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Kratom Seeking HELP for Suboxone to Kratom Taper Plan


Sep 16, 2018
Hey guys, long time lurker and recent new poster as I’m going through these big changes at the moment.

A little background on me, high functioning addict, I run a multi million dollar per annum business here in New Zealand and have a wife and 7 year old son who require a lot of energy.

I’ve been on subs for 1 year and was oxy at 100mg per day for a year before that for a chronic pain condition from my doc.i hated taking them and being high all day so i switched to subs I realised quickly 16mg of subs was way too much and dropped down to 2mg straight away and only sat there for a couple of months before dropping to 1mg. I just desperately want to be unchained from opiates all together I have no psychological dependence to them I hate them at this point it’s only physical.

I had stopped my subs yesterday hoping to go cold turkey but after swallowing a bunch of benzos all day and feeling like I’m fucking dying all over again it dawned on me that with all trying to manage my family life and my business I can’t deal with a long drawn out sub withdrawal timeline as well as possible benzo dependance addiction (I’ve come off benzos before and it’s absolutely hell worse than opiates)

Someone on here on another thread I made yesterday mentioned I try Kratom so I have two questions

1 - how much Kratom will I need to stop my withdrawals from 1mg subs

2. Will the Kratom make me high? (The reason I switched to subs is because I didnt want to be high all day it affected me running my business and I can’t be high all day and efficiently run a million dollar company it just doesn’t work

3. How quickly can I taper off the Kratom to avoid opiate withdrawal? I’ve never taken Kratom before so any advice would be very very appreciated and with Christmas being over and it being time for me to get back to work I’d almost pay someone for some decent guidance here,
1mg isn't very much, so it's absolutey possible that you could get significant relief from taking small-medium doses a few times a day. I'd reccomend starting with 5g, for the sake of starting low, and if you've been used to taking 100mg oxycodone there's a decent chance you won't even fill anything (although there is a lot of low quality kratom out there).

If you want to skip the process of titrating up to find your proper dose, and just get some damn relief in like thirty minutes, buy OPMS Black capsules. They have the highest 7-OH content I've found, as well as a lot of mitragynine and doubtless other unlisted alkaloids that make up this wonderful plant. Start with one on an empty stomach with a fizzy or hot beverage, and if you need to then keep taking them until you've got relief. They feel like a full opioid agonist, pinned pupils, gravely voice, I have even percieved some light respiratory depression.

They're not cheap at all, but if you're hurting then they're absolutely worth it, and at the right dose yes, they may make you high. I wouldn't take them for more than a week though, and never increasing the dose after your first day of taking them, and after tapering those down switching to ground leaf.
How quickly should I taper off I just want to basically skip withdrawal altogether and end up back at baseline
I took 3 months to taper from 1.5-2mg of sub. I worked the entire time but it wasn't pleasant. I suggest you don't replace sub with kratom, you'll just end up taking that all the time. My final sub jumping off dose was 1/32 of an 8mg sub. Each time you drop your dose it takes about a week to stabilize then you cut it some more. Had I not been working a full time job I probably would have quit faster. It's not pleasant but it is quite manageable with the right mind set. Again I advise staying away from the kratom, it will be a crutch.
1mg isn't very much, so it's absolutey possible that you could get significant relief from taking small-medium doses a few times a day. I'd reccomend starting with 5g, for the sake of starting low, and if you've been used to taking 100mg oxycodone there's a decent chance you won't even fill anything (although there is a lot of low quality kratom out there).

If you want to skip the process of titrating up to find your proper dose, and just get some damn relief in like thirty minutes, buy OPMS Black capsules. They have the highest 7-OH content I've found, as well as a lot of mitragynine and doubtless other unlisted alkaloids that make up this wonderful plant. Start with one on an empty stomach with a fizzy or hot beverage, and if you need to then keep taking them until you've got relief. They feel like a full opioid agonist, pinned pupils, gravely voice, I have even percieved some light respiratory depression.

They're not cheap at all, but if you're hurting then they're absolutely worth it, and at the right dose yes, they may make you high. I wouldn't take them for more than a week though, and never increasing the dose after your first day of taking them, and after tapering those down switching to ground leaf.
The reason they feel like an opiate is because they are.
So I think you’re underestimating my resolve here. All I want to do is use the Kratom to switch from bupe then quick taper off to avoid massive withdrawal symptoms as Kratom is weaker than bupe?

I’m going to do this no doubt about it I just want the guidance to do it the right way. I only want to take the Kratom for a week and a half max I just want to avoid the nastiest aspects of the withdrawal.

I can’t cold turkey the bupe I have too much going on personally and professionally to be able to realistically sit in bed for 2 weeks in withdrawal.
Yeah no, you’re wrong. Hundreds of people have done it which means so can I. Keep your negative bs to yourself