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Should I approach or not?


Mar 4, 2014

So I am tripping on acid right now actually, and thats why I need urgent help, please bear with me

After some time a friend of mine decided to take MDMA together. This was a cool experience, but now i am sitting here on acid and wondering if i should tell him or not? He is my best friend and all, but i dont think he even knows what acid is? trust me, he only smokes weed, drinks and does a littlebit MDMA, but i do know he doesnt know what LSD is because i asked for his thoughts on it and he said he didnt know.

I dont know if i wanna tell him something like this because i dont want him to get the wrong idea of me. You see?? And i wanna share this cool experience with him too!
If i told him "acid, LSD" he would flip out and think next time its heroin.

So; should I?
If so; How should i approach him about it?

Also i appologize if this was very weird, just a simple question
my advice, for what its worth.

Make an excuse and leave
then go find a quiet corner and stick your headphones in and enjoy the trip, or go for a walk

trying to act straight when tripping isnt fun and is a waste of acid

in a day or so you can tell him and point out that acid is safer than booze or mdma
but now is not the time

do this instead

Then again, people on MDMA are typically not the most fearsome, anxious and difficult to talk with...

It could be 'therapeutic' to get it out in the open and cleared, but you can't reasonably expect us to make that decision for you. It depends on what is more important to you: to have a good and honest experience together with him, or an experience that has less risk of getting complicated.

My point is mainly that I agree with bummer that trying to act straight while tripping really sucks and you two kinda owe it to yourselves not to do that, but clearing the air could have a much better end result if you take the time to calmly explain yourself. Before you do that though, ask yourself if you are a person who can explain him/herself well without getting dragged away by emotion and confusion, and how much are the MDMA and LSD affecting you? Because if you break it to him and you can't make coherent sense then it could definitely backfire. The dose of each drug matters here as well.

So not only is it unfair to ask us to make the decision, we can't even really do that because we don't know you like you know yourself or how inebriated your state is. You were able to write a decent enough post but for all we know it took you 20 minutes cause the letters keep melting away.

Good luck!
If I knew him well enough to know that he would have a good reaction, I would tell him. If he takes MDMA, then he must not be that much of a goody 2-shoes.

If I had a doubt that maybe he would have a bad reaction, I wouldn't tell him. Not worth the risk of ruining your trip. And next time I see him, sober, I'd say "hey, did you notice something different about me last time? No? Well, I was on LSD" lol. And then he would understand that it's not something bad.

Just my opinion. :)

Don't get anxious, and have a good time!
I find this question to be really strange. A few questions of my own if I may?

1. Said friend would look down on acid but not MDMA? Or thinks it is on a whole other level in comparison and you are a dirty druggy for doing so? Or is scared of the unknown as he has never dropped before?
2. If you are a male and are having this dilemma telling another male I also find this considerably more strange honestly. If a person is your friend and would judge you negatively based on this are they really your friend?
3. Maybe you are deep enough in you are more emotional than normal and wayyyyy over thinking this?

This is just me talking and forgive me if it comes off too harsh. Do whatever your gut says is best and who cares what your friend thinks.

As shaal said ^^^^^ if you dosed high worry about yourself first and foremost. Don't risk a bad trip.
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IMHO, it's best to save the "first conversation" about drug use (or use of a specific drug) for when you're sober. I wouldn't trust my tripping self to have an intelligent conversation, and I wouldn't want to give the wrong impression to someone who was curious.

If you know and trust your friend, then sure you can talk to him about LSD later. He might not want to try it, or he might thank you later, but either way wait 'till you're sober!
Some people simply have an image of LSD being the black death of drugs. I've known frat guys who take mushrooms, "molly", coke, but they tried to tell my friend that LSD is physically harmful and they'd never do it.

If you introduce your friend to LSD, make sure it is LSD. Before I knew the nbomes were going around, I got some (sold as LSD of course...) and got my friend to try it. He had a terrible, terrible experience. Nbomes are not to be trusted. Whereas, had we done LSD I feel he would have had a way better experience. Basically, it kinda broke his trust of me when I had to explain to him that we'd accidentally ingested a relatively unknown substance, and that LSD was nothing like it. Now he's scared off of LSD, because of the nbomes.

I wish there were public service announcements on tv that told kids, "If it's bitter, it's a spitter!"

If you do have LSD though, more power to ya. The world needs love, and LSD is love.
Haha. I did use like 30 minutes to write the text and I can tell you I felt like a real computer hacker when I wrote it while listening to Sphongle in my room :)

When I sobered up I went over to his house to tell him about this "hilarious" story that I had told him about before. So there we sat and smoked a joint. Then the LSD started kicking in again like crazy and so I began telling him about it. I told him I was tripping as we spoke and how it wasnt bad and all that. I gave him a quick trip report and he showed interest in doing it himself sometime. But i'm not sure if I wanna give it to him, because he have had a lot of family issues and alcohol issues so I don't know how it would go. I'm the kind of person that can wake up a morning and eat a couple of blotters and take a long walk in the woods because I have a whole day off. I just love LSD and I wanna share it with him :)

Thanks for everyone replying. Love this forum
Ya my Friend had a Similar Situation he Decided to keep Quiet about it and Stick to himself..... But Literally like Roughly 2 Weeks Later someone apparently Ratted Him Out about being High on Acid to the Woman who Owned the House he Tripped Balls at but they had NO IDEA ANYTHING WAS UP WITH HIM FOR THE INTENSE 6 TO 8 HOURS. Despite that BITCH still wayyy Over-Reacted and made a Big Dumbasss Stupid-asss-shit-Deal-Of-Nothing. But I would just be Prepared for the Worse and Hope for the Best Maybe if you must Talk about the Experience AFTERWARDS with your buddy in case if things go South during the Convo lol if you know what I mean.
That reminds me of this girl named Grace who lived in the same house in college with my good friends. We often went over there and did drugs or just hung out. One time we were doing acid and she walked in and realized we were (there were some hits on the table). She freaked out and told us she was going to call the cops. So we left to my house and I don't know if she really did. After that she started to get real weird. My friend Mark who she hated (who lived there with her, with his girlfriend Kate) one day found an online journal she kept, and he read it. She had pages upon pages upon pages ranting about how we all came over to do drugs in front of her just because we wanted to bring "evil" around her, because she was a godly woman and god had given her this test to test her faith. She said in it that she was on a mission to bring our "satan worshipping" selves to justice. Shortly after that, she and her boyfriend (who also lived there) confronted my friends Kate and Mark and got all in their faces. This girl threw a knife at Mark, so after she missed he ran across the room and held her arms to her sides and told Kate to get out and that was going to call the cops. Well, the boyfriend came over and started beating on Mark, and the girl Grace called the cops. They came and she and her boyfriend put on this big act like he and Kate had attacked her and she even hit herself against the wall a few times before so she'd have bruises and cuts. The cops arrested my friends and made them sit in jail for days. It was pure craziness, she gave the worst vibes whenever we were over there but we always just left her alone.

I suppose that has nothing to do with this but I felt like telling the story. :)
^That's wild Xorkoth, I always hear stories of people being so anti-drug they seemingly get possessed by the devil, but that's a whole new level. It sounds like your friends ended up okay though, right? How do people like that end up living with your friends?

That scares me, to know people like that exist, out there in the world...
Yeah my friends are fine. It was college house, consisting of 5 bedrooms. So that's just who they happened to live with. That girl was crazy, she even threatened me, she HATED me, simply because I partied with her roommates.
Damn, my roommate and I have an empty room we're trying to rent out. Every time someone comes to look at it, I get real nervous they might move in, then be hell to live with. We don't use psychs all the time, but when we do it's always in our living room, at like 3 in the morning hah.
Oh yeah, that's a very valid concern then. Just make sure to make a good choice then, hopefully you'll have options. Might be a good idea to try to prod a bit and see if they're into drugs at all, if they are there's a pretty decent chance they'd be cool, but if they're against drugs you may have a real problem on your hands.