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Sex on an MDMA/MDA combo, advice?


Mar 6, 2008
So me and my girl have had really hot sober sex and really hot drunk sex. I have heard stories about rolling sex ranging from pornstar fuckathons to limp dick disasters. The guy who sold it to me said this about it "if you are on a good one or two points anything can happen, much more than that and your dick will be soft".

I want to experience this but I really don't want to take Viagra or any bullshit like that, I'm way too young to need that shit. Im fairly certain my cock will inevitably reach wood with my girl slobbing my knob like she does, can anyone else confirm or deny the possibility of good sex while rolling? Especially in a relationship, in fact in a relationship is the only way I'd be down to try rollfuckin..

So what you know about it?
I highly suggest that you find some ciallis just in case. Sex on X can be porn star status and better. However you don`t want to be there getting head and not get hard,so just get some in case.

I suggest ciallis over viagra because I believe it to be the better of the two. Also be forwarned that you may not ejaculate till you come down from your roll. So make sure that your lady knows that she will need to give you some special service the next day,and please take it easy on her. I know that I hammered my woman to the point that she could not walk straight for a few days.
As odd as it is, I've never had this problem on MDMA. My dick gets hard as shit when I have physical contact with a female body and I don't get shrinkage. My friends curse me for it but I have no idea why I'm like this. I would suggest keeping a physical roll throughout the high. Have your girlfriend constantly massage you while you're coming up and whatnot. Keep the physical aspects of the roll. Maybe it'll help (this is a theory, though, not a proven study).
MDMA causes a massive release of cortisol on the come-up.
If you try to start before your peak, you are much more likely to have problems.

Wait until you peak.
This can take an hour and a half.
Once you peak, your body will release a flood of oxytocin and prolactin.
These hormones cause the feelings of love and empathy and they are normally released AFTER orgasm. They also have an inverse relationship with dopamine, the primary pleasure chemical.

With MDMA, this rule is broken.
Dopamine is released at the same time as the oxytocin/prolactin.
The dopamine increases pleasure to an unbelievable level, and the oxy/pro inhibits ejaculation.
Not only will your tactile sensation go up, but your ability to perform is indeed porn-star status.
It helps to be in great shape - this will be a workout. Some men have trouble reaching orgasm due to the exertion required. I never had this problem...

Remember to wait for the peak. Some people are easily distracted on MDMA, so pay attention. Once your cortisol levels off, you should be fine.
Even if it doesn't get hard immediately, it will. I have occasionally needed a little stimulation, but before long my shrinkage turns into the best of erections. The only thing that can mess up this formula is taking too much, or needing to shit.

Try to time the experience for a week after the end of her period....this will place it closer to ovulation. It will work at the other time of month too, but since this is your first experience you should aim at the middle of the cycle.

Forget the viagra and cialis. You won't need them.

And don't become addicted to the experience.

Space your rolls by 3 months minimum.
Do NOT redose.
Re-dosing has been proven to increase the toxicity of MDMA.
If you redose anyways, make it small and take it before you start to come down.
Drink electrolytes, not just water. You will need them, especially for the acrobatic sex your are going to experience.

Sex on MDMA is unlike anything you have done sober or drunk.
That is why I warn you not to repeat the experience too often.
If you do, you can suffer from long-term sexual dysfunction...look up PSSD.
Imagine having orgasms that provide no sensation at all.
Mine are starting to normalize, after 6 months. You do NOT want to go through this.

Just respect the drug, drink some gatorade....and be ready for the best sex of your life.
Sex on MDxx can be very nice, but be warned that many men find it difficult to get or maintain an erection when rolling, me included.
Bearing this in mind the best times to attempt penetrative sex when rolling is shortly after taking the drug and after three hours when the come down has set in.
To prevent disappointment I suggest taking a full strength Cialis tablet the day before (this might give you a temporary headache. This will clear up after sleeping).
Cialis has fewer side effects on me than Viagra, including less face flushing and the effects last a good 36 hours.
Don't forget that on MDxx you might not even want to bother with penetrative sex and that you may find cuddling, caressing and talking just as nice.
Finally both GHB and weed combine well with the afterglow and allow for very enjoyable sex.
MDMA causes a massive release of cortisol on the come-up.
If you try to start before your peak, you are much more likely to have problems.

Wait until you peak.
This can take an hour and a half.
Once you peak, your body will release a flood of oxytocin and prolactin.
These hormones cause the feelings of love and empathy and they are normally released AFTER orgasm. They also have an inverse relationship with dopamine, the primary pleasure chemical.

With MDMA, this rule is broken.
Dopamine is released at the same time as the oxytocin/prolactin.
The dopamine increases pleasure to an unbelievable level, and the oxy/pro inhibits ejaculation.
Not only will your tactile sensation go up, but your ability to perform is indeed porn-star status.
It helps to be in great shape - this will be a workout. Some men have trouble reaching orgasm due to the exertion required. I never had this problem...

Remember to wait for the peak. Some people are easily distracted on MDMA, so pay attention. Once your cortisol levels off, you should be fine.
Even if it doesn't get hard immediately, it will. I have occasionally needed a little stimulation, but before long my shrinkage turns into the best of erections. The only thing that can mess up this formula is taking too much, or needing to shit.

Try to time the experience for a week after the end of her period....this will place it closer to ovulation. It will work at the other time of month too, but since this is your first experience you should aim at the middle of the cycle.

Forget the viagra and cialis. You won't need them.

And don't become addicted to the experience.

Space your rolls by 3 months minimum.
Do NOT redose.
Re-dosing has been proven to increase the toxicity of MDMA.
If you redose anyways, make it small and take it before you start to come down.
Drink electrolytes, not just water. You will need them, especially for the acrobatic sex your are going to experience.

Sex on MDMA is unlike anything you have done sober or drunk.
That is why I warn you not to repeat the experience too often.
If you do, you can suffer from long-term sexual dysfunction...look up PSSD.
Imagine having orgasms that provide no sensation at all.
Mine are starting to normalize, after 6 months. You do NOT want to go through this.

Just respect the drug, drink some gatorade....and be ready for the best sex of your life.

How do you get the PSSD? Is it from repeatedly having sex on MDMA? This is scary. Me and my girl do this all the time, so just wondering. I have to use Levitra, but it's great.
PSSD is Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction.

SSRIs have a lot in common with MDMA.
MDMA is much more potent and fast-acting. It is also a proven neurotoxin.
However, BOTH of these have been shown to down-regulate serotonin receptors, especially in the prefrontal cortex. Some doctors consider this highly controversial, and they may call SSRIs a 'chemical lobotomy'.

Research has revealed that the majority of patients on SSRIs experience sexual dysfunction. This includes difficulty with erections/vaginal dryness, lack of sexual desire or response to stimuli, and complete lack of sensation during orgasm. The occurrence of these side-effects appear to happen in 60-80 % of patients! For most, it goes away in the months following discontinuation. For an unlucky minority - it is long lasting or permanent.

This is where the term PSSD comes from.
Additionally, those that suffer severe withdrawal from SSRIs share a remarkable number of symptoms with those in recovery from MDMA abuse:

Brain zaps or 'head-pressure'
Severe anxiety/depression
HPPD - visual distortions
Spatial distortions
DP/DR - a feeling of not being present in your body or the real world, as if you are watching yourself from the other side of a piece of glass
Complete bodily anhedonia - a lack of pleasure or desire to seek pleasure in life - nothing can make you smile; your favorite song means nothing to you...
Sexual and ejaculatory anhedonia - no libido at all, regardless of the stimuli or effort involved (porn included), a feeling of numbness around the genitalia/rectum, lack of all sensation during sex and especially orgasm
In addition to sexual problems, many former SSRI patients describe having no 'human emotion' towards other people. There is a complete lack of intimacy/interest, sexual or otherwise.

Just as with MDMA recovery, I find that SSRI recovery takes anywhere from 1-4 years. Some of these people live a horrible existence and bounce from one medication to another in attempts to fix themselves. This usually delays or damages their recovery. Some will turn to herbs/alternative medicine, but many of these people feel NO response to ANY treatment. Exercise seems to have a moderate effect, but temporary. Some respond to Pircacetam or Inositol, but many do not.

You can simply look up PSSD, but I recommend checking out paxilprogress.org.
Do a google site search, like this 'site:paxilprogress.org PSSD' cut and paste this into google.
Or join the Yahoo group - SSRIsex.
You don't have to take my word on any of this.

What causes it?
Well, first the connection between your gut and your prefrontal cortex is fragile. This area of the brain is likely what makes rolling so great, but the fiber like extensions of the serotonin nerves in this region are the FIRST to get damaged and the LEAST likely to recover. Big deal...
This has implications for many things outside of sex.
But in regards to just sexual dysfunction, consider this...

Remember the impossible endocrine response?
The simultaneous release of dopamine AND prolactin/oxytocin is NOT normal.
This is responsible for the great sex AND long-term sexual dysfunction.

Doctors are researching why PSSD happens to some people.
A popular theory is this:

Prolactin is normally released post-orgasm. It inhibits dopamine in the nucleus acumbens (pleasure highway in the brain). When prolactin is present, dopamine is not.
This loss of dopamine activity is responsible for the 'refractory period' in men during which time they are unlikely to achieve erection. It is nature's way of allowing sex to stop and to produce a period of bonding.

When prolactin is over-produced, this leads to a down-regulation of dopamine receptors in the NA. Theoretically, once prolactin falls, these receptors should up-regulate. However, SSRIs cause an extended period of high prolactin levels. This may be causing a severe down-regulation that cannot be restored in some patients. The cause may be epigenic in nature, meaning that mitochondria are damaged on a cellular level - causing permanent changes in the expression of DNA in this region of the brain.

I have come across four people on Bluelight that describe sexual/ejaculatory anhedonia after MDMA abuse that lasts for months. I have heard anecdotal reports about many others.
In the SSRI group, it happens to both men and women and can be life-shattering.

If you are rolling more than 3-4 times per year, let this serve as a wake-up call.
The last six months has not been easy for me - the last thing I need in addition to constant anxiety is a lack of sexual reward. Now, I plan sex. There are times of the day that it is much better than others. I have noticed that digestion is the biggest problem - it appears to cause a stress/prolactin response. In the mornings, when digestion is at a stand still, I seem to do much better.

When these symptoms resolve...IF they resolve...I will make sure to update Bluelight.
Please stop doing it 'all the time'.
Take a long break - many people that find out they are fucked up take weeks/months of abstinence to really begin feeling the effects! Even acute, life-threatening reactions can occur up to a week after cessation.

Take a break, and space your rolls.
MDMA is meant to be used 2-3 times per year, NOT per month.
Even if you don't feel the difference, you have already started damaging your 'brain-gut' circuitry.
The brain is resilient, but it is NOT impervious. :\

Good luck.
I don't know why but the letter "P" was replaced with :p up in my previous post.
This is a strange glitch.

The site is paxilprogress.org
Fuck yeah First Bad Comedown. I rarely roll, I havent since sometime in December of last year so I'm certainly on the better side of the abuse spectrum I should think. That all makes sense, I'm glad to finally have it explained to me why there are problems for some guys. So wait for the peak, gotcha. I'm going to be dancing my ass off during the come up so my heart will be pumping the entire night, I'll probably signal to my girl the moment I reach my peak and we'll sneak off somewhere. Despite the outcome I will not be repeating this experiment. I generally roll 3-4 times a year, if at all. I might try and get my hands on some 2c-d or 2c-b before this event and may rack a few mgs of that at my peak. Thank you for your advice.

Any other suggestions/comments/pertinent info are greatly appreciated.
Of interest - research involving rats has shown that loud thumping music causes a decrease in the prolactin response. As a result, ejaculatory inhibition was lessened.

That must mean that the music causes a much greater release of dopamine, which combats the prolactin. I'm not sure that is what I would want, though. The prolactin is what makes the sex last forever...and ever. Maybe the extra dopamine is well worth it....

I have always found loud music to be a disruption, and even over-whelming.

Don't wait for your peak. It is easy to miss, especially at a club.
Get started on HER, before the peak.
That's right - women don't have to worry about erections, so start going down on her in advance.
As long as you are close enough to your peak, you can just sit there and eat her pussy for a good twenty minutes, right?

I don't recommend taking a high dose of the other stuff.
It can make you roll too hard, and the come up lasts 20-40 minutes.
I don't have personal experience, but I would be concerned about messing up your erection.
If anything take a SMALL dose.

Some friends of mine SWEAR by GHB.
They claims its aphrodisiac effects are immediate and profound.
They also say it makes you happy.
But it wears off quickly, and it can be dangerous - overdose is very easy.
Loss of consciousness is common.

In the end, you shouldn't need any extra drugs if you time the sex correctly.
MDMA, all on its own, will do the most good.

Make sure you are in a cool environment and drinking electrolytes!
Good luck, and take care of yourselves!
Well 2c-b was cited by Shulgin as the only true aphrodisiac he had encountered, I'm more concerned with the possible negative side effects the MDMA will have then the 2c-b. I was considering 10-20mgs of the b, half nasal half oral at the start of the fuckathons to extend the viability of the roll and to increase entactogenic effects.. Perhaps 50mgs of the d once the fucking is over to put everything in perspective ;)

As for the environment... A big ass 2 bedroom house.. Couch, bed, chairs, loud bassy speaker system connected to a desktop computer with my favorite tunes. I think I just might enjoy myself hehe
MDMA causes a massive release of cortisol on the come-up.
If you try to start before your peak, you are much more likely to have problems.

Wait until you peak.
This can take an hour and a half.
Once you peak, your body will release a flood of oxytocin and prolactin.
These hormones cause the feelings of love and empathy and they are normally released AFTER orgasm. They also have an inverse relationship with dopamine, the primary pleasure chemical.

With MDMA, this rule is broken.
Dopamine is released at the same time as the oxytocin/prolactin.
The dopamine increases pleasure to an unbelievable level, and the oxy/pro inhibits ejaculation.
Not only will your tactile sensation go up, but your ability to perform is indeed porn-star status.
It helps to be in great shape - this will be a workout. Some men have trouble reaching orgasm due to the exertion required. I never had this problem...

Remember to wait for the peak. Some people are easily distracted on MDMA, so pay attention. Once your cortisol levels off, you should be fine.
Even if it doesn't get hard immediately, it will. I have occasionally needed a little stimulation, but before long my shrinkage turns into the best of erections. The only thing that can mess up this formula is taking too much, or needing to shit.

Try to time the experience for a week after the end of her period....this will place it closer to ovulation. It will work at the other time of month too, but since this is your first experience you should aim at the middle of the cycle.

Forget the viagra and cialis. You won't need them.

And don't become addicted to the experience.

Space your rolls by 3 months minimum.
Do NOT redose.
Re-dosing has been proven to increase the toxicity of MDMA.
If you redose anyways, make it small and take it before you start to come down.
Drink electrolytes, not just water. You will need them, especially for the acrobatic sex your are going to experience.

Sex on MDMA is unlike anything you have done sober or drunk.
That is why I warn you not to repeat the experience too often.
If you do, you can suffer from long-term sexual dysfunction...look up PSSD.
Imagine having orgasms that provide no sensation at all.
Mine are starting to normalize, after 6 months. You do NOT want to go through this.

Just respect the drug, drink some gatorade....and be ready for the best sex of your life.

haha nice guide
Have her go down on you. Last time I took MDA/MDMA mix with my girl, we got home and she was obviously dying for it. I told her I highly doubt it's going to happen because I was wet-noodlin' it big time, however she went down on me and in about 30 seconds I was a jackhammer.
i guess everyone is diff i have had sex a shit ton of times on X and never experienced PSSD
The first time I tried to have sex on mdma it did NOT work. My bf could barely get hard and neither of us could focus long enough to do anything lol. But we had taken too much.
Another time, we just took one each and sex was good. It took more work to get his dick hard but, as long as I was touching it, it was good. The difficult part was when we were trying to put the condom on. Because I would stop touching it for, like, two seconds, so that I could get the condom. And it would become limp in that time :p. Kind of annoying, hah.
What we used to do a lot was go out to a club/rave, both do mdma, then get home, possibly pop another m, and also do a cap of ghb. This made him crazy horny and me a little bit more horny and it worked better than sex on just m.
I find that touching on mdma (blow jobs, eating out, hugging, kissing, manual stimulation) is better than sex. I love sex in general but well mdma is just better, for me, for touching (and my boyfriend agrees).
Another thing, not sure how wet she usually gets, but I know that I can only get wet at the beginning of mdma. When I'm coming down, or taking another pill, I cannot get very wet so we have to use lube! Make sure you have some around just in case!
But, as always, everyone is different. Some people have no problems, some people have lots of problems staying hard. Good luck :)
Forget about trying to get it up. If it happens it happens. Massages, toys and lube.
First time one E I was kinda soft, especially after sniffing poppers, but second time I was on a whole pill of E, my friend was on kamagra and still I was harder than him. So you never know.