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Serotonin overdose symptoms discussion


Dec 13, 2015
I am writing this from my mobile, I apologize for any mistakes made.

What are the symptoms of mild to severe serotonin syndrome?

Last night, a larger than normal dose was taken without a thought to the risks involved, please lecture after I know I need to go to the hospital or not.

350 mg was taken at around 12 am Saturday morning, it has been nearly 20 hours since and Mu body cannot even fathom the word sleep.
My hands and other fine movements seem to be running on overdrive with no sign of letting up.

This was used in conjunction with approximately 100 mg (might be more, cant check right now) of adderal/meth space through much of Friday and didn't take the mdma until I crashed

I have no chest pain (some minor discomfort in my neck if that's related, idk) and no fever and my pupils are constricted. My heart rate is very elevated and peripherals/fine motor movement is on overdrive also don't even slightly feel tired despite not sleeping in 30+

Please inform me about what I should do next. Currently sitting in my living room trying to relax.

Thank you all
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