Silence On The Suicide Hotline

The lifeline number in Australia is manned by volunteers. I have not had need of this service in a long time but last time I did I was unanswered .

Unfortunately there are not enough volunteers and there is very little money going towards manning the services.

Its not because they dont give a shit but simply are unable to answer every call. This goes for kids help line too.

There are live chat counselling services on the net that are pretty good.

zephyr, I hope I didn't come across as blaming any single individual; it's clear the system is far more complex than one person "skipping work." I don't bear any one ill will; I worked as a certified rape crisis counselor for a *major* US university - I always felt no matter how many hours I volunteered, it wasn't enough. I don't know what support networks are like for you but I can tell you in my area even the best ones suck. What makes them marginally viable are the people within them who care enough to keep scooping out water from sinking ships.

Nevertheless, even one hand to hold is enough to lift the entire spirit.
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zephyr, I hope I didn't come across as blaming any single individual; it's clear the system is far more complex than one person "skipping work." I don't bear any one ill will; I worked as a certified rape crisis counselor for a *major* US university - I always felt no matter how many hours I volunteered, it wasn't enough. I don't know what support networks are like for you but I can tell you in my area even the best ones suck. What makes them marginally viable are the people within them who care enough to keep scooping out water from sinking ships.

Nevertheless, even one hand to hold is enough to lift the entire spirit.

Such a valid point. There are so many people in pain there simply aren't enough hours in a day to reach everyone unfortunately. It not for lack of caring :/
Yeah these people do care and the misery in the world is overwhelming for many of us.
While we wait forever for humans to become compassionate these people are all we have. I imagine it's a really hard thing to listen to such misery over and over.
They deserve medals and more.
Wow. No answer?
I actually use preferred cancer lines (I did have it) because the people deal with you afterwards and they're really nice.
I'm glad some of you have gotten help. I don't like them too much because the ones I know of are like a script.
BEST of luck with all future calls with not only a reply but a truly compassionate person who understands you uniquely!
Wo, wait, cduggles ..."the people deal with you afterwards..."

Like, they call you back or something?

I....could REALLLLLLLY use some of that right now....
Yes, they try to accommodate preferences as to people you speak to and they follow up on specific questions... I never asked for follow-up care type call. That and it's for cancer patients or survivors.
...good point. Let the resources be more appropriately allocated. But still, that's pretty great.
Well, Moreaux, thank you for asking. Turns out, my answer was more than just, "not bad" or "a bit better." It turned into a "blog response"…which, I promise, is not my assholish way of luring you to my blog. If you like, if anyone, I can just message you directly.

HOLY. ....Holy SHIT. I am utterly ...I...I'm trembling....and wait, yes. Crying. I think anger but shock too.

I get not answering....but fucking hanging up on me? Are you out of your mother ratfucked skull? That's when people slash, swallow or fucking BITCHASSHOLEFUCKER!

I actually was in NEED!

I was in the middle of a full blown panic attack...I had a HORRIBLE moment with my 15 year old daughter who I adore and it managed to drag in my beautiful 10 year old boy, my awesome tenant, my sweetie AND my sister. I actually bashed my head against a wall and ran into my room screaming.

My heart, head, pussy, soul, the things I thought were accurate in how I defined myself...all wrong and it all hurts and this stupid privileged chunk of pigshit HUNG UP ON ME?!?!

It is her HATEFUL fault wherever the fuck I end up tonight.

...which will be nowhere except that fucking burnt place of black sorrow within. That's the third time I have eaten a huge piece of the spoiled bitter pie which ultimately just eats you back...I hurt so much...agape is no blessing.
Well... these people aren't paid, they're all volunteers; "stupid privileged chunk of pigshit" doesn't seem like the right way to put it

Still odd they would hang up but I imagine there are certain situations ie abusive caller where they are allowed to hang up.

Try calling another hotline or talk to a friend? Best of luck
i'm sure they just get sick of hearing attention seeking individuals and don't know when they come across a real suicidal person.
...I left a critical piece out...

I never said a word.

The woman answered the phone and immediately hung up. It wasn't a bad connection, I wasn't abusive, I didn't ...anything. She said the name of the hotline and then, "no" and hung up.

I am rarely so ugly and brutal with my language but I was in such a bad and needy have such a shocking and hurtful was gutting.
i had to change my environment to get rid of my depression. I was living with my parents untill age 28, after living on my own for 6 months my depression has vanished 100%. No one could do anything or say anything to help and i felt hopeless. If you can get away from it all try to. a mini vacation on the beach? good luck.
Thanks....The closest I can get at this point is meditation but I take what I can get and remember how finite each moment is.
...sometimes I call when I'm truly struggling but sometimes I just need a warm voice. Of the five times I've called, the line has only been answered twice. Has this happened to others and how do you cope??

Hang up & call again. I've dont this this many times & always find someone. I call Samatins who are in the UK. I would also suggest keeping calling if they don't pickup its because they are busy. I had them saved on my iPhone as friends which helped me.
Honestly, I never thought of that. I always felt I'd get hung up on again...The next time I feel low enough to call, I'll hear your kind words, qsbl and I'll call back. Thank you.