be a good test methinks. Does it run okay on the foil? Did they think it was bunk cause it doesn't dissolve in water?

A. <3

They tried smoking some but their tolerance is so high and smoking technique probably not too good. They decided it was either bunk or very very weak.

I added some citric acid and it dissolved into water :)

Had a fun couple weeks smoking it. Definitely herion, don't think it was very refined though. Didn't work well at all with a glass pipe, completely different thing smoking it off foil...once I got better at smoking it off the foil a little bit could go a long way, whereas I was wasting heaps at the start.
^^Lucky you! :p I was getting brown stuff a few months ago and it had a wicked rush but didnt seem to last as long, it felt quite different actually. I reckon it would have been perfect for smoking as it had a much grainier and coarse texture compared to the soft white powder thats often around here.

Had a bit of a scary experience the other day. I had my first OD that required Narcan due to a mixture of xanax and heroin. It just goes to show you(or me really) that benzos and opiates combined are never safe unless you are in the hands of an aneasthetologist(sp?) Im quite sure I nearly died im just happy that someone was kind enough to call the ambulance and that I was lucky enough to be found in such an isolated environment, even though it may have been the same person who stole $500 and my phone im thankful that they possibly and probably saved my life.

The H around here has gone from very shit to very good so take care people. Im thinking of changing to smoking instead of IV'ing but im not 100% confident with the method, im not sure exactly how much more im going to need and I just dont know if its going to be possible with my tolerance(.2-.3g of good white for desired effect though will settle for .1 if its good enough, or 150-250mg oxy, 100-200mg morphine)

It seems more people insufflate rather than smoke their stuff on here, I just dont like snorting drugs unless its coke or K. Isnt the bio-availability higher with smoking if done correctly?(maybe im thinking of meth) Though the duration is decreased if im correct. Im also guessing its going to be harder to break through the small amount of bupe that would still be in my system when smoking rather than injecting. Hmmm I dont know what to do, this incident has scared me pretty bad but im still IV'ing H and nearly every day since I OD'd so I need to figure this out soon.

One positive is that I now have to go to the clinic daily to pick up my suboxone so its going to be harder to miss days and I can only really use one day at a time instead of days in a row.

Havent been around BL in quite awhile, hope everyone is doing well and staying happy and healthy :)

P.S One last question, the hospital told my doctor & pharmacy about the OD isnt this a breach of confidentiality? I know others who have OD'd and their methadone/bupe doctor was not informed.
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Yikes ketaman that sounds like a close one and probably not a nice experience, how did it feel to be given narcan? The first time I did heroin and Xanax together I had a 4 or 5 hour black out, apparently I swung my skateboard around in a restaurant screaming 'this chilli is too hot' and then smashed some girls phone against a wall among other retarded things. Im not that kind of person at all either which makes it kind of disturbing. My girlfriend was so pissed off at me the next day. Lucky I wasn't IVing or it could have been much worse.

Smoking no.4 is more wasteful than snorting, I started smoking it then changed to snorting and noticed I got quite a bit more out of a point, also you get a nice come up when you snort, it's no IV rush but it's still pretty good. You could also try rectal though I found it kind of hit and miss, sometimes it was great and other times I didn't get much out of it. I can guess why, being almost constantly constipated makes rectal a bit tricky.
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