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Should i try street amhpetamine for the first time?


Jul 4, 2016
Hello, im 19 and i would want to try street amphetamine. I would use it in LOW DOSES ONLY and use it 2 times WEEKLY,
in constant doses not changing them. I would use it in order to enhance my studying.

I would want to know everything about it i need to know. What is considered low dose, best way of taking it,
tips and side effects. I am a pertty panicky person tho, i had panick attacks before, most are from stress or caffeine,
which i can get from just 2-3 cups of black coffe, standard panick attacks, shortness of breath, shaking like im cold, body temperature change (specially in face and hands/feet) and sometimes sweating. Considering blood pressure, i sometimes have blurred vision and lightheadness when i sit and then stand up, it happens when im high (im using marijuana for 2 years now) and when im not high too.

I do exercise, i started to run and im a beginner in bodyweight training. Im around 18% - 19% of body fat, less or more and have slow metabolism, if it does have matter.

Im living pretty sendetary life after all, because im learning how to program and im interested in that. Exercising and
going out with friends on the weekends getting smashed out is pretty much only time im active lol.

Everything and anything usefull according to this would be helpful to me. thanks.
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Welcome to Bluelight :)
Your question isn't really suited for OD, as OD is about intermediate harm reduction questions. I'm going to move it to Basic Drug Discussion, but I'm not sure if it's appropriate there.

So you use it two times a week, and you're asking to try it for the first time? Absolutely do not take this as medical advice, but start low, around 30-50 mg maybe if you want recreational effects. I don't know you, and I don't know your pharmacology, but the "start low and work your way up" principle works still. Take a low dose, and then see how it goes. Remember that amphetamine has a fairly long duration of action, of over 10 hours, so don't redose too early to avoid overdosing.
Be careful tho if u get panic attacks

I used to be a huge stoner smoking weed daily all day long for ten years straight
Then I started gettin panic attacks from it and now I can't really enjoy weed anymore it's weird and sucks. Maybe I can handle one rip..

I have also gotten crazy intense panic attacks from coffee. Caffeine.

I recommend If u can maybe sticking to adderall and Ritalin
If u really wanna do amphetamines .
I've never done street spied but is imagine it's stronger than adderall even tho adderall has sone amphetamine salts in it.

Take it easy so maybe u get the up and focus effect but not the anxiety.

I've done adderall and Ritalin like maybe three times. Ritalin I didn't get panic attack but one time I did adderall I did get a panic attack
But other times I did add I added Lil Xanax maybe low dose Xanax to kinda even me out and reduce the panic and anxiety side effects
Be careful
You should read that again, im saying i want to try it for the first time, and once i would try it i would use it twice a week,maximum. I am not yet using it at this moment. I do NOT want to ''Work my way up'' with this substance.
I just want to use it in low dose, if il build up tolerance, i would quit it. Hope this clears some things out :)
Whatever the case, start low. Amphetamine overdose is no joke. If you're getting legit pills, then measuring the dose should be no problem.
No, if you're prone to getting panic attacks, I would not recommend speed. Actually, you don't even know what it is your friend is getting. Buy a test kit so you will have an idea what exactly this street drug contains. After you determine what it is, we may be able to help you figure a safe dosage.
No man why would you want to put yourself in a dangerous situation when it sounds as you are doing so well physically. You are just asking for trouble. The drugs will only make you weaker. Don't do it.
I am a pertty panicky person tho, i had panick attacks before, most are from stress or caffeine,
which i can get from just 2-3 cups of black coffe, standard panick attacks, shortness of breath, shaking like im cold, body temperature change (specially in face and hands/feet) and sometimes sweating. Considering blood pressure, i sometimes have blurred vision and lightheadness when i sit and then stand up, it happens when im high (im using marijuana for 2 years now) and when im not high too.

I do exercise, i started to run and im a beginner in bodyweight training. Im around 18% - 19% of body fat, less or more and have slow metabolism, if it does have matter.

I deleted the parts of your quote I wasn't going to refer to, I hope you don't mind. By the sounds of it, taking any kind of amphetamines is a very bad idea for you, as they raise your heartbeat and blood pressure beyond what is normal even if you are just sitting down and watching a movie. Being on amphetamines, especially ones that you've never taken, are of unknown strength and quality, and are unsure of how they will effect you and your cardiovascular system, I would avoid anything off of the street. PERIOD. You may trust your dealer, but do you trust his? When you put your panic attacks into the equation, having one on amphetamines could potentially be extremely dangerous as one of the first things a panic attack does is pump adrenaline through your body, which if you already have an extremely high heart rate due to the amps, could lead to a heart attack.

I personally would not try street amphetamines if I were you, I would stick to something that you'll know how you react. You don't say in the OP if you have any experience with any kind of Adderall or other prescription stimulants, but if you do, stick to those. You say that you don't want to "work your way up", but this is the exact opposite of how addictive drugs work, ESPECIALLY street amphetamines, which you don't say if it's meth or something else, and as many of us can attest to it can spiral out of hand extremely quickly, especially if you have no prior experience with them.

If you have zero amphetamine experience, that's important to know also. Taking the smallest dose of the weakest amphetamine you can in the most calm environment, without drinking any coffee and without being stressed out, is the smart way to start, if you absolutely must do them.

Hope I helped, if you can next time please be a little more in-depth on what your experience with stimulants and amphetamines is? This way we can help you better if we have more information on your experience level with them. If you can get a panic attack from two or three cups of coffee (average cup of coffee is 80mg caffeine, IIRC) amphetamines have the potential to put you in a really, really dangerous situation.
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To me when you say street quality, that means coke, meth. Take a second to read your post. You answer your own question. Once you try it its done. There is no way for you to be so sure of how far you will take. That's why we have addicts. They don't typically set out to become that way. I started with just wanting to know what it felt like. Just cuious. 25 yrs later, tens of thousands of dollars, broken marriage the list goes on.
Talk to your doc about maybe getting a med that will help you focus. Aderal is pretty popular, its an amphetamine. At least this way you are legal, properly dosed and have a medical professional to rely on. I bet it's cheaper too.
Good luck
No it kinda is meant for Harm Reduction. Bud, I'm not trying to be a jerk but if you cant figure these things out on your own (A 19 Year old that's apparently in school and has an internet connection) Then I'd advise away from drugs period, there's my 2 cents hope It prevents/reduces some harm.
EDIT: Sorry this is so long, I'm a daily amphetamine user too so I write a lot lol. First section is about what amphetamines you should use, second section is about your health related to side effects of amphetamines.
I'm pretty sure I answered one of your other threads about your panic attacks from amphetamines, might've been a different person but I think it was you, so I won't address that here. Id advise against using street speed, unless you don't have access to pills, or if you're injecting it(you can't shoot pharmaceutical amphetamines). Street speed, or any street drug really, can have dangerous impurities, can be fake or laced, and isn't pure and labeled with a pill code so it's harder to dose. You can snort, plug, pop, parachute, or use any other ROA(except IV) with pills that you can with street speed. Pills are just a much, much better alternative to street drugs, especially if you use bluelight and can apply your knowledge to your use. Just to be clear, I'm not necessarily advising for or against your use of amphetamines. That's your choice. I'm just saying that pills are a much better option and street speed.
I'm a little concerned about your health though, specifically your weight. You said that you feel dizzy/lightheaded when you stand up after sitting. There can be other causes for this, but most of the time that is a symptom of being underweight, or malnourished. You've mentioned that it's worse while on cannabis, which happens when you have this condition due to weight, as it affects blood pressure. Amphetamines are 10 times worse for it than weed, so be very careful. This symptom isn't dangerous in itself, but is a sign that you are severly underweight. Eat more foods with fat, protein, and calories. Weed just makes this worse while you're high, so it's not a big issue, but amphetamines not only lower your appetite but also directly burn weight, affecting the cause of this symptom, and the actual problem. Amphetamines can be very helpful in many aspects, so you don't necessarily have to stop using them because of this, but if you are using them you need to counter it in some way. Try to eat as much as you can, and if you can't eat enough to get to a healthy weight see a doctor and ask to get on a medicine for weight gain. Try a physician first, he will probably prescribe you a weaker medicine that helps directly with weight gain, but if it doesn't help enough see a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist will probably prescribe you a more effective medicine, that would often be used to treat mental health issues but has a side effect of weight gain. I'm guessing the first thing he'd try is antipsychotics, but there's plenty of other meds too. All in all, your drug use is your choice and your businesses, but you need to counteract any health problems they cause.
this thread was made in 2016
i hope OP wound up okay, but i doubt he/she is reading now