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Should I trip by myself?

Sorry for the name calling and mean spirited nature of my posts in this thread. I have some personal issues I am dealing with and clearly took it out on the wrong people. I really am sorry to the OP.
Really this isn't like you MGS, I thought you were one of the most mature posters I'd seen, we all have our problems but don't take them out on the forum. Joking has it's place but come on.... I could have done the same but choose to distance myself for this reason. Hope you find your center and you feel better. <3

Tripping alone is one on a million, you'll really come to know yourself. Just do whatever you like normally and you'll love it.
Really this isn't like you MGS, I thought you were one of the most mature posters I'd seen, we all have our problems but don't take them out on the forum. Joking has it's place but come on.... I could have done the same but choose to distance myself for this reason. Hope you find your center and you feel better. <3

Tripping alone is one on a million, you'll really come to know yourself. Just do whatever you like normally and you'll love it.
Yup, I was a jerkface and I am sorry. Everyone is allowed to be an asshole once in a while.
True that! I just don't want you to become some lounge douche(no offense many loungers are awesome!).
I didn't really understand why OP is lame?

Tripping alone is great but it sure is a bit weird by our Western culture standards! Imagine, right now, some dude just sitting in his living room tripping by himself... or imagine your neighbour is doing it right now, it would be kinda strange.

But I wouldn't judge you because I've done it and plan to do it again and yes, I really enjoy it more than with others. I'd probably feel lame on MDMA by myself, but mushrooms are like stepping into some whole other perspective on reality and there's really no time to think of others, you just want to experience it yourself, on your time. Fair enough really.

Do you have a nice garden or backyard? Weather permitting you should go outside into Nature when tripping even when night, it's amazing. I lay under a big tree in my backyard and watched the stars for like an hour.

Music should be constant in a trip, especially alone, as it adds something to focus on since you don't have others around you. Without anything to focus on you get into thought loops.

Just so you know though you should have friends, unless you have an illness or something and can't socialise. I have had schizophrenia that has now gone into remission and I can see the only excuse I have is that illness otherwise I'd be pretty fucking weird...

Get on shroomery.org or something and find someone from your area to go mushroom hunting or something, they'll most likely be really cool because it takes a certain personality/depth to get into this stuff.
Tripping alone is great but it sure is a bit weird by our Western culture standards! Imagine, right now, some dude just sitting in his living room tripping by himself... or imagine your neighbour is doing it right now, it would be kinda strange.

Does western culture have standards about drug use? And if so, is tripping alone really that weird? A significant minority of my trips have been "alone", though usually communicating electronically at points during.
I have never noticed any stigma against people tripping alone.
Unless they were complete introverts before and solely trip alone, but in that case the lone psychedelic usage isn't the problem, it would be the severe social anxiety.
I didn't really understand why OP is lame?


I was making fun of them for posting about what to do when they are tripping so they don't wake their parents up. It made me feel old and to deflect those feelings, I engaged in mean spirited insults.
I have never noticed any stigma against people tripping alone.
Unless they were complete introverts before and solely trip alone, but in that case the lone psychedelic usage isn't the problem, it would be the severe social anxiety.
I used to actually. Some people still do. There's always going to be those who are like "Do anything but XXX is waste while tripping!".
I really want to trip by myself and I was wondering if it's a good idea to trip at night while my parents are asleep, I was also thinking of taking .5 mg of Xanax to mellow out the trip and if I end up having a bad trip taking around 3mg more to end the trip, my main question is if being on my computer all night watching movies, listening to music and chatting with people will be alright or will it make the trip boring, any movie/music recommendations will be appreciated also I have tripped twice on 25i and 3 times on DXM so I have a good understanding on controlling my trip and riding it out but I'm just being cautious since it will be my first time tripping alone.

Boring? Absolutely not :D
Bad idea? Depends on the dose I guess. How big is your room?
holy toast said:
Unless they were complete introverts before and solely trip alone, but in that case the lone psychedelic usage isn't the problem, it would be the severe social anxiety.

Introversion and social anxiety/shyness are completely different things.

introversion - the state or tendency of being predominantly concerned with and interested in one's own mental life
extraversion - the state or tendency of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self
I feel I was a bit inaccurate in what I said.

If you are a pretty ordinary person, well-groomed with cultural values and quite social in the popular culture of your nation, it would be pretty strange if you just went home and tripped by yourself or did that regularly, at least in Western countries/cultures.

But if you have a highly developed inner life, like you have your own views, go for your own experience of something, and generally know who you are and do it all your own way, then it's pretty normal to trip by yourself.
I feel I was a bit inaccurate in what I said.

If you are a pretty ordinary person, well-groomed with cultural values and quite social in the popular culture of your nation, it would be pretty strange if you just went home and tripped by yourself or did that regularly, at least in Western countries/cultures.

If you are a pretty ordinary person, well-groomed with cultural values and quite social in the popular culture of your nation, it would be pretty strange if you took illegal drugs.


What's "normal" in a culture that is so esoteric to start with?
Those guys covered the basic concept pretty well.

Tripping by yourself and having meaningful experiences can somewhat alienate you from others with "normal" (huge quotes; normal my ass) ways of thinking. It can get hard not to look at others who don't cultivate an internal sense of self-worth as lacking something. If not careful you may also start looking down your nose, and seeing them as on a lower level. Alls to say, psychedelics can be alienating, think moderately.
pepper said:
If not careful you may also start looking down your nose, and seeing them as on a lower level. Alls to say, psychedelics can be alienating, think moderately.

True that, but I think most of us learn to love and respect the folks who never even touch the stuff, given a magical experience. On the upside, solo tripping is far more likely to result in meaningful, self-actualizing experiences than the oft recreational group tripping, IMO. Most of the folks I've met who prefer group settings only use for funsies, or are irrational hippie-types.