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Television Shows you just "dont get" or just dislike


Bluelight Crew
Dec 18, 2003
I dont mean dont understand. I mean shows that youre like, what the fucks the big deal?

Everybodys sense of humor is different, of course. What one person likes aint gonna be what someone else likes all the time.

But me personaly theres a couple shows that just puzzle me what the hell is so great about them. ESPECIALLY since they are shows that most people i chill with, who are like me and got the same tastes as me, really love and i dont.

For example: Family Guy.

I just dont feel it. I laugh once in a while. sometimes its kinda funny. but its just missing the element that makes me want to watch it or even care that its on enough to pay attention to it unless im maaaaaad high or extremely bored.

It aint that i dont "get" the humor, i understand WHY the shits supposed to be funny, but it just....eh....eh.

I hate the baby, i hate the talking dog.

Its weird, seems like i should like this shit LOL. its something that most people who like the shows i like also enjoy, so it aint like it aint "my type."

Another example is Futurama. especially since i LOVE the simpsons and always have. that show makes me laugh no matter what. It aint that im holding Futurama up against the simpsons for comparing, cuz its 2 different shows, you cant just make a repeat of the simpsons, its just that youd think that id love it since it comes from the same producers.

But Futurama, to me, is as funny as sitting watching a blank bare wall for 30 minutes. i have never laughed once. its so fuckin boring (IMO, no disrespect to the ones who like it.)

Id rather watch family Guy than Futurama, but the both of them added together still dont even equal like 1/10th of the hilariousness of South Park or Aqua Teen Hunger force.

Anyways, thats just me.

What are some of the shows that everybody loves and you jsut couldnt give less of a shit about, or you try and watch and see what the hypes about and it just misses you no matter how hard you try and give it a chance.

Shit lord knows i would LOVE to love family guy, its on so damn much at 3 am when NOTHING is on TV that i wishi could sit back like "hell yea family guy's on" and enjoy it, but it just dont work.
yeah, I tend to agree.. I don't really get into animated shows like that. Peter Griffin drives me insane. The jokes are dragged on far too long and it is the equivalent of torture.
Randycaver, I only caught the last eighteen words of your post, but I'm happy you've finally come around to the realization that Jerry Seinfeld is an unfunny annoying dork and that his show, Unattractive Annoying Blowhards Thinking They're Funny When Really They're Just Strange And Annoying takes premises that would be mildly humorous as one-liners and stretches them into thirty-minute whinefests.

Yes, I know - he's a world famous billionaire and I'm in my living room in my sweatpants typing nonsense to you guys.

I'm still not bitter.

At all.
So.....2 for 'family guy'...what other shows can we add to the "yall can go watch that but im happier here in bed staring at the ceiling" list?
Family Guy (can't stand it)

Everybody Loves Raymond (though i can see where people would like it..i just don't like the pacing, and the laugh track is kept on too long)

Lost (I "get it", but I think it takes itself WAY too seriously)

Law and Order
I have to go with FAMILY GUY as well. I've had to sit through it more times than I'd ever want to (my boyfriend loves it) but I always feel that when it's not ripping off THE SIMPSONS it's ripping off SOUTH PARK & it's even ripped off an entire episode from the great British cartoon series AAAGH! IT'S THE MR HELL SHOW. I can see the jokes coming a mile away & the so-called "shocking content" is on the level of THREE'S COMPANY.

Even their famous AIDS SONG is a rip off of WE ALL HAVE AIDS from TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE.

Oh yeah, FG even ripped off the early Peter Jackson film MEET THE FEEBLES. MTF has more laughs & subversive humor in its 90 minute running time than FG has in it's entire run.
Ha, so i aint brain damaged to not like family guy. sick.

I dont want this to turn into a family guy bashin thread, but it is good to hear other pppls thoughts that are like mine on it.

that seems to be the main one so far....anyone else?
what!?! i like family guy and futurama...i'd rather watch either of those before south park. man am i sick of that show... i think ppl make a bigger deal out of that then it is. yeah it was funny when it first came out, but its heyday is over. and quit killing kenny, 'cuz it's not funny anymore
oh, meet the feebles... what a sick movie. i liked it.

i agree with 'everybody loves raymod'. really grating and annoying to me,
Yep, I've got one:

"Sex & The City"

Now, as a disclaimer, I'll fully admit that as a 25-year-old male from England I lie some way outside the intended audience for this show.........

.......but even so, it really is a great steaming turd sat upon the face of modern television as far as I'm concerned.

A quartet of utterly self-absorbed, vacuous, & frankly pathetically juvenile women, float through their meaningless lives, participating in not much else apart from talking absolute bollocks; although, lest we forget, at the end of each episode we're gifted with one of "SJP's" pearls of wisdom such as: "I finally came to the realisation that relationships don't always go exactly as you planned.....".

Really? Ah I see, thanks for that, I was beginning to wonder where I'd been going wrong all these years.

"A TV classic"......or a sadly indicative example of the shallow & materialistic times in which we live?

You decide for yourself.......I know I have.

(And before all the "Disciples Of Carrie" jump down my throat, I'd just like to point out that this post has been brought to you with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek).

(It's all true though). ;)
wanderlust said:
i agree with 'everybody loves raymod'. really grating and annoying to me,

Yeah, I've only watched one episode in its entirety and I think I would rather have my teeth pulled out with a set of pliers.
survivor and american idol.

i've seen 1/2 an episode of survivor and 1 episode of american idol. i really don't understand our society's fascination with these shows. (and i tend to like bad reality tv)

i do like family guy, but i didn't at first. it took a while for it to grow on me. i laugh all the time during it now.
PinholeStar said:
Yep, I've got one:

"Sex & The City"

Dude......you watch that?

I saw half of that shit once cuz someones mom had it on. i would never go near it again. the bitch was scared to take a shit at her boyfriends house and she hid her hairbrush in his medicine cabinet because she wanted her stuff at his apartment for some reason she seemed to think that would mean they were more together. is that how 'relationships" go in that type of life? shit. pretty fuckin retarted if u ask me.

I dont know why youd watch it again if you didnt liek it the first time dude, LOL.


I also been forced, with pain and disgust to watch the filthy, disgusting , pathetic, steaming piece of shit they call desperate housewifes. yea, another mom was watching it as i sat in the same room.


I would rather watch sesame street than watch that shit.

it made me wanna fuckin throw up.
lacey k said:
Dude......you watch that?

I dont know why youd watch it again if you didnt liek it the first time dude, LOL.

It wasn't out of choice I can assure you. An ex of mine was obssessed with it, so, in the best traditions of being a good boyfriend, I sat & watched a couple of episodes with her.

I could only take so much though, & used to go & do something else whenever it came on.

lacey k said:
I saw half of that shit once cuz someones mom had it on. i would never go near it again. the bitch was scared to take a shit at her boyfriends house and she hid her hairbrush in his medicine cabinet because she wanted her stuff at his apartment for some reason she seemed to think that would mean they were more together. is that how 'relationships" go in that type of life? shit. pretty fuckin retarted if u ask me.

There you go. Prime example of why in my opinion it's absolute garbage.

alasdairm said:
i think you answered your own question

I think you rather missed the point of this thread.
Family Guy + Futurama can't compare to ATHF ? LoL... We all got our own oppinions I guess, but thats madness. Futurama alone decimates all.

The shows that I don't get are the ones like Laguna Beach, The Inferno, The Simple Life, pretty much any reality TV is mind numbing shit specifically designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Shows like that are like brain cancer for your kids, turn them all into sluts and whores, dramatic shit talking ones too. Ugh.. Reality TV...
PinholeStar said:
I think you rather missed the point of this thread.
maybe i 'get' the thread in a way you can't possibly understand?


alasdairm said:
maybe i 'get' the thread in a way you can't possibly understand?




Ever the diplomat alasdair; I see your point. Where would Bluelight be without your even-handed methods of putting people in their place? ;)
Desperate Housewives - can't stand it, the characters infuriate me as does the plot.

Any of those drama's where 20 something's live the highlife in some bizarre world of models, danger and relationship problems.

Survivor - need I explain?

The Bachelor - ugh...