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Sensitization to MDMA over time


Sep 30, 2013
I was wondering about this as I noticed that my last three rolls had a stronger effect on me than previous ones although I take the same dose every time(between 125-140mg).

The mental effect has been steadily getting stronger along with the physical side effects and come up(eye wiggles and jaw clenching) becoming more prominent. I've used MDMA 7 times in total over roughly a year and a half with my last roll definitely being the strongest i've had. my comedowns haven't changed, ranging from mild, almost unnoticeable irritability during the 4-5 days following my roll to a complete absence of negative after effects and a strong afterglow lasting almost two weeks following my last roll.

Did anyone else here experience this? I know sensitization can occur with stimulants in some people, but i've never heard it happening to anyone with MDMA.
A whole range of factors, honestly, your weight/tolerance/quality of product/actual type of product/any cutters, the list goes on, how long was the break in between your last few rolls?

Sounds great tbh, a lot of people would be really happy to be in the situation you are finding yourself in, I've heard about it a bit (exactly how it is with tolerance to any drug), I guess you hear about it a lot less than any other drug only because of how rare people do this and they don't think about it in the way that you do, more simple thoughts occur like "OH FUCK YEAH THAT WAS THE BESSSSSSSSSST NIGHT EVERRRRRR!".

So it seems you are having better effects every month with the same amount of product every time.

Lucky, if anything?!
My shortest break was two weeks and longest 6 months, with the usual being 2-3 months. I have used the same product every time: high grade MDMA crystals with no psychoactive cuts(all from the same batch). My weight has stayed the same as well.

I wonder about this because i've read a couple of researches where rats became sensitized to MDMA with subsequent administration and this was correlated with increased serotonergic neurotransmission in the spinal column.

Assuming I might have gone through similar neruochemical changes, what functional consequences can this have besides increased response to MDMA? I have noted a subtle increase in memory and verbal skills, along with an overall better response to anxiety and stress. Although this is hard to attribute to the MDMA as i'm on a regular regimen of nootropics and a student.
It's probably just set and setting. The regimen you've been on is really unlikely to cause any neurochemical changes that you'd notice.
It's probably just set and setting. The regimen you've been on is really unlikely to cause any neurochemical changes that you'd notice.


Unless you've been on some Project X nootropics it could just be placebo, still, I'd be happy that the rolls haven't been disappointing and have only been getting better and better. :)
haha don't get me wrong, i'm definitely not complaining. just couldn't help but wonder if it could indeed be related to neurochemical changes and what consequences they might have.

i'd tell you what nootropics i'm taking but then the government might send it's killer tomato squad after you.
My shortest break was two weeks and longest 6 months, with the usual being 2-3 months. I have used the same product every time: high grade MDMA crystals with no psychoactive cuts(all from the same batch). My weight has stayed the same as well.

I wonder about this because i've read a couple of researches where rats became sensitized to MDMA with subsequent administration and this was correlated with increased serotonergic neurotransmission in the spinal column.

Assuming I might have gone through similar neruochemical changes, what functional consequences can this have besides increased response to MDMA? I have noted a subtle increase in memory and verbal skills, along with an overall better response to anxiety and stress. Although this is hard to attribute to the MDMA as i'm on a regular regimen of nootropics and a student.

You're probably applying studies frying rat brains on like 5-10mg/kg 3 times within like 3 hours, to moderate recreational human use. No comparison really.

The experience tends to vary based on setting for me. I find that as long as I don't take too little, or too much, then how it hits me is all about that environment and thus changes across the course of the evening. Sometimes I can even refeel a peak during the comedown because my favourite song comes on.
Most probably using higher quality/quantity product.

Just remember to respect the 3 month rule and test before you use :)