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Should a bad trip on your first mushroom trip make you never try them again?


Sep 12, 2015
A few months back (About 6 months prior) SWIM had been bugging his girlfriend "B" to get him some shrooms through a good friend of hers. I've also known my girlfriends friend for a long time and she had said she'd done some the night before with no ill effects. Keep in mind that I'm a 20 year old male (19 at the time) and although my girlfriends friend "K" only is 5'1'' weighed about 100 pounds when She's soaking wet. And I was about an even 200 pounds at the time. When she gave them to me the bag it roughly looked like 5 grams to me but it was dark so I couldn't really eyeball the weight, plus I'm not familiar with the weight difference between dried mushrooms and weed. When I got home and took out my scale I weighed the entire contents of the bag. It came to 3.68G so let's just round it to 3.7 the bag had more caps than stems which pleased me because I had heard that a lot of people sell just stems (which work too, but not as well) my girlfriends and I's friend whom we got the mushrooms off of said that she took 2 grams the night before and she was "blitzed" so guessed she weighed anywhere from 95-115lbs based on times I've had to carry her. So if two grams was just right for he little body than I should be able to handle a bit more.... Big mistake. As a paranoid person I always read everything online and researched for hours to make sure that these were psilosibe cubemsis. And after working up the nerve I ate the entire bag, all 3.7G to myself, I didn't think much of it for the first hour. That's when the beginnings kicked it. I couldn't explain it at first. Everything felt "fake" I quickly realized it had been the mushrooms and began to have a small panic attack. Also at this point it's 3 am so I wouldn't of wanted to wake my parents with my stupid mistake. I paced the house trying to compose my brain but the best way I could describe my thought process was "EVERYTHING is CONNECTED. It didn't even make sense to me but every time I'd think that whatever I'm thinking is nonsense the shrooms would convince me otherwise. This went on for three terryfying lonely hours and I'm glad that the once sane thing I did in the entire situation is not call 911 after waking up relatively fine the next day I said I don't think I'll ever do those again.. It's such on odd feeling I have when I remember my trip. It was bad and scary but also positive and life changing at the same time..

So what are your thoughts anyone? Should I risk It again or just leave it be?
No hard and fast rule, it's up to the individual obviously. If it's something you think that you'd like to try again, then go for it, otherwise stay away from it. Having a bad experience in the past isn't necessarily a certainty that you'll have a bad experience in the future, just as having positive experiences isn't a 100% certainty that you'll continue to have positive experiences...but, on the other hand, I've known people who refuse to take psychedelics anymore because they have nothing but bad experiences lately, so some people just naturally don't like them. But that's up for you to decide...
I had an experiance like this turned me of shrooms for ages around 6 months. But over time you forget what happened and your curiosity will come back about the psychedelic experience on shrooms

also since you're new to bluelight I will let you know SWIM isn't allowed on this site
Not to be rude but if a person had a "bad trip" their first time on shrooms maybe they just didnt realize what they were getting themselves into. I study everything possibe about a drug before use for best results. I have never came close to a bad trip on shrooms nor lsd. Everytime was greatness.
If you do try shrooms again i would recommend doing in a very controlled environment with dear trusted friends or friend and dont take a large dose, go for a general dose so your not overwhelmed with something your not used to.

I will say my first shroom experience was a fully loaded solid trip and it was one of the greatest experiences of my entire life so far. Endless things about it were great but the greatest was it gave me a deep understanding of what life is really all about. I feel as though ive solved many riddles to life.

Peace loves you.
Be more careful. You can always take more if you're not feeling it, and you can never take less once you've swallowed them. An eighth is a pretty big first time dose. Mushrooms are not pot. They're serious business and they'll make your brain still in ways that will allow it to experience reality as it is. You have to take this seriously. You have to prepare for this, you have to respect it, and you have to work through it. Set and setting are key. Where you are, who you are with, what your senses are getting exposed to, it all matters. Be respectful of the mushroom and they will teach you things that will serve you for the rest of your life. Respect yourself enough to create a ritualized environment where magic can reveal itself to you. The Mushrooms will allow you to see reality and yourself outside the blinders of your ego state. It is one of the great gifts of being human, like sex and samadhi. You don't have to be afraid of Mushrooms, but you should really be respectful of their power and use them with reverence. If you do this, you can't go wrong. Create a physical environment that appeals to you. Sights, sounds, smells, people you love.
Try to consider where and why your trip went bad. Take the advice from everyone else who has commented and make sure the next time you go into a trip you are better prepared. Make sure you are in a very safe and comfortable environment, try to get a trip sitter or a fellow companion on the trip who is very experienced and can help you through it, the importance of set and setting cannot be emphasized enough. With mushrooms I prefer a dose of closer to 1.7g than 3.5g, depending on the potency of the mushrooms, start small. It may not be a bad idea to keep a couple mg of xanax around in case of the worst but their use should only be a truly last resort option. It is also a good idea to avoid looking into mirrors or anything with your reflection, and I like to shut my cell phone off completely during an intense trip. Light some candles and incense, and put on some provocative and relaxing music in the background. Be careful mixing marijuana into the mix, as it potentiates psychedelics and can intensify the experience. Also, be careful not to mix any other drugs into the mix at all until you are experienced and well educated on what impact they may have on your experience. Perhaps most important of all is to be aware of your own expectations of the trip, your mood, and overall mindset before you indulge. Relax and have a good time, if you completely expect the trip to be magic and beautiful it will become a self fulfilling prophecy - but if you go into it afraid and paranoid that the trip may wind up "bad", then you are increasing the chances of exactly that happening.

Peace and Flight, Love and Light <3
Oh thanks for the tip, I personally always thought using "SWIM" is a stupid thing to say but I've just seen it a lot on these forum sites so I didn't want to be different lol
You should wait for optimal set and setting conditions, especially on your first time. The key is to be comfortable. :)

Hopefully things turn out better next time.
You took way too much for your first time. You didn't specify, but I assume this is the first psychedelic you've done. My first trips on both LSD and mushrooms turned bad (bad acid trips are 10000x worse), but going into a trip prepared and with respect for the drug is the most important part of having a good time. If you try it again take less, keep benzos or anti-psychotics on hand if you're worried (help bad trips immensely), have good people with you, and TRIP OUTDOORS. I can't tell you how much better psychedelics are when you're outside, at least for me.
My second mushroom trip was so extreme that I never topped the impact any trip had on me since. Made me quit harder drugs for 6 months. Then I figured tripping was basically one of the few ways to find answers I had.

On the one hand: after a number of difficult trips many trippers stop seeing them as bad trips but as difficult learning experiences, or in any case they find ways to manage surviving during and after. I certainly learned that the hard way, went far down the rabbit hole.

On the other hand: train wreck trips can really change a life forever. Try to limit or plan the depth of impact of trips by many precautions and education leading to written and unwritten (implied) rules. Avoid the traps other have fallen into, read up. Learn titration among many other things, a thing that is difficult (but not impossible actually, see homogenization) with organic drugs with wildcard potency.