Signs that you're an E-tard...


Nov 9, 1999
I got this off another message board, I thought it was funny....
30.) Your only use for the interent is as a venue to research rolls.
29.) You dance like you're trying to stomp a bug on the ground.
28.) You go to GNC to see if you can find something to enhance your trips.
27.) You're constantly overloading on vitamin C, but you're not sick.
26.) If you see a person at a bar or club drinking water, you instantly ask them what kind of rolls they're on.
25.)You own more wife-beaters than a redneck.
24.)You can't go to sleep without valium.
23.)All of your shoes have buckles on them.
22.)You have 50 best friends(Saturday night only).
21.)Your favorite bar drink is bottled water.
20.)You carry around a prescription bottle but you're not sick.
19.)You're on the same time schedule as Dracula.
18.)You sweat like a French whore in summertime.
17.)The last time you wore jeans with sneakers was in1991.
16.)You're losing weight but you're not on a diet.
15.)Your hands are clamy but you're not nervous.
14.)You never leave home without your glo-sticks.
13.)Your pockets are always filled with candy and gum but you're not wearing a costume.
12.)Your girlfriend looks like Barbie on crack.
11.)You sometimes shake like you've had ten cups of coffee, but you haven't.
10.)You go to the gym so your shirts fit tighter.
9.)Your favorite colors are white(euro) and green(nike).
8.)You are often seen dancing with transvestites and liking it.
7.)You haven't gone out before 10:00PM since college.
6.)You shave your legs but you're not a girl.
5.)You have 20/20 vision but you wear glasses.
4.)Your favorite meal is a blowpop.
3.)Every shirt you own is atleast 5% spandex.
2.)You never put butter on your "rolls".
And the #1 WARNING SIGN that you may be an e-tard is...................Your favorite band is a DJ!!!!
"Take care, brush yer hair ;) "
I love the word E-Tard so much.....That was a very funny post I really liked
Thank you so much.
he he he he he...giggle giggle giggle....I love it!!
"Dance is not an expression of life; it is life itself" -Havelock Ellis

"For goodness sakes, would you look at those cakes?"