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Shrooms in the south

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Aug 3, 2017
Can anyone help me identify shrooms?
There are apparently so many. There is a field down the road that has cows in it, and when I stopped by, there were mushrooms in the cow dung. Now, I know that typically they are white, long stim, little cap on top, but I just want to be sure. I've heard only fields where cows are fed grain will produce shrooms. To my knowledge, these cows aren't fed grain. Still, I could be wrong.
When a mod sees this thread they'll likely close it. I just want to warn you not to depend on books/the internet/pictures. Consult a local that knows their stuff and have them show you what you can eat and what may kill you. I've lived here all my life, I keep cattle, shrooms grow in my fields and all throughout my woodland. Problem is there are two that look almost exactly a like, one is good to trip on and the other is deadly poison.

Edit: also please respect whomever owns that land you're thinking about going on by asking them first. When a farmer happens up on a random person on his land he's not going to be happy unless he knows or is expecting you. Most all of us are armed with at least a varmint rifle. You don't want anyone that has been having issues with property going missing/cattle getting killed/people on their land thinking you were the one causing those problems. Always ask first even if you're just passing through. Us farmers often like to hide stuff related to our own hustles which we obviously don't want people knowing about or stumbling upon. I actually worry more about this than you eating the wrong type of mushroom. A lot of folks with land like that are very private people that do not mind killing you. I don't mean they're unstable, just that they're accustomed to handling their own problems and dealing with law enforcement later.
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Others have said it already. We don't allow drug ID threads on Bluelight, sorry.
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