• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Self medicating up to 60mg of mirtazipine?

I would pay too much heed to quoted half-lives, you bash the receptors and they're going to get jangled. I went on a phenibut binge a couple of weeks ago and was still feeling the effects 3 days later.
I would pay too much heed to quoted half-lives, you bash the receptors and they're going to get jangled. I went on a phenibut binge a couple of weeks ago and was still feeling the effects 3 days later.

Especially with lipophilic drugs, they can build up in fatty tissue and be released into the blood only when blood plasma levels are low, so this could explain the long lasting effects.
Improvement, but I'm still hanging.

This most certainly did not happen when I dropped from 300 to 225 of effexor.
I zipped up almost immediately with that.

Zispin is lipophilic, where as effexor isn't then, I'm guessing?

Almost one full week later, and I'm still not right.

At least I know never to exceed the max licensed dose for mirtazipine again, anyways.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed this eventually levels out and I get back to better functionality.

A game of hit and miss, trialing these medications.
Wheter higher doses are more ativating depends on your individual sensivity of the histamine receptors.

If you are responding partionally a higher dose may help but the right augmentation strategy is usually more effective, srris are only barely better then placebo and can cause bad side effects, sero releasers are more effective but none are actively used atm, except atm in the past which both releases sero, da and ne, while activating the 5ht2a receptors and showed to be very effective.

Da is highly implicated in depression unlike sero, stimulants are extremely effective but can be addictive and tolerance occurs if taken without a nmda antagonist like memantine, dopamine d3 preferring agonists are shown to work very well like pramipexole.

Do you suffer from anhedonia?

Ketamine or scopolamine administered every few weeks show extreme effectivity, but in the end it really is purely individual.
dont forget CBT
No, absolutely zero anhedonia.
The opposite, in fact.
When my mood rises, I'm enjoying things I haven't in years, like eating, sleeping, activities, relationships, being productive etc.

I'd like to try ketamine for sure, but it's not available in my country.

I was previously based in the netherlands.
I'm curious as to whether it's available there. I contacted the hospital, but no response from them.

I tried CBT, as well as a bunch of other therapies.
Zero response.
My issues are purely endogenous - completely not situational or reactional related, which I understand makes up a tiny percentage of cases of depression, but hey - I'm part of that tiny percentage.

I also tried pramipexole.
It zonked me out totally.
Couldn't continue with it.

At a dose above 150mg, 225 - after a month or more of treatment, the sexual dysfunction side effect lifted with venlafexine.
I tried 300mg, but it left me stoned, and with a level of sexual dysfunction that made proceedings plain impossible - like, zero response, and I had chicks do some pretty freaky stuff.
After three weeks of that - and it seemed to be getting worse, not better - I dropped back to 225, and that's where I stand now.

So, after 8 weeks on 225, I'm hoping the efficacy still has room for improvement.
Else, the next port of call might be something with a stronger effect on noradrenaline - like Cymbalta..... pristique maybe?
is it possible you have mild bipolar? no anhedonia so that suggests dopaminergics might not be the way to go.

snris arent stronger then ssris, lexapro is the most effective of the bunch, again positive response is individual. if you didnt respond to effexor i doubt cymbalta would work as effexor has an added effect of activating the mu opioid receptor.

why dont you try some of the rc ones that are available like a selective 5ht4 agonist? or nsi-189, coluracetam wich is being trialled for depression, semax/selank that act on the enkapalin receptors? scopolamine which when taken once induces a long term antidepressant effect.

or even amt which was used in the soviet union for decades, the research papers are in sunderland library in the uk, accoridng to a mod here that used it for depression here in the past

memantine is extremely effective for some ppl, glutamate is implicated in alot of mental health issues.
i suffer from severe anhedonia, also not siituation related, i only respond to stimulants which make me feel normal, while gbl for example used to cover my issues up.

how do you respond to recreational drugs? also the neurotrophic way is an option eg cerebrolysin

my clipboard doesnt work, google scopolamine depression
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Recreational drugs??

I tried hash, and weed - both of which I hated, and yielded no positive outcome in any sense.

Not bipolar in any way.
Strictly uni-polar, never any mania of any kind.
Methylphenidate helped before when I was on low dose zispin, but it was relatively mild.
When my dose of zispin was increased, my functionality was at a point where it no longer benefited from the addition of stimulants.

Beyond effexor, what would you suggest as being a good next step - something the doctor would prescribe?

I like that some tricyclics are labelled as stimulating - like desiprimine.
My doc said dosulepin carries perhaps the least side effects though.
has an added effect of activating the mu opioid receptor.

Dammit, back on this but - where can I go about reading more about this.

Anecdotes certainly strongly suggest that Effexor is more activating than cymbalta - cymbalta being mentioned as "watered down version" of effexor by one prominent psychiatrist - which never made sense to be cause the latter is more noradrenaline heavy, which would be more activating.

So - mu opioid receptor - wiki didn't mention anything about this to me.

Where can I read detail information on this??
Did one of you guys update the Venlafaxine wikipedia page?

It now has info on how it activates the mu opioid receptor, "downstream".

So again, I'm assuming that's why it's considered more activating that cymbalta, despite cymbalta having a stronger affinity for the more activating noradrenaline.

Pristiq - wiki had very little info on this.

It has a higher ratio effect of serotonin to norardrenaline than effexor - does that also implicate any opioid receptors?

I'm hesitant to request tricyclics cause of the associated side effect profile.
I have been thinking about trying mirtazapine. I was on tca's and ssri's constantly for 30 years and stopped taking all meds 9 months ago, and am now persistently anhedonic and it doesn't appear to be improving at all.

interestingly, I gave scopolamine a trial 4 gays ago out of desperation and it gave me a very quick mood lift. I did NOT expect any effect from it. . 150 micrograms twice daily, in the form of kwells tablets.

I suppose some people may get relief from lower choline levels. I wouldn't expect it to work for everyone.
the side effects never bothered me much. Amitriptyline side effects feel almost exactly like scopolamine at lowish doses.
Utilizing search engines is a bit of an art form. Here's a search I did quickly to get you started.


I've been reviewing clinical trials recently, and found this ncbi website quite good.
It provides mainly the abstracts for clinical trials, without particularly in depth information, and I certainly did not come across mechanisms of action, or a means of how I would self educate regarding the actual pharmacology of various drugs.

Is this the site you your used mainly as a means of self education??
As in, the ncbi.gov website?