• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Seroquel and weight/fat gain


Jun 1, 2006
Hello there! I have been taking SeroquelXR for around 6 months (used to take 3x400 = 1200mg, now I am on 2x400 = 800mg). During these 6 months I have gained 10+ kilos (used to be 66kilos, now I am around 78-80 , height 1,87.) Problem is that part of this weight gain is gain in fat. I never had a belly and now I have one. I exercise regularly (swimming 3-4 times per week, daily exercise of pushups,abs and bar). It's pretty certain that 2nd generation antipsychotics are linked to weight gain but I would like to know if more specifically it's fat gain. Should I be aware of something (maybe diabetes type II or cardiovascular diseases, according to wikipedia?) I eat enough/more than enough , 4 meals per day, 2 full meals (lunch and dinner) , small breakfast and milk & eggs during the evening after exercise.

I also have noticed increased heart rate (90-95bpm...)

If this isn't the right forum section, feel free to move it (but send me a PM so that I can find it).

Thanks in advance,
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I has to deal with it's actions on serotonin.

Think of it as the opposite of 5-htp.
Since it antagonizes serotonin, and more serotonin is associated with being full, you eat a considerable more amount of food.
I has to deal with it's actions on serotonin.

Think of it as the opposite of 5-htp.
Since it antagonizes serotonin, and more serotonin is associated with being full, you eat a considerable more amount of food.

I don't eat that much more of a food. I think it intervenes with the metabolism, and not just the appetite.
I don't eat much more than before.

By the way, I think it's mainly a dopamine antagonist, not a serotonin one (it might be serotonin antagonist too but to a much less degree)

Thanx for replying anyways :)
Does Sero-quel mean anything to you? LOL

Serotonin Quell... Quell = overpower, kill, subdue, take the life of....

It very much has serotonin antagonist properties.
Several atypical antipsychotics are proven to mess with metabolism. The effects on appetite have an indirect effect on metabolism, but there is also a direct cause that hasn't been identified.

Get your BP, fasting triglycerides fasting glucose and weight/bodyfat% checked. Monitor changes and consider switching to relatively low risk alternatives for cardiometabolic problems like ziprasidone or aripiprazole. I'm sure that those will have their own share of problems though, maybe ask other patients about experiences.. Good luck.
Several atypical antipsychotics are proven to mess with metabolism. The effects on appetite have an indirect effect on metabolism, but there is also a direct cause that hasn't been identified.

Get your BP, fasting triglycerides fasting glucose and weight/bodyfat% checked. Monitor changes and consider switching to relatively low risk alternatives for cardiometabolic problems like ziprasidone or aripiprazole. I'm sure that those will have their own share of problems though, maybe ask other patients about experiences.. Good luck.

1)Is this change in metabolism reversible after quitting or reducing the dosage?

2) The antipsychotics that are low risk for weight gain have other side-effects (prolactin-inducing , which translates to erectile dysfunction). So it's about choosing the less worse of the two. I think Seroquel is one of the best antipsychotics, and it has the lowest Half-live (only 6hours).
Anyhow yes I should do checks.
Cardiometabolic problems will also lead to erectile dysfunction. Logic says the metabolic changes are at lease somewhat reversible, but I am not sure. Ziprasidone is said to have low incidence of prolactin elevation.

Basically all you can do is monitor changes with a doctor, and change dose or med if necessary/possible.
Cardiometabolic problems will also lead to erectile dysfunction. Logic says the metabolic changes are at lease somewhat reversible, but I am not sure. Ziprasidone is said to have low incidence of prolactin elevation.

Basically all you can do is monitor changes with a doctor, and change dose or med if necessary/possible.

The dosage will be reduced furhter (from 800 to 400) in a couple of months, and in a year from now I will be rather completely off the med.

Adverse events reported for ziprasidone include severe chest pains, impaired erectile function and stimulation, sedation, insomnia, orthostasis, life-threatening neuroleptic malignant syndrome, akathisia, and the development of permanent neurological disorder tardive dyskinesia. Rarely, temporary speech disorders may result.

I had my heart checked some months ago, even did a triplex and everything was fine. My metabolism has probably slightly changed though. I used to be underweight and now I am more like normal, so it's not that bad, plus I exercise a lot which helps as far as the cardiovascular is concerned, but also the metabolism and diabetes II Risk.

How can metabolism problems lead to erectile disfunction ? I can't seem to connect the dots.

Thanks for your time!
Cardiometabolic problems will also lead to erectile dysfunction. Logic says the metabolic changes are at lease somewhat reversible, but I am not sure. Ziprasidone is said to have low incidence of prolactin elevation.

Basically all you can do is monitor changes with a doctor, and change dose or med if necessary/possible.

so could it be the other way around too? ---> erectile dysfunction leads to cardiometabolic problems.

i just started celexa and ive had crazzy erectile dysfunction, and im starting to notice more fat on my body (and ive been working out a ton more and eating much healthier)

im gonna try and quit this stuff. its not helping:X
Not really. The connection is not that clear cut. A lot of people with hypertension and diabetes also get erectile dysfunction. Perhaps through neuropathy or artherosclerosis I'm really not sure.

SSRI's cause erectile dysfunction because they indiscriminately activate 5HT receptors by flooding the presynaptic cleft with 5HT. Including the 5HT2A receptor which can lead to sexual dysfunction.

Weight gain is possible because of H1 antagonism. The S-enatiomer, which is also on the market but not in generic form, is more selective in it's SSRI action. It does not antagonize H1 so it might be a better option.

A common solution for ED on SSRI's is mirtazapine combined with the SSRI. mirtazapine antagonizes 5HT2A receptors and restores sexual function. I take it with my methylphenidate at 15 mg/ a day and it has definitely improved although I might need a higher dose. Keep in mind that mirtazapine is known also lead to weight gain. Very much moreso then SSRI's. The upside is that it is a great sleep aid.
So what about the increased heart rate? I have read that arrhythmia can be caused, but haven't found anything about tachycardia ...
so could it be the other way around too? ---> erectile dysfunction leads to cardiometabolic problems.

erectile dysfunction often causes severe anxiety and depression, which have a profound effect on cardiac health. No physician should ever mess with someone's sex life. These meds should be co-prescribed with PDE5 inhibitors.

Look man, when I go on chronic methadone I always get dick pills as well. I think this is sometimes referred to as a psychosocial regimen.
erectile dysfunction often causes severe anxiety and depression, which have a profound effect on cardiac health. No physician should ever mess with someone's sex life.


Amen to that. I used to be prescribed heavy antipsychotics (haldol + solian) both of which caused severe erectile dysfunction (not to mention other sideffects, like messing with my cognitive functions or extra-pyramidal side effects e.g akathisia).
So they did much more harm than good.
I gained 55 lbs in 2.5 months on Risperdal, so I feel your pain OP.

These drugs fuck with metabolism in a way that can lead to diabetes, so it goes beyond simple serotonin antagonism IMO. I was literally unable to stop eating sweets while on Risperdal and would never feel full. It was terrible :\ (Not to mention the other side effects, which included constant bloody nose, sedation and lactation. Yuck). I was also on Anafranil, Luvox and Cogentin at the same time so that may have played a role.

Not to diss these drugs for those who need them, but anti-psychotics felt like the most toxic substances I've ever tried. And that's saying a lot :)
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Paliperidone is associated with less side effects relative to the other atypical aps (you might want to ask your doctor about it)
I was on seroquel at one time for a period of 2-3 months in rehab, started me at 600 mg (which is a lot but i was very aggro) and by the end were administering 900 mg. It made me a zombie for food, I was constantly hungry and ate huge amounts and needless to say it made me gain a lot of weight. Looking back I was a drone and would not recommend it for anyone except small doses for sleeping
This is mostly because dopaminergic transmission (localized to the VTA) plays a large role in regulating hunger, seeking drives, and satiation, and anti-psychotics are dopaminergic antagonists.

That doesn't make a lot of sense. As the atypicals tend to cause way more weight gain then classic, mostly just D2-antagonist antipsychotics. Dopamine does play a role, but it seems to be less important then H1 and 5HT2 antagonism. Or maybe it's the combination of effects that fuck people over. IME weight gain is the worst in olanzapine and clozapine.

Tachycardia in atypicals is an anticholinergic effect. It is also really common.