Mental Health Seroquel + Ritalin; what to do?


Oct 1, 2016
People who have taken Seroquel + Ritalin - I am on 200mg Seroquel for long term management of schizoaffective. I haven't had an episode in about 2 years, and have been titrated down from 325mg Seroquel over the past few months. Long story short I have anxiety that results in trouble focusing. I have been taking Klonopin PRN for anxiety, which helps greatly with focusing. PDOC says she prefers I try Ritalin to focus. I'm hesitant to take it since 1) I had a psychotic break overlap with amphetamine use in the past (I see a correlation, professionals vary on the matter), and 2) I'm skeptical it will help. PDOC knows of psychotic history. Anyone have any experience with Seroquel + Ritalin?
If your trouble focusing is caused by anxiety and not by ADD/ADHD then I wouldn't recommend ritalin. But then I'm no doctor.
If you're going to try a stimulant, I'd rather suggest Vyvanse. Ritalin is very "up" and "crash", Vyvanse is much more even. Ask your PDoc about it.