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Misc Sepsis after a bad shot/cotton fever?

Juniper Bruhmomentius

Bluelight Crew
May 10, 2019
So i had a bad shot for 30mins again. A bad one. About 5 hours ago and i currently feel "pain" in my veins, little bit like lyrica withdrawals, and "pain" in my lungs. Not pain but kinda feel them. Breathing normal. What should i especially look out for in case the bacteria goes wild?
Take care with that bro, I think you shud really stop shooting bupe altogether. Ik ure not gonna do it, but I suggest u to try at least....
Ps it's nznity btw xd
It’s probably just cotton fever. I’ve had cotton fever for 12 hours before. I once shot up using sink water out of a motel sink.. to tell you I was violently shaking for 8 hours wishing to die would be an understatement. My girl kept asking if I was coming to bed to find me on the floor rocking back and forth

Key sepsis signs - fever or chills, extreme cold / low body temp, mental confusion / disorientation, fast heart beat, clammy / sweats

I don’t believe sepsis would develop that quickly or show symptoms that early.

Pray you don’t have sepsis cause if you do as you don’t die it’s a weeks long hospital trip, and a long road to recovery
You really need to not reuse needles multiple times or cottons multiple times it’s asking for a abscess. At the minimum if you’re reusing a needle flush it out at least 5 times and only use bottled water. And if there’s dried blood throw it out
It’s probably just cotton fever. I’ve had cotton fever for 12 hours before. I once shot up using sink water out of a motel sink.. to tell you I was violently shaking for 8 hours wishing to die would be an understatement. My girl kept asking if I was coming to bed to find me on the floor rocking back and forth

Key sepsis signs - fever or chills, extreme cold / low body temp, mental confusion / disorientation, fast heart beat, clammy / sweats

I don’t believe sepsis would develop that quickly or show symptoms that early.

Pray you don’t have sepsis cause if you do as you don’t die it’s a weeks long hospital trip, and a long road to recovery
I've had sepsis brah, 45 days with iv antibiotics. It's nznity btw xd
I've had a couple of cotton fevers that were real MFers and made me think I was dying, because I was shivering and shaking crazily and didn't seem able to regulate my body temperature.

I came out of those alright, but it's no guarantee of safety; I feel lucky to have avoided endocarditis or septicemia as a result. My only point is that cotton fever can be brutal and can definitely last longer than 5h, so that's still the most likely problem at this point.

Best of luck feeling better.
OP I know you're asking a question about this speciric instance, but what we really need to talk about is the pathology. This isn't a random incident. This is all a result of more or less chronic behaviors associated with your injection technique, equipment or hygiene. There are many, many potential complications that can arise from injecting drugs. Some of them are deadly like Endocarditis and some of them are pretty much just unpleasant like "Cotton Fever". The only way to figure out what's going on with you is to get checked out by a medical professional.

I don't want to lecture you dude, but I also don't like seeing my peers go through this shit. Please just consider finding/using a different route of administration. It's only going to get harder to inject successively, so start thinking about alternatives as soon as you possibly can. If you have any questions, want advice or even just support, you can always hit me up personally. I've injected and moved to other ROA's myself.
Fucking rip. Feel little exhausted and sometimes shivers which bupre is blocking. Im thinking its either sepsis + bactery or flu which has been going on.
Ima give it at most 2 more days before hospital.
Fucking rip. Feel little exhausted and sometimes shivers which bupre is blocking. Im thinking its either sepsis + bactery or flu which has been going on.
Ima give it at most 2 more days before hospital.

It could be any number of things man, Corona virus? Don’t think the worst case. But yeah I’d get it checked out not worth losing your life over
You definitely might have caught something, flu or covid, but don't you guys have free healthcare? You should probably go to the doctor.

If it's sepsis, you will die if you don't get treated ASAP.
So i had a bad shot for 30mins again. A bad one. About 5 hours ago and i currently feel "pain" in my veins, little bit like lyrica withdrawals, and "pain" in my lungs. Not pain but kinda feel them. Breathing normal. What should i especially look out for in case the bacteria goes wild?

Sepsis can kill you very quickly, or make you suddenly too sick to get help (if you are alone and too weak to get to the phone).

The most common symptoms of sepsis are:

Fever, feeling dizzy, syncopy, breathlessness, diarrhoea, vomiting, severe muscle pain.

You're unlikely to have sepsis w/o a bacterial infection but if you are worried about it, it's always best to go to hospital
You definitely might have caught something, flu or covid, but don't you guys have free healthcare? You should probably go to the doctor.

If it's sepsis, you will die if you don't get treated ASAP.

He's in Finland, not the UK but probably has free healthcare still as almost all developed countries that aren't the U.S. do.
Oh you're in Finland? Even more reason to go piss of some ER doctors, shit my last hospital trip was $3400 for some fuckin IV fluids...
Go to the hospital, I just got done reading how these vegetative heart infections are common shooting bupe, and if not treated, followed by never doing it again you WILL die.
Go. To
The. Hospital. Now.

Be honest and let us know you are OK.
Go to the hospital, I just got done reading how these vegetative heart infections are common shooting bupe, and if not treated, followed by never doing it again you WILL die.
Go. To
The. Hospital. Now.

Be honest and let us know you are OK.
I had a friend have endocarditis for years because they wouldnt take him to the hospital. Rip.

.. Yeah. Had a tooth pain for 2 days.

Getting some more snus before I go to hospital.