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Secrets of the execution chamber revealed


Jul 21, 2005
Secrets of the execution chamber revealed

CONDEMNED child killer Ronald Ray Phillips is due to die next Thursday for raping and murdering his girlfriend's three-year-old daughter.
Phillips will be taken to the southern Ohio Correction Facility's death row facility outside the tiny jail town of Lucasville, where he will be strapped to a lethal injection gurney inside a windowed death room.
Watched by his victim's relatives, Phillips will be injected intravenously with two drugs which will cause irreversible brain and heart damage. He will die within minutes.

Only one thing will keep Phillips from dying.
That is if his lawyers win an appeal in Ohio's state courts, because Phillips is fighting his death sentence all the way to the execution chamber.
He claims a "fear of needles" from an abusive past as the child of drug addicts, and a father who raped him from the age of four.

While "eleventh hour" appeals are common ahead of execution dates, Phillips' case is the first of its kind.
His lawyers are arguing against Phillips becoming the first prisoner to die by a "two drug death protocol" of injection of the drugs midazolam and hydromorphone, never before used in a US execution.
America is running out of its lethal injection drugs of choice, principally pentobarbitol, after its only US supplier ceased production and its Danish manufacturer, Lundbeck, won't sell it for use in executions, saying it is "unsafe".
In the past, virtually all the 32 American states that allow the death penalty relied on a mix of three chemicals to slowly and quietly kill the condemned.

Convicted murderers are now mounting challenges to new "drug cocktails" for capital punishment.
A growing list of inmates among the 3,175 on death row in the US are filing Supreme Court orders against states' rights to use different drugs or change procedures, arguing they "will suffer excruciating pain during execution".
The nationwide dilemma facing prison death wardens and in particular Phillips' legal battle has allowed what actually happens in an execution chamber to be revealed.
And Phillips' story is a textbook case of what happens to a murderer with a date for execution.
Ronald Phillips has been sitting on death row for 20 years.
In January, 1993, he tortured, sodomised and beat Sheila Marie Evans for days before she died with 125 bruises on her head, face, torso, arms, legs, and genitalia.

The little girl's mother, who reportedly held the child down while Phillips raped her, got 30 years for involuntary manslaughter and child endangering.
At the age of 19, Phillips received the death penalty, which back then in Ohio meant the electric chair.

While electrocution, hanging and the gas chamber have all been execution methods in the US, death by lethal injection has been used in most US states for decades.
Murderers customarily pass years on death row, exhausting appeal options and delaying execution until the state authorities set down a date, at which point a prisoner's legal team intensifies its efforts to win a stay of execution.

Execution: the procedure

1. No date set

In Phillips' case, his lawyers appealed to the Ohio Parole Board for clemency, arguing his "dirty, horrific, appalling, drug-infested life" had set him up to become an abuser and a criminal.
Attorney Lisa Lagos argued Phillips grew up in a "house of hell" in which he was raped by his father and a male cousin, was physically and verbally abused and his mother and father sold drugs from the family home.
She said prostitutes trawled for clients outside the the Phillips family's front door.

A girl in a neighbouring home was forced to have intercourse with a dog.

Phillips' father routinely forced the children to strip naked before he whipped them. He would break dishes over their heads
Were his sentence commuted, Lagos argued, Phillips would like to help others who, like him, were abused as children.
The parole board voted 11-0 against clemency for Phillips, reminding those in session of the details of little Sheila Evans' suffering.
The board concluded Phillips' crime was "clearly among the worst of the worst capital crimes" and "its depravity is self-evident".

The months leading up to the execution

After an inmate's appeals have been exhausted, gizmodo.com reports, an execution order is ordered by the court and the date of execution is set.
In the weeks preceding the date, the inmate is interviewed by psychiatrists, clergy, and social workers for pre-execution reports and reviews of their sanity.

Two weeks before execution

In Phillips' case, and increasingly among death row inmates as lethal "drug protocols" change, lawyers will file a challenge to the governing state's authority.
The death warden at the southern Ohio Correction Facility in Lucasville gave notice the state did not have enough pentobarbital for Phillips' execution,
Under new guidelines that took effect last month, the scheduled execution is due to proceed with the two drug protocol of midazolam, a sedative, and hydromorphone, a morphine derivative, to be injected directly into the inmate's veins.
In an unprecedented move, Phillips testified in court as part of a lawsuit brought by his attorneys to delay his execution while they gathered evidence against the new protocol.
The inmate said a prison doctor couldn't find his veins during a pre-execution check-up,

"I guess the Lord hid my veins from them," said Phillips, whose legal team have argued he has changed and found God during his incarceration.
Phillips' lawyers argued the two drugs could cause severe side effects, including painful vomiting.
Ohio lawyers countered the state was "committed to carrying out the execution in a humane, dignified and constitutional manner" and Phillips would die within minutes.
Ronald Ray Phillips is fighting his execution due next Thursday on the grounds he is

One week before the execution

In the days leading up to the scheduled execution, the inmate is allowed priority visiting rights for family, spiritual advisers and legal representation.
In Ronald Phillips' case, he will be transported from the Chillicothe Correctional Institution, where he has been living on death row, 55 kms south to the Southern Ohio Correction Facility death house which lies on the outskirts of Lucasville.
Family members of both Phillips and his victim, Sheila Evans, will arrive in town.
Anti-death sentence protesters will set up outside the execution chamber.

Day of the execution

The condemned prisoner is given a fresh pair of prison overalls, and an electrocardiograph (ECG) monitor.
He is allowed a last visit from family and loved ones and a free choice of his last meal.
He then has the option of taking last rites from a priest or minister, after which he will be taken to the execution chamber and strapped to a gurney.

The final moments

Until recently, most US states relied on a lethal injection method known as Chapman's Protocol, after the Oklahoma medical examiner who invented it in 1977.
This relies on a trio of powerful drugs, an anaesthetic to render the inmate unconscious, a paralytic to stop the inmate's breathing and a drug to stop the heart.
Each drug is individually lethal in its administered dose - and even more so when used together, but the combination is intended to induce a swift and painless death.
The prisoner is strapped to the gurney inside a room with glass observation panels for the victims' family to watch the procedure.

IV lines are inserted into two usable veins (one as a backup), and a slow saline drip is started.
The condemned man is given the opportunity to say some last words to the witnesses.
When that is completed, the death warden issues the execution order and the process begins.

Five grams (14 times the .35g recommended dosage) of sodium pentothal, a fast-acting barbiturate, is administered first.
Typically used as an anaesthetic for medically induced comas, this should render the condemned inmate unconscious within ten seconds.
Following a saline flush of the IV line, 100mg of Pancuronium bromide is injected next.
This drug is a muscle relaxant that effectively paralyses the inmate and arrests his breathing.
After a final IV flush, the inmate receives an injection of 100 mg of potassium chloride.

Potassium is an electrolyte used by bodies to help transmit electrical signals among neurons and muscles.
However, when large amounts of potassium are injected into the bloodstream, it throws off the body's electrolytic balance and causes a condition called hyperkalemia.
This lowers the resting electrical potential of the heart muscle cells, preventing them from repolarizing and refiring - effectively stopping the heart and inducing cardiac arrest.
Once the ECG registers "asystole", or flatline, a physician will inspect the inmate and declare an official time of death.
Sentenced to die for the rape and slaying of a 14-year-old Tryna Middleton in 1984, death row inmate, Romell Broom, survived dea

While execution candidates like Ronald Phillips argue new drug cocktails may not effectively kill without causing pain, the Chapman Protocol hasn't always worked either.
On 15 September 2009, Romell Broom was scheduled to die in the same execution chamber for which Phillips is headed.
After waking up to what he thought was the last day of his life, Broom, who was convicted of the murder, kidnapping and rape of a 14-year-old girl in 1984, won an unexpected reprieve when the execution team couldn't find a suitable vein for the IV line.

Chapman's Protocol has spread abroad, becoming the preferred method used by China, Thailand, Guatemala, and Taiwan.
But even the method's inventor, Dr. Chapman himself, is in favour of discontinuing its use in executions.
He told CNN news in 2007, "The simplest thing I know of is the guillotine and I'm not at all opposed to bringing it back.
"The person's head is cut off and that's the end of it."

Fear of needles.. wow.. you were convicted of raping and murdering a 3 year old. Sorry fuck stain but I would not bat an I if you were skinned, lit on fire and then extinguished.. only to die from blood loss due to repeated needle wounds. Guess I sorta like the idea of torture for you.
Tapping into a phobia is technically cruel and unusual... LMAO

But, this guy needs to be sent to the other side.
Firing squad.

No needles involved there.

Fucker needs to rot in the ground.
Firing squads aren't very humane for the guys who have to shoot convicts all day. It'd be hard for me to go to sleep at night wondering how many innocent men got shot by my hand. Don't tell me you think that the court system is always accurate... the justice system in America doesn't dispense justice, it hasn't for years.
What's not humane is what he did to that 3 year old toddler who didn't even have a chance in this life.

If the members of the squad can do it in clear conscience- that's on them.
Firing squad, needles, electric chair, there's always going to be people who have to do the work, whatever the method is. There are some docos regarding people who have done these kinds of jobs, I recall seeing one with a man who'd done it for years and years and decided to quit just years prior to getting his pension or something, he said it all weighed heavily on his mind.
Firing squads use five shooters. Three shooters use live ammunition, and two shooters use blanks. The shooters don't know which of them have the live rounds or the blanks. That kind of keeps them guessing, ya know. At least that is what I read in a book somewhere a while back when on a plane. Or maybe it was a review of the Mark Walberg movie, Shooter, and 3 out of 5 critics said it sucked. I don't remember.
^yup beat me to it. They would load a certain number of rifles with live rounds and others with blanks and they would be mizxed and handed out so even if you did a quick brass check you wouldnt be able to tell if there was an actual projectile in there. Makes me think of an executioners mask from the middle ages so the dude chopping heads off wasnt clearly visable and deemed a monster, just doing the work that had to be done...tho im guessing back then ppl knew who was chopping heads off..which brings up the best line in the op, the quickest method is the guilloteine, i have no problem at all bringing it back. Lol im agreement. Sedate them and cut their head off.
Death row paedophile wants organs donated to ailing family members

A PAEDOPHILE and child killer has asked that his organs be donated to his ailing mother and sister after he is executed this week.

Death row inmate Ronald Phillips' lawyers say in a letter to the Ohio prisons agency in the US that Phillips would also be willing to donate organs to other individuals.

The letter says Philips, 40, wants as many people as possible to benefit from his death. His mother is on dialysis and his sister has a heart condition.

The Department of Rehabilitation and Correction did not immediately respond to a message from the AP seeking comment.

Phillips faces execution on Wednesday by a never-tried, two-drug combination of a sedative and painkiller.

He was sentenced to die for raping and killing his girlfriend's three-year-old daughter, Sheila Marie Evans, in 1993.

Phillips had been sexually and physically abusing Sheila for some time.

He severely beat the toddler in the head, face and abdomen, threw her against the walls, dragged her by her hair and anally raped her. Phillips confessed to police.

Ha fuhuuuhck that. Im not sure id want any of his kiddie diddler parts in me over dying dosed heavily in a hospice somewhere. Maybe they could give her an animal heart, wouldnt be any diff.
An eleventh-hour request for a death row inmate in the US to donate some of his organs to his sick family members has been denied because it was made too late and posed a security risk, Ohio State prison officials said.
Set to be executed by lethal injection on Thursday, Ron Phillips requested that upon his death his organs be donated to his sick mother and sister as well as others.

On Monday Phillips' lawyers made a written request to state prisons officials that his organs be donated to as many people as possible, ABCNews.com reports. If they were a match, the prisoner requested his heart be given to his sister who suffers from a heart condition and one or both of his kidneys were to be given to his mother who has kidney disease and is on dialysis.

But on Tuesday Phillips' lawyers received a reply from the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections denying their client's request because the "unprecedented" pre-execution donation was not workable at such short notice and the need to perform the procedure at an outside facility posed security and logistical problems.

Phillip's attorneys said that in donating his organs, their client hoped to "enable as many people as possible to benefit from his death".

The decision to donate Phillips' organs will fall upon his family when they are given custody of his body following his execution.

Phillips was sentenced to death for the rape and murder of his girlfriend's 3-year-old daughter in 1993 and last week Ohio Governor John Kasich denied his request for clemency.

His lethal injection will involve an untried two-drug combination as the state was unable to obtain a supply of its usual execution drug.


He severely beat the toddler in the head, face and abdomen, threw her against the walls, dragged her by her hair and anally raped her. Phillips confessed to police.

Disgusting why is this fuck not already dead.
Your organs should stay in your horrible tainted body.
Also it may be wrong of me But I hope something goes terriblly wrong during the execution to lead to a long excruciating death.
Condemned killer wins reprieve on death sentence

CONDEMNED child killer Ronald Phillips has won an extra seven months of life after a last minute reprieve ahead of his execution by lethal injection scheduled for early morning on Friday, (AEDT).

Phillip's case has made international headlines in the lead up to his execution date, with revelations about news procedures in US death chambers.

Ohio Governor John R. Kasich granted Phillips' request for a temporary stay of execution so that medical experts can assess whether or not Phillips' non-vital organs or tissues could be donated to his mother, or possibly others.

His execution has been rescheduled for July 2, 2014.

"Ronald Phillips committed a heinous crime for which he will face the death penalty," Kasich said.

"I realise this is a bit of uncharted territory for Ohio, but if another life can be saved by his willingness to donate his organs and tissues then we should allow for that to happen."

Earlier in the day Wednesday, federal judge Gregory Frost declined to block Phillips' execution at the request of lawyers suing over Ohio's new process for carrying out capital punishment.

Several weeks ago, Southern Ohio Correctional Facility (SOCF) Warden Donald Morgan informed the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections that he was out of pentobarbitol, one of the drugs used in the cocktail that causes death.

The state made the decision to go forward with the execution with intravenous administration of Midazolam and Hydromorphone, in the first execution in US history to use that drug protocol.

According to policy, if the state does not have sufficient quantities of Pentobarbital available, the execution will proceed with only the other two drugs.

Phillips was originally scheduled to be executed Thursday at SOCF for the 1993 murder of three-year-old Sheila Marie Evans, his girlfriend's daughter.

If he is found to be a viable donor to his mother or possibly others awaiting transplants of non-vital organs, such as kidneys, the procedures would be performed and then he would be returned to death row to await his new execution date.

Firing squad.

No needles involved there.

Fucker needs to rot in the ground.

That would be the way id want to go either that or the guillotine . A .308 right between the eyes or getting your head chopped off would be a rather quick and painless death compared to being shot up with potassium chloride or worse yet the electric chair. The Guillotine despite how gruesome it looks is possibly the most humane method of execution. But as we like to try and sanitize even state sanctioned killings it would no doubt turn some people off when they see someones head get chopped off. But if given the choice i would pick that.
Heart transplant isn't going to work with current protocols. You need a "beating heart cadaver" that has only (hopefully) experienced brain death. You can only recover the other organs for transplant from an executed prisoner when protocol is to verify death as asystole (if you were to stick the freshly "executed" prisoner on an ECMO after execution to try and keep the heart viable, there is an excellent chance they'd actually come right back to life with perhaps some brain damage).

The only reasonable execution method that would allow for heart transplant is put the prisoner under (opiates/benzos or barbiturates, etc), then put them on a ventilator and then cut off circulation in their neck for a couple hours with a surgical tourniquet. Viola, brain death and a beating heart cadaver. ;)

I'm not advocating execution, but if you're going to do it you might as well get a transplantable heart out of the deal, right?