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Sharing your partner

I find that i like sharing when i am not on MDMA, but with a selected group of people. What i have found is that MDMA can help relax people enough to calm some of their initial social anxiety down. This trait is useful in my experience. MDMA does not make me any less selective. If anything, since i am very aware of my emotions and those of others while i am on MDMA, i am more selective about set, setting, and people.

Sharing is caring. :)

Threesomes, swapping, moresomes, orgies... for them to come off well... requires some forethought and planning in most instances. This will allow for the least chances of awkward aftermoments and the most chances of running into more fun again later. Done threesomes while on MDMA and they were quite fun. MDMA doesn't make me have sexual feelings for someone that i don't already have sexual feelings for beforehand. It's not really pro-sexual as pro-intimacy. Which may or may not include insertions, tongues, penis, vagina, or other things.

I find sharing myself and my partners with others helps us all grow closer. But to each their own. :)
"Pro-intimacy": AlkaloidsEye has grasped what even the prudes answering here must feel. Nearly every time a person takes it, the waves of pleasure on E cause a person to want to grab and hug whoever is near you. It's social "rules" that keep pulling some people back from doing it, even when a hug is all that is going to happen. And by being up tight, they miss something E has to offer, because it "helps us all grow closer." To me, "Sharing" can mean nothing more than just being relaxed about seeing a little intimacy go on with your partner and one or more of the others at a party, and not being made jealous by it, not being anxious, but happier. It could be that what actually happens is no more risque than would have happened with straight people doing ballroom dancing with someone other than their a partner at some lame Gala Ball... except that at an E party (1) it's usually really dark, (2) everybody's physically hot so not many clothes are on, and (3) touching is much more pleasurable on E.

I am glad to hear that some people here are at ease enough with the empathy feelings that they and their partners take things further. That's their choice. To close the door to even the possibility of it seems to me to put an un-needed lid on feelings from the very start of a party. How's that going to max out a person's fun?
I really thought this thread said 'shaving' your partner - I was thinking why the fuck would I get a razor out when were both high?

Sharing =no !

That actually sounds delightful. Imagine the feeling of the cool shaving cream being rubbed off by a gillette razor. Wow.

while rolling.
my best friend always tell me that i can have his girlfriend whenever were on mdma :p

ive always had enough wit wo say no though even when im absolutely bolloxed off it!
It depends. It really does. I have a friend that says he isn't gay but he loves to watch guys cum when we watch porn, and he has given and received the occasional same sex blow job. He doesn't think he is gay though. 8)

Not for me to judge. I only know that a two man threesome with him is great. We both share our new friend's dick and work on it together. It's fun. We both get excited. Him from the live dick in front of him. Me from watching him get so fucking excited. He's in his 50s like me. It's really fun for both of us.

I know a 24 year old that has suggested a three way with one of his lady friends that's 34. No way could I do that. As soon as 24 and 34 started touching, I would feel a monster wave of jealousy that would send me directly out of the room. I don't think about 24's other friends at all. I don't know where that jealousy came from and it sure surprised us all when it busted to the surface.

So it depends. One sex buddy might be fun for threesomes. Another sex buddy might not work for threesomes AT ALL. Just my experience. I hope this helps.

You've heard of bisexuality right? That's what those men are, there's nothing wrong with it, and actually it's pretty common. If you experience jealousy during sex then don't have 3 ways at all especially with another woman, or "sex buddies". Working on a man together with a woman would involve both of you sucking him off or both of you having sex with him together.
Fuuuuck that I never want to share on MDMA, even though I'm without a partner now
If you're dating me then there's no way in hell I would ever wanna see you with someone else.
This might have to do with the fact that I was never too good with women, idk
If anything I have the opposite effect, I only ever want to be with my partner on ecstasy
I didn't mind sharing my ex with other guys high or sober. No hands on me though. It was a way to gain leverage over him.
Fuuuuck that I never want to share on MDMA, even though I'm without a partner now
If you're dating me then there's no way in hell I would ever wanna see you with someone else.
This might have to do with the fact that I was never too good with women, idk
If anything I have the opposite effect, I only ever want to be with my partner on ecstasy

Yeah I agree, when I have been on stuff (I've never used MDMA or anything like it) and dating or in a LTR with someone I never wanted to "share" them or get into stuff like group sex, 3 ways/4 ways, etc. it's trashy, shows a complete lack of morals and respect for your partner, and an easy way to get an STD as I know a lot of people who got them this way.

I saw how in another thread the OP wrote about how he can't get it up while sober or on drugs so I guess he wants his woman to go out and get licked and dicked by other dudes, or maybe he's a voyeur who gets off watching other dudes fuck his woman since he's bisexual or gay and really getting off on the dude or hearing his "wife" talk all about another man or the man's dick. Or maybe they both are freak nasty and into gang bangs?
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Exactly. Call me old fashioned but monogamy is best. I mean when I'm with someone I don't even think of other people
Sure I can see women and notice their ass and body but I'm not gonna wish I was having sex with them instead.
jealously just goes out the window - i never had a threesome with my ex (she didn't do e), but iv made out with a girl while her bf was with her in a nightclub (we where all on it). it sounds a bit low brow but it wasn't, it was really clean and we all connected on an emotional level. i find e substantially decreases the libido/lust aspect of sex and enhances the higher level romantic aesthetic aspect, so it was respectful and caring in a way that it might not have been otherwise - i was less interested in sex and more in the affection/hugging/chatting ect. it was because we where all on that level and liked each-other (we really hit it off earlier that night) that it worked. it didn't go further than that tho, and id imagine doing it with anyone you know would be problematic given the post-e boundaries/social norms/jealously ect.
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@ ugly - your friend is gay or bi , fact

I could on on a gram and not want to share my girl with anyone, sorry but if you're in love with your partner it would be a non issue.

And even if you were stupid enough to
Go down this route, it would make for issues of trust when sober.
I could on on a gram and not want to share my girl with anyone, sorry but if you're in love with your partner it would be a non issue.

That's so narrow-minded. Not everyone views sex, love, and the relationshp between the two the same way that you do. I have been with my wife for over 10 years and love her more than anything, but I am still open to sharing even without MDMA. MDMA definitely increases this feeling because it takes away all of my inhibitions and insecurities.
That's so narrow-minded. Not everyone views sex, love, and the relationshp between the two the same way that you do. I have been with my wife for over 10 years and love her more than anything, but I am still open to sharing even without MDMA. MDMA definitely increases this feeling because it takes away all of my inhibitions and insecurities.

Ok but the point is if you were on mdma, ie the drug changes your normal mindset. If you already practice that kinda freaky shit then it's not really as relevant.

I'm far more open minded than your average joe but sharing a partner is just weird for 99.9% and not something your average person could be ok with. I'm not disputing you love your wife, maybe I should've phrased my post better.
^ dude you could have phrased that post a lot better as well, just because something people do is different from the norm, doesn't make it 'freaky shit' 8(

i dont think i could do it personally, i'm not a jealous type but i could see it leading to things going to shit (i.e. SO falls in love with guy she hooks up with on mdma)
Lol I know, in my world that's freaky shit. Letting another guy plough your wife and getting off on it/being fine with it is just odd for most people.

Whatever floats your boat I guess!
Okiclicked the title cuzi thought this said sharing your printer. I always share my printer, parejas, nope.
Lol I know, in my world that's freaky shit. Letting another guy plough your wife and getting off on it/being fine with it is just odd for most people.

Whatever floats your boat I guess!

I saw how in another thread the OP wrote about how he can't get it up while sober or on drugs so I guess he wants his woman to go out and get licked and dicked by other dudes, or maybe he's a voyeur who gets off watching other dudes fuck his woman since he's bisexual or gay and really getting off on the dude or hearing his "wife" talk all about another man or the man's dick. Or maybe they both are freak nasty and into gang bangs?
Does any body else get the strong urge to share your partner with the others at a party when you're in that "golden hour" after you've come up on E?

Idk but make sure u let me know where the next party you'll be at ;)