severe gyno


Jul 7, 2006
I am a 19 year old male and have gynomastia. My blood tests show high estrogen (84) and low testosterone (195). All my joints hurt and injure easily and the doctor thinks this is due to the low testosterone. I would like to try an estrogen blocker and my doctor does not want to give it to me. I have had four blood tests and the endocrinologist wants to repeat the blood tests. I am getting anemic due to the low testosterone and can't give more blood right now. She wants an ultrasound and MRI, too. My endocrinologist is refusing to treat me until I get all the tests done and that won't be for another month. I don't think I can wait that long to start treatment. I saw a urologist who did an exam and didn't think I need an ultrasound. I was thinking of trying Stanazolol to raise my testosterone level to normal because it cannot convert to estrogen. I do not know if the Stanazolol is strong enough to raise the testosterone to the normal levels. I have never been on steroids. I have been off all drugs for almost two years and was on Xanax for three years and Adderall for one year. I was also on Clindamycin Phosphate for years, applied for acne all over the back. I started getting gyno when I was about 15 years old about the time I started taking Xanax but it didn't get much worse until recently and now it is getting worse every day. I can't get an appointment with another endocrinologist for a month.

what could be causing this? Where do I go from here?
Stanazolol or any steroid will supress your natural testosterone production.....

You need to figure out the cause. A serum of 195ng/dl is very low for a 19 year old, you need to find out why this is...
You should speak to your endocrinologist about your concerns. Perhaps ask him/her why more tests are necessary since you don't seem to think they are?
I cannot believe this...
and you have never done steroids?

are you very skinny? or are you very fat?

If you are really skinny my advise would be too eat more and lift heavy weights.

If you are girly fat then I suggest you do lots of cardio to burn that sh1t off and eat healthy
Stanazolol or any steroid will supress your natural testosterone production.....

You need to figure out the cause. A serum of 195ng/dl is very low for a 19 year old, you need to find out why this is...

could the drugs i took cause it?
Long-term benzo use can result in hypogonadism:

We evaluated the effect of acute and chronic diazepam administration on testicular peripheral type benzodiazepine receptors (PBZD-R), serum testosterone and LH levels and the "in vitro" androgen production in response to Ro 5-4864, a PBZD-R agonist. The chronic diazepam treatment induced a significant fall in plasma testosterone concentration while LH levels remained unchanged. The number of PBZD-R was reduced by 37% and low concentrations (10(-8)-10(-6) M) of Ro 5-4864 failed to stimulate "in vitro" androgen production. The acute diazepam administration caused a significant increase in plasma testosterone levels while no changes were observed in LH concentrations and testicular PBZD-R. These results further suggest a modulatory role of PBZD-R on testicular steroidogenic activity.

Did they check your prolactin levels, as it also plays a major role in some gyno cases. What were your prolactin levels, because you could theoretically be suffering from Hyperprolactinaemia, which would decrease test levels and increase levels prolactin?

What percent of your plasma testosterone was unbound? If you post the blood work-up, i'd be happy to translate it for you....
Long-term benzo use can result in hypogonadism:

Did they check your prolactin levels, as it also plays a major role in some gyno cases. What were your prolactin levels, because you could theoretically be suffering from Hyperprolactinaemia, which would decrease test levels and increase levels prolactin?

What percent of your plasma testosterone was unbound? If you post the blood work-up, i'd be happy to translate it for you....

prolactin was normal.
I cannot believe this...
and you have never done steroids?

are you very skinny? or are you very fat?

If you are really skinny my advise would be too eat more and lift heavy weights.

If you are girly fat then I suggest you do lots of cardio to burn that sh1t off and eat healthy

What are you talking about man? Pubescent gynacomastia is extremely common, you don't have to be using aromatising steroids. Your 'advice' has nothing to do with Gyno. Your posts are consistently shite. Half the time you're full of questions and very clearly haven't got a fucking clue about the subject matter, the other half you post up answers (often to your own questions) like you're an expert. :\

To the OP. It's best to let the professional endocrinologists sort this one out for you. However, if the situation is worsening rapidly and you're desperate to do something, you could use a estrogen receptor agonist like Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) to prevent your high estrogen levels making it larger. You could also try Letrozole (Femra) which although it's an only an aromatase inhibitor has been shown in some cases to reduce the size of existing gynocomastia.

But the best advice it to let a person with a degree in medicine and specialist knowledge of endocrinology sort this for you. Teh internetz is perhaps not the place to resolve complex medical issues.
estro blocker isnt gonna do much for you. if you've had the gyno for a while and its NOT fat, your stuck with it unless you get surgery. i dont understand why the dov didnt suggest a serm? sore joints is caused by LOW estro not high lol.
Using winstrol will not help increase test levels and will certainly not help your joints.

Your endricologist will (hopefully) know what to do best. A round of TRT or a course of AIs is probably most likely. Unfortunatly due to the effects on lipids using AI's year round is not advisable.

Its probably right for your doc to do a number of tests- could be caused by a pituitary problem which could be fatal if unchecked. You don't want to treat the symptoms whilst ignoring the underlying cause.
could the drugs i took cause it?

Yes, absolutely, they may have caused it.

I suggest a low dose of letrozole (~1mg/day) or a high dose of anastrolole (>1mg/day) and some proviron (25 to 100mg/day). The anastrozole or letrozole will prevent your body from turning your testosterone to estrogen. The proviron also does this and also helps by freeing up your testosterone, making it more effective.

Both these measures _WILL_ have you feel much much better and will have little impact on your ability to synthesize testosterone. You seem to secrete decent amounts of testosterone, but waaaay too much of it gets turned into estrogen, which is more suppressive to testosterone production in man than testosterone itself.
Long-term benzo use can result in hypogonadism:

We evaluated the effect of acute and chronic diazepam administration on testicular peripheral type benzodiazepine receptors (PBZD-R), serum testosterone and LH levels and the "in vitro" androgen production in response to Ro 5-4864, a PBZD-R agonist. The chronic diazepam treatment induced a significant fall in plasma testosterone concentration while LH levels remained unchanged. The number of PBZD-R was reduced by 37% and low concentrations (10(--10(-6) M) of Ro 5-4864 failed to stimulate "in vitro" androgen production. The acute diazepam administration caused a significant increase in plasma testosterone levels while no changes were observed in LH concentrations and testicular PBZD-R. These results further suggest a modulatory role of PBZD-R on testicular steroidogenic activity.

that is an interesting study who did it?
Calvo DJ, Campos MB, Calandra RS, Medina JH, Ritta MN.

Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
you should be placed on trt, if the doctor wont help you find your own source of steroids. testersterone cypoinate is commonly prescribed in usa for low test. the other drugs these guys told you about will help block estrogen. arimedex is often used. winstrol should not be your first choice. i would go with tren because this ddoesnt aromatize into estrogen
you should be placed on trt, if the doctor wont help you find your own source of steroids. testersterone cypoinate is commonly prescribed in usa for low test. the other drugs these guys told you about will help block estrogen. arimedex is often used. winstrol should not be your first choice. i would go with tren because this ddoesnt aromatize into estrogen

Please ignore this harebrained advice. :!
Forget all these replies man... Go to the forums, you'll find help there..

Like you, I had a medium case of gyno which was hereditary in my family since my early teen/childhood years.

Make no mistake, the ONLY way to get rid of this is plastic surgery to remove the gyno lumps, and it's as quick and painless as it gets.. I fully recovered in a week, as I had it done a about 4 months ago. Don't bother looking into anti-gyno cycles, or estrongen blocker, tamoxifen etc. etc. etc. None of it works, besides surgery. Which will run you about 2500-7000$ depending on the area.

Hope this helps bud - and to further elaborate, the only thing those estrogen blockers do is reduce your gyno about 30% while you're doing it, then when you go off, it completely returns.
I am a 19 year old male and have gynomastia. My blood tests show high estrogen (84) and low testosterone (195). All my joints hurt and injure easily and the doctor thinks this is due to the low testosterone. I would like to try an estrogen blocker and my doctor does not want to give it to me. I have had four blood tests and the endocrinologist wants to repeat the blood tests. I am getting anemic due to the low testosterone and can't give more blood right now. She wants an ultrasound and MRI, too. My endocrinologist is refusing to treat me until I get all the tests done and that won't be for another month. I don't think I can wait that long to start treatment. I saw a urologist who did an exam and didn't think I need an ultrasound. I was thinking of trying Stanazolol to raise my testosterone level to normal because it cannot convert to estrogen. I do not know if the Stanazolol is strong enough to raise the testosterone to the normal levels. I have never been on steroids. I have been off all drugs for almost two years and was on Xanax for three years and Adderall for one year. I was also on Clindamycin Phosphate for years, applied for acne all over the back. I started getting gyno when I was about 15 years old about the time I started taking Xanax but it didn't get much worse until recently and now it is getting worse every day. I can't get an appointment with another endocrinologist for a month.

what could be causing this? Where do I go from here?

Do not do anything until you have gotten ALL the tests back from the doctor prolactin ,e2, test free test, shbg, lh and fsh. This will help give you a greater understanding of what is causing your hypogonadism and whether you are primary or secondary. It is definately worth it to get some head scans aswell.
Are your testes normal size? normal spread of androgenic body hair (think chest armpits stomach etc) and have you gone through puberty?

I know how you feel because I've been there and I really don't want you to make the same mistakes I did. I had bad gyno and depression and tested at 240 at 19 years old so what did I do? I booked an appointment with an endo and he wouldn't help just basically told me though my levels were right at the bottom I was still 'normal' (230-1100) I think was the range. Obviously 240 is not a normal reading for a 19 year old male.

After this I lost it completely, started doing my own hrt and did a couple of cycles of orals aswell. It was a big mistake I didn't try to go to an endo or get anymore tests all I was after was a quick fix to make me feel good, and make me feel good it did.After doing this for about 6 months It dawned on me that hrt truly is a life long thing, I don't want to have to break the law and pin my self weekly for the rest of my life.

So I came off all the aas, ran some HCG then some nolva for 4 weeks and got a full blood test a month later and it came back as 600 this time! I've also not been leaving any low test sides recently (lethargy, tiredness, brain fog). There is a good chance you will be able to recover on your own and not go on life long therapy so exhaust all your options before you finally settle on it.

Don't look at ai's and SERMS as a saviour for your gyno either, I did this and was left disappointed after trying it, they didnt do much for my pubertal gyno. If you are going to use them though stick with nolva, arimidex or anastrolole. Letro is really strong and it wrecked havoc on my joints and left me with no libido or energy though it might be different for you.

good luck
Let your doctor attempt to figure out the cause and develop an appropriate course of treatment!
Let your doctor attempt to figure out the cause and develop an appropriate course of treatment!

honestly, the last thing I would do is leave this issue in the hands of an endocrinologist..

all they're going to do is bumrush your system with hormone or anti-hormone related drugs

trust me man, surgery is the ONLY way, the sooner u begin to accept that, the better off you'll be.