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Skulling 12 V drinks! works!

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Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Hey people has anyone else tried skulling down v drinks. I had 12 and i was buzzing off my head!!! give it a go!
Its not dangerous at all!!!!! my heart was about to pop out of my chest thought!!! but it cant be dangerous if its legal!
1 V drink = $2.50 (i think)
12 x V's = $30

I'd just rather buy a pill.
I had them via a "beer bong" so i was able to get a good rush from the shit made me heaps dizzy too. its good stuff if you cant get your hands on anything...
the money you spend on that you could just buy amphetamines.
that much caffeine cant be good for you at once.
if thats your thing maybe you should give those guarana tablets ago.

imo, you're an idiot
It is dangerous, you can overdose on caffine. I have a vague recolection of someone overdosing on red bull in the last year or two.... I'll see if I can find a link.

You will probably notice on the bottle somewhere maximum daily intake.

Its safe because its legal.... 8)

Just like nicotine and alcohol.
Peanuts kill some people and they're legal

Its not dangerous at all!!!!! my heart was about to pop out of my chest thought!!! but it cant be dangerous if its legal!

Have a think about it. People have died from too much coffee, and many over the counter medications such as paracetamol !!

Legal means FA. You can kill yourself with water :\
Walking in front of moving traffic is legal too. In fact the law says (as long as your not on a highway) that its the cars responcibility to stop for you no matter how impossible a feat that may be.

Just because its legal does not mean that its "not dangerous at all" All energy drinks like that have a maximum daily dose for a reason.

Nice Tits

Edit: There has been at least one energy drink related death in Australia. Granted that it was to do with the red bull and vodka mixes you can get in pubs but you get my point.

Sitting under a UV light for long enough will kill you.
mista_200 said:
but it cant be dangerous if its legal!
I still don't know if you're serious with this quote or not... but you sure set yourself up for looking like a fool...

The fact your heart was beating 'out of your chest' and you think it wasn't bad for you!?!? I can't comprehend this at all.... How's the BP anyway... sheesh.

That would have been extremely taxing on your body... why not just have a bump of speed? 8( 8( 8(

BTW: Caffeine OD's sound absolutley terrible. Just read through Erowid *yuck*
Why don't you just buy goey? It's cheaper and the comedown isn't as bad.
A can of V contains 78 mg of caffeine, according to my google search. So, way to ingest 936mg of caffeine in the most nauseating way. There is a reason there aren't lots of threads on people "rolling ballz yo" on caffeine; it's a crap drug.
Its not dangerous at all!!!!! my heart was about to pop out of my chest thought!!!

Rightio. At 80mg per 250ml of V you probably ingested around 960mg of caffeine - and you reckon thats not dangerous?
mista_200 said:
Its not dangerous at all!!!!! my heart was about to pop out of my chest thought!!!

Ha, what a contradiction...
Are you aware at how dangerous a MDxx + Caffeine synergy is ? i dont think you are. Remember a certain few "Red Mitsibishi" episodes.

It is not advisable to consume large ammounts of Caffeine with MDxx especially a stimulant of that strength.
aunty establishment said:
A can of V contains 78 mg of caffeine, according to my google search. So, way to ingest 936mg of caffeine in the most nauseating way. There is a reason there aren't lots of threads on people "rolling ballz yo" on caffeine; it's a crap drug.

Ah, c'mon, it's not that bad! It gets me stimulated as hell but with no paranoia or clouded thoughts. I couldn't operate in today's fast paced world without serious caffeine hits. =D

That being said, yeah there are MUCH better ways to get it without drinking that syrpy foul tasting muck.
Yes, I should have put a caveat on that: it's a crap drug at high doses and besides, the quantity of sugar in all that V is enough to give you a serious sugar high. Mmm, three litres of goo.
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