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Sex or Drugs?

I think that, as hoptis said,sex can cause a bigger rush, especially as if it's done right you will be glowing for weeks afterwards.
Having said that, music owns both of these things: you can take it anywhere at any time - it goes perfectly with both drugs and sex as well. Music is the one thing that can sait anyone. It is accepting and diverse. Conversely, it is a reflection of the person listening to/playing it, so it has the potential to be a bastard also. But then, don't most things?
Love will get you higher than anything. It'll also get you lower than anything.
Funny how we don't see any "Say No To Love" ads on TV. Or at least I don't.
hahahah Gun, funny bastard :D
I'd take sex at the moment, just coz the girl I'm with now, I adore so much, shes perfect :D
Sex. Drugs I like but when you find someone who can fuck you the way you love it it's great. I sound so blunt you have to admit it's true.
Sex vs. Drugs

Would u rather have a night's worth of some great quality drug of your choice or random sex with somebody u weren't in love with?

Personally I'd rather have the drugs than just one night of random sex.
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I've been thinking about this a lot, lately. I haven't taken an opioid in nearly 5 months, and my sex life is finally back! So, if I weren't married, I'd now--since I'm no longer a chronic user--opt for sex with a girl that I was much attracted to; when I used, I'd only want to (I'd only BE ABLE TO!) jump on some pills...
At first I was gonna say drugs. I like drugs more then sex. BUT I do drugs every night. I don't fuck a random chick each night.

if I could choose between the drug i wanted and the girl I wanted, then sex please
Drugs over random sex anyday. I couldnt have sex with a random somebody I had little or no or unknown feelings for - certainly couldnt let go and enjoy it. Yeah, definately drugs.
I would have sex with random girl I don't love. Drugs I could have anytime but sex with random girl does not happen often.
drugs, and this is one of the things im proud of. Im proud im not a person who takes pride in getting with random girls. I wouldnt have sex with a girl I didnt love (unless supermodel looks :) drugs would bring me more pleasure
depends on the drugs, depends on the sex.

generally though, i'd take drugs over sex. i'm not very interested in sex. if you offer me some drug i don't like, such as cocaine, then i'd probably take the vaginal pounding instead.


anyway, this exact same topic has been posted before.

--> merged
Depends on the drugs and the female. I'd take a good dose of MDMA with a box of whippits over sex with anyone. I'd also take an 8th of really good bud over sex. But any other drug, or weak x or cheap pot, I'd rather have sex. Combining good E and nitrous oxide is much much better than sex.