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Should I tell her my feelings?

I am not getting my hopes up just yet but the topic of poly relationships came up (we are quite comfortable talking about such topics without awkwardness) to which she expressed some interest in due to her BF being shipped out in the military from time to time. I'm not going to expect this to happen; I'm not even sure if he would be ok with it. If it did come up though I do say that I surely would love me a threesome.

I have decided not to outright tell her that I want her like I was thinking of doing, however I don't think there is anything wrong with me simply expressing how I appreciate her presence, right?

I called her earlier today to see how she was doing since she had pulled a muscle in her back and I hadn't seen her at work for a while. Usually I just text but she hadn't replied in days. She seemed.. rather excited to talk to me actually. We only spoke for a little while but it was nice to hear her voice. I forgot to ask if she got the texts, but it didn't sound like she had been avoiding me so I am going to not worry about that (something I have a bad habit of doing; paranoia)

As for my current relationship.. I am scared to leave =/ and the guilt is overwhelming.
I am very stuck financially right now. My job is barely getting my bills paid.. My current GF... well it's a long story but Ill nutshell it.
She was my first real partner. I was young and she was experienced (I was 17 she was 27) that was 7 years ago.
For the first 5 years she was very emotionally and psychologically abusive. About 2 years ago she started making changes but by then it was too late.. There's a lot more to it than than but I really don't want to type it all out right now.
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Oh wow, I completely missed the part about you being in a failed relationship. I'm sorry about that but you've got to get out of that relationship if you're not happy in it. Although I understand there is a lot more to it than what you have in this thread.
Yeah, I know I need to separate myself from my current partner.. It's just very hard for me since she claims that I am the only thing keeping her afloat in the world. Not only that but we are likely to be doomed financially..
I feel very scared, weak and insignificant; one might say I am suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

She knows that I want to leave.. but she insists that I stay and try.

Sorry.. I'm whining at the internet.. I am aware that the only way things will change is if I change it.. It's up to me. I wish I wasn't such a pussy.. I like my soft personality, but it gets in the way of me achieving ambitious goals. =/ *sigh*
You got it right, the only way things will change is if you change it. It's so scary to even think about but in weeks/months/years you will be happy that you took that plunge. Financially things can become difficult, but there's always forms of support out there.

To continue your relationship, will likely doom and harm you both more in the long run but if you're admitting it's not working and you're interested in someone else then you really should just quit now. You'll become bitter towards eachother, and you'll only get deeper into creating a negative relationship. You could keep in contact, and once you've been apart for a while you may realise you do want eachother. It's only fair to give her and most importantly yourself that chance. It's your lifr and you should do what will make you happy, forget about the inconveniences it may cause now think of your future.
The plan is simple.

The execution is another matter. :)

You don't have kids. You aren't married... so THAT is simple. I'm married with a kid... so, it would be very complicated.

So, look at what you need to survive... pack up and go. Give her a notice, so that she could locate a room-mate so that she doesn't end up losing a place to stay and is slammed by bills. I know lots of friends who have room-mates. Or she moves to a smaller and cheaper apartment closer to her work.

PS: yea, it is easier - that is why people talk to therapists.