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Should Sea World be legal?


Jul 3, 2015
Now lets understand something... for all you dualists out there. Descartes lived in a very pre-scientific world and did not conclude that animals have souls. However, he came to his beliefs about dualism and other things when he assumed that he existed. Cogito ergo sum. One cannot doubt ones existence while one doubts.
However, by his own definition and modern science we can assume... That animals do have souls. Because they can think. Therefore, since animals have souls, like we do, if ethics are important when dealing with humans, then they are with animals. But the only way to assume animals do not have souls it to not believe in souls.
Monkey think, therefore monkey am.

Now... is it ethical to imprison something for a minor purpose, that possesses a soul. I'm not a vegan, so I don't believe animals free will should be respected as humans are. However, pain and suffering should be respected. Therefore, when animals live decent lives and are killed painlessly, it is okay. Animals are lesser souls, "anima" as mentioned in many religions. Zoos, if they're big enough... can be ethical too because even though they deprive animals of free will. Some can live okay lives. Most don't... Some zoos are just awful. Most of them don't have good conditions and animals are kept on drugs to keep them from going fucking nuts... zoochosis is real, look it up.
Factory farming is evil... but atleast it's understandable. You get something reasonable out of it... meat... food.

Well... These animals are isolated, abused, used as entertainment, and science has proven that they can go insane, and sometimes even commit suicide. Orcas and dolphins have tried and succeeded in killing themselves. Even though factory farming is bad.. it's evil for an understandable reason

Now... if animals are killed for food, then why are they kept in captivity akin to locking someone in solitary confinement forever? So kids can go "Wooooahhh!!!" and "Woooooooow" and "Woooooooo".... there you go.
This animal is trapped in purgatory or hell, and it's so your kid can fucking scream at it in excitement. And no... he's not being "Educated".. what the hell are you going to learn watching psychologically traumatized animals doing tricks in an unnatural environment.
Oh wait.... there's an announcer guy mentioning orcas diet and shit. And little plaques they have fun facts on them.. The same shit you could find in a 5 yr olds science book, but without the animals being put through hell. And is educating kids about orcas so fucking important that cruelty is okay?

All it does is buzz up the child's interests. It's not something vital or important, and it can be taught better from sitting them down and having them read a book...<br>Get your kids a copy of Zoobooks, y'all 90s kids remember that shit.
I know damn well you saw this commercial 100 times as a kids

If they wanna grow up to be marine biologists, they'll do it. But teaching your kids about orcas isn't gonna matter cause when they're 20, they'll probably forget all of it. Unless they actively choose to pursue it.
So in the long run... It's pointless, cruel, and unnessasary. Should it be legal... Well, I don't know. Should it be legal to keep my child locked in a closet all day long when I'm not showing him off to strangers for entertainment, and jerking him off, to artificailly inseminate his sister? Should that be legal?
Should taking a monkey and locking it in a bathtub be legal?
Should dog fighting be legal?

Anyone who supports banning dog fighting is a hypocrite for going to Sea World.

And they jerk off orcas... That's just fucked up.
They jerk off the orcas dick... that's basically rape
Let's add bestiality to the list of fucked up things about Sea World
Sea world is what happens when capitalist mix with sea life..humans pick money over morals everyday..no different for the sea creatures
Moving to P&S

No... but factory farming would be much harder to ban than Sea World. I mean... should dog-fighting be legal simply because factory farming is?

I agree with you in principle that keeping orcas in captivity is comparable to dog fighting and morally shouldn't be allowed. However, trying to come up with a law that would target this seems difficult. The legislators can't just target a certain company and make it illegal (e.g. ban Sea World.) They would have to ban some sort of activity, and it couldn't be something as simple as keeping animals in captivity (which would include zoos, personal pets, etc.) Going back to the example of dog fighting, it was easy for legislators to identify the behavior which would gain broad support for banning: animal fighting. Fighting animals is cruel to animals and is illegal. The issue with the orcas is that ostensibly, keeping them in captivity isn't cruelty anymore so than keeping fish in a fish tank is. Furthermore, there are scientists doing research on these animals. The type of legislation that would be needed here would have to be highly specific (regarding species types, etc,) and science driven, and its advocates would have to have a large enough constituency that the legislators would pay it any attention. I hate to say "let the market control the situation", but in this case, it really does seem that it would be more efficient for the public to drive Sea World to change its policies than it would be for the government to step in and attempt to rectify the situation. I have to wonder how far away Sea World is currently from shelving the orca display and just becoming a giant aquarium.
don't fret it - there's karma. where do you think all those folk abducted by aliens end up? yep, doing tricks for cheeseburgers in EarthWorld.
Holy moly, psychsoul is actually making some sense in this thread. There may be hope for you yet, my friend!
I think for the first time I wholly agree with your post. :) I think Sea World is disgusting, and for the most parts, zoos as well (but especially Sea World and other places where they're being made to perform for the amusement of humans). The only purpose of the place is to provide silly amusement. Like you said, the educational aspects of it are dubious at best... a kid could learn far more by googling about the animal. It's beyond clear that many of the animals there are highly intelligent and self-aware (for example, dolphins passing the mirror test). Since they're thinking, feeling creatures with emotions and a state of mental health, it's really just barbaric to keep them in captivity to provide entertainment.

Some good has come from zoos... for example, species that have become critically endangered that have been able to bounce back because there are animals in zoos, or even I believe a few cases where the only sure animals remaining in the world are in zoos. This may end up being the only way that elephants and rhinos survive the next 50 years because of the huge poaching rush, particularly now that terrorist groups are using poaching to get funds and running organized operations to do it. But I don't go to zoos anymore, they're just sad even when they're good zoos. When I was a kid I went to Sea World and thought it was awesome, and I thought zoos were awesome too, but as I've become more aware my opinion has shifted entirely.
Sea World is something the human race will look back on one day with great shame. Much like the days of the gladiator, it's barbaric to put it simply. Taking an animal from its natural habitat to a cage, then making it perform for small rewards in front of an audience for profit. Surely there are more respectable ways to entertain ourselves. I can't even believe this is still legal after watching Blackfish.

Whales seem more emotionally developed then many humans I have known, and on a much deeper level.
I don't know where to stand on this because I, frankly, wouldn't know where to draw the line. Aquariums for example: it always seemed to me the smaller it is, the more inhumane it is. But with that being said, is a large aquarium really that much more humane?

I really like the Savannah type "zoos" where the lionesses get to attack the humans that drive through the reservations. Why can't we have more of those?
Sea World should not be legal. In "Black Fish" (available streaming on Neflix) a neurobiologist relates that, anatomically, the limbic system of orcas may be even more elaborate than our own. The limbic system of our brains is deeply implicated in emotional processing. To have an anatomically more elaborate limbic system may therefore be indicative of a "superhuman" capacity for suffering (as in sensations of "grief" when a mother is separated from her calf -- for our profit and amusement). Imagine being made captive and placed in involuntary constrained isolation for the better part of your life, and then consider that the horror of that could be multiplied to a level of intensity and genius of suffering that we cannot comprehend. That could be what Sea World is. If the reality is even a small fraction of this cultural economic teratology then arguably the entirety of Sea World's square footage should be sold to fund oceanic conservation efforts.

Children no longer need aquariums to empathize with sea life. They can see amazing examples of its beauty in high definition on their parent's giant television screens.
Good point. I question the morality of any type of thing in which animals are kept captive for the purpose of humans looking at them. Even if any animal's capacity for suffering is less than ours, it still appears crystal clear that suffering is involved, and it's for such a trivial reason.
Sea World is a leftover from an old way of viewing animals, as playthings. There are still circuses that use animals too.

I'm against Sea World, animal circuses, and zoos. The only zoos I support are those which simply house farm animals (like feeding zoos), and those engaged in conservation to restore wild populations. Zoos for "education" are amusement are bogus.

Animals are really intelligent and sentient, their consciousness is just different than ours. There's so much we can learn from them we stop assuming they're less than us.