severe gyno

honestly, the last thing I would do is leave this issue in the hands of an endocrinologist..

all they're going to do is bumrush your system with hormone or anti-hormone related drugs

trust me man, surgery is the ONLY way, the sooner u begin to accept that, the better off you'll be.

He needs to keep seeing his endo, I really hope he doesnt follow ur advice. Do u realise the gyno is cosmetic? so he gets surgery gets it cut off and then what? he is still hypogonadal has aching joints and high estrogen
If he has it removed and the cause is not determined & treated appropriately, the gyno will form again.

Simple as that.
If he has it removed and the cause is not determined & treated appropriately, the gyno will form again.

Simple as that.

yea, i was wondering about that. the gyno is getting worse too and my nipples hurt like hell. my left if bigger than my right. if i have surgery wont it come back?
yea, i was wondering about that. the gyno is getting worse too and my nipples hurt link hell. my left if bigger than my right. if i have surgery wont it come back?

Its possible but there is a little chance that gynecomastia will come back.;)