Sesame kind of phytostrogen

Hexagon Sun

Mar 29, 2010
In my 3rd cycle. Orals only. After 6-7 weeks I feel the E2 more or less crashed.

Yesterday I did something I never do: Eat a good amount of sesame, wchich is rich in phytostrogens.

I have had one of the most peaceful sleep nights that I remember... It is possible that the strogens of the sesame somehow balanced it? What are more similar to? E2, strone?

Would you say eating sesame, soy and beer can be even advisable when in a oral cycle only?

Is my last oral one, I would go from T since now, but anyway Im just curious
I honestly have no idea as I've seen some data about phytoestrogens but in regards to say beer, I think the alcohol itself is also a large contributor to things as well. If you're feeling better with the increased sesame, then by all means continue it as I don't see any real negative with it.