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SLR Social vs. Hello Nurse

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Fair.enough, and I agree on the points you make. I just thought the phrasing was a bit unusual and perhaps that you had purposely made it sexist...

But yes, seriously don't depend on feeling the consistency of ones muscus to determine if one needs to get contraceptives.
I would have no clue if I was ovulating and I wouldn't let anyone tell me except a trained doctor (male or female :p).

Birth control (pill, patch, whatever) + condom is the best way to go to stay as safe as possible!
I would have no clue if I was ovulating and I wouldn't let anyone tell me except a trained doctor (male or female :p).

Birth control (pill, patch, whatever) + condom is the best way to go to stay as safe as possible!

Yeah but you're smart. You know there are girls out there who would go for that. It's sad.
Yeah. Can't believe anyone would choose to rely on that. Fair enough if you don't wanna go for the pill but there's so many options aside from guessing whether or not you're ovulating...

Lysis did you not see my awesome corgi video? :(
Yes! I did! God I love corgis so much. They are the most awesome dogs. They are really great if you're feeling sad because they are alllllways happy. Mine was 6 months old when my ex died and she made me laugh even when I was down. Greatest dogs ever.
Haha yeah they're amazing. Seriously as soon as I can deal with a proper pet (guinea pigs really don't count) I'm getting one. You're right, it's impossible to feel sad around them.
I've just spent the evening watching corgi videos on youtube :D
I've successfully convinced my bf that he wants a corgi. When we first met he thought they were retarded looking.
Luckyyy =D
they are kinda retarded looking, but that's also why they're so cute.
the thing about sex is, if you don't have it you don't miss it... I had sex three times with this new girl last night. She left an hour ago and I already have severe physical withdrawal effects and extreme hornyness-attacks :) I really don't understand how I survived not having sex for 6 months.
the thing about sex is, if you don't have it you don't miss it... I had sex three times with this new girl last night. She left an hour ago and I already have severe physical withdrawal effects and extreme hornyness-attacks :) I really don't understand how I survived not having sex for 6 months.

Knowing how great sex can be renders you craving it.

It's easy to go months and months without a drug or a sex act, but when you get right back into it, it seems irresistible.
Yes, but fertile cervical secretions are thin and stretchy, not thick. They are about the consistency of egg whites.
bingo - works everytime.

Back in the day, full moon and new moon used to be the best times to fuck - for very different reasons of course. Now everyone's lifestyles and poor choices of medications fuck everything up.
I dunno, Ms.G's depo-provera makes any time the best time to fuck, not just twice a month.
^ i know ive mentioned this before; but i cant credit that form of contraceptive enough. it truly is a godsend.

i was reading some of the threads in here last night before bed and realized how many issues (yes, id forgotten) people have in their sex lives without a stable, solid form of contraception eg. condoms breaking, morning after pills, tracking ovulation cycles; and condoms in general (having to think about pausing to put one on in the heat of the moment and praying it will be reliable in ensuring an unwanted pregnancy doesnt occur). i also watch as so many of my girlfriends suffer with painful and unbearable periods, pms causing issues in their relationships and career and simply the monthly expense of having a period (tampons, panty liners and medications to ease the pain). i dont miss any of those things at all and love that once every three months we go to the gp and walk out 10 minutes later with the piece of mind that i wont turn into a psycho hose beast for one week of each month and that we can enjoy a healthy and flourishing sex life without consequence; id highly recommend it to any woman.

I'm afraid of the weight gain from depo though. The ring is pretty convenient too and I don't have any side effects, but my sister does depo.
I'd highly recommend it too, and I'm a dude. Just on objective grounds that the low risks associated with it vs the risks associated with pregnancy and the failure rate of other contraceptives in comparison makes it safer than using any other form of contraception.

@Lysis: That risk is still minimal and can be mitigated with a bit of extra exercise
...which is itself a good idea anyway.
did she gain a bunch of weight?

tbph i havent noticed any weight gain (i weigh myself regularly) nor horrid side effects. admittedly i tried it once before when i was 17 and had horrible side effects and bled for 3 months solidly and i swore id never try it again. in my 30s my doctor convinced me to try it once more; and ive had nothing but positive results. i have to ask (and pardon my naivety); but do you still have a monthly cycle while on the nuva ring?

My doc told me I could leave the ring in permanently (switch it out every 4 weeks instead of taking it out for a week on the third week and then you get a period), but it made me nauseous and made me feel sick, so yes, I take it out for a week and get my period.

The weight gain is the only reason I haven't done depo, and once you do it you're done and that's that. lol I've just read stories about weight gains of like 20 pounds.
If anything, she's lost a bit of weight since getting her shot for the first time... likely unrelated but no weight gain.

It's still her first shot, but her cycle is apparently less severe already. I personally think it will be awesome once she has amenhorrea from it...
its funny you should say that rangrz as my appetite since being on depo (7 months approximately) has decreased big time; and the pms food cravings/binges are no longer an issue. if anything id say depo has caused weight loss and eliminates bloating/water retention and encourages healthier eating (im guessing due to the hormonal stability?).

Interesting you guys. Maybe I will look more into it. I don't have weight gain problems on birth control in general.

I'm not a big eater to begin with, but I have no self control if I'm really hungry lol which is why I was afraid. If it makes me starving, I will eat and usually I can control myself.
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