Should I stop taking coke?

Oh OP yes i have a friend who is 62 and snorts coke daily. Several other people in 60s use daily. But most had strokes too!

This person is asking for a heart attack. I had always pictured older people being more sensible, not necessarily maturer but definitely not stupid. This is for me as suicidal as it can be, not to mention off topic / not the point at all.

Besides I find it a little odd hanging around people with 62 yo with deadly cocaine habit.
This person is asking for a heart attack. I had always pictured older people being more sensible, not necessarily maturer but definitely not stupid. This is for me as suicidal as it can be, not to mention off topic / not the point at all.

Besides I find it a little odd hanging around people with 62 yo with deadly cocaine habit.

Personally Ive always hung out with people older than I. You are funny! What do you think happens... suddenly you turn 50 and its like oh I'm old I better quit? Get a grip! Some people may quit but a lot don't. I am 49 in 2 weeks and I have loved cocaine since my 3rd use/1st time IVing. And yes OP was curious about how it would affect him long-term. I think referring to people in their 60s gives him an idea. Or myself who has used cocaine off and on for 30+ years. Go dry behind your ears your age is showing!
Yes, cocaine is really bad for you. It's extremely cardio-toxic, and even in South American countries it's cut with a cattle de-worming drug.

Sim, a cocaína é realmente ruim para você. É extremamente cardiotóxica, e mesmo nos países da América do Sul é cortada com uma droga de desparasitação de gado.