Screw a slow 6 month taper off Methadone, I'm jumping at 40mg.

Okay so I'm new to this but I really need a few questions answered... Okay first I'll give some of my background. First off my drug of choice is more, more of anything that will get me high. But I've been able to kick everything but the opiates, the H, and the methadone. I've been using one of those three daily for about nine years. I've been on the methadone monster for 4 of those nine years. This past time at the clinic I was there for a year and a half, and and my highest dose was 140. I began my detox going down ten mgs every week till I got too 30 mgs. I stayed at 30 for two months then went dropped too 20 stayed for a month then went back up to 30, I then went down 3 mgs a day all the way to zero. I honestly didn't feel any wds till I got to like 6 mgs. So after my last dose I went 69 hours with nada then took 2 mgs of suboxone then another two today. Tomorrow I will tak one mg then one the next day, then a half a mg until the rest of the eight mg sub is gone. Will this just prolong my wds or will it make them a little less severe? If it does prolong my wds how long and bad will they be? I've quit the done twice before both times ct, one time at 120 and one time at 60, both times where hell on earth and lasted for at least a month. Since I was so low on my done it shouldn't be that bad should it? I mean at my 69 hour mark with nothing I wasn't like in terrible wds. Someone please tell me what to expect. Btw I'm 24, 6'3'', 177 lbs, active, and very high metabolism.
If its methodone you will still experience bad withdraws. It takes everyone different time to experience withdraws. Something i used to help was elimidrol off the internet. I still felt horrible but it was manageable. I cant stop sneezing, got chills, sweats tremors, diarrhea, insomnia is the worst. Sleep for 30 minutes then wake up. Ive heard subutex is easier to come off of but dont know cause i quit methodone cold turkey at 105 mg. You have to be strong and fight through the wds. I worked while detoxing. I dont advise it though cause i just wanna die at times but if you candetox down to 0 ive heard good things about that. I couldnt do it but maybe you can. My lufe forced me into this painful detox. Methodone is a opiate blocker so using other stuff like heroin is crazy but i went to a clinic and i dont advise doing that but i understand if you do. They exploit your weaknesses in my experience. You will know when your ready to quit. The first week is hell but it does get easier. Im 21 days clean and still got the chills and sneezing but im hoping after 30 days itll be better. Ive heard great things about clonidine and gabapentin on withdraws. I used muscle relaxers to relax cause the cramps were horrible. If you need support i got your back but when you quit itll be a fight cause youve used for 9 years i used over ten years. Youll have cravings but tell yourself no im done
Man all you guys are so incredibly strong. I finally stopped using H and am using suboxone and Valium until I go to detox/impatient this Saturday. I couldn't do what you guys did, and I'm gonna go from there into sober living where they drug test u but u have more freedom. I've been to this program once before and I have many friends who have relapsed who are there and I trust the staff.

Already though I'm thinking about how I'm going to smuggle in my iPhone or iPod shuffle because when ur in detox any electronics are banned. It's only 7 days.

But I'm going to try not to, why? Because at some point I have to just follow the damn rules even though I don't like them. Plus, books and cigarettes are allowed and this place is co-Ed so while it may be boring I have to start at the bottom and get well.

I am a lucky fuck. My parents aren't rich but they knew I wanted to go to treatment and stay there for a long time because I need it. So they are funding it for a second chance spending thousands of dollars to save their sons life. I've been using meth, benzos, heroin, suboxone since quitting methadone.

What really fucks with me head is when I think about how many months it's gonna take before I'll be happy joyous and free. This shit takes time. But I need a medical detox I couldn't do what you guys did and quit on your own.

I leave this Saturday. When I get my phone back I will check back in to let u know how Iam doing. I really need help.
I have a chance to do a 30 day detox but i will lose my job if i go cause i havent been there long. Myinsurance would pay everything and id go to cali for a month. I wanna go but my responsibilities wont let me
Dont feel bad man,everyone fucks up at some point(or many ones).

I recently got kicked out from a sub clinic i waited years to get in,and im not allowed for 2-3 months to return so ill be using H again until then..
Oh well,what can you do,except from learn from your mistakes and move on..

Good luck with the impatient detox,sounds that it will be of great help!Sometimes i guess we just have to surrender and let others take the upper hand.

Merry Xmas OP and all you guys!!
Get2, good news you've decided to go into tx. I wish I could have looking back, as it was very difficult doing this on my own… this time.
I feel if one has the opportunity, DO IT. Your chances of staying sober will be better, ime. I was in treatment before and maintained 8 years clean afterwards… going into sober living too for 6 months.
Don't focus on where you are not at, addiction feeds on this, comparison etc. projection… wanting it to be other than 'this'.
It comes in waves. I already am feeling much better, just at 4 months..
It's not as bad as I thought it would be… I want to live and glad I stuck around… to give it a shot.
Hang in there. So happy to hear you are getting help… <3 :)
Best of luck to all of you guys and Merry Christmas. I go to rehab tommorow and Smoky you said something really valuable about projecting, comparing, and panicking about where I happen to be at at this time and place in life. That totally makes me ungrateful and can cause cravings.

Anyways I'm glad I have this chance and I'm gonna give it al I've got because I'm done with all drugs and what I've tried in the past hasn't worked so I'm gonna just try and stfu and listen and take direction. Thank you all for all the support, I wish I could have just broke free off the methadone and done the AA/NA thing but I couldn't. I need help, and I'm ready to accept it.

Take care bluelighters I'll try and check in in a bit. And smoky it's amazing the difference 4 months of sobriety can make isn't it? It's almost impossible to put into words. So I'm in it to win it this time. My choice, I'm ready.
Best of luck to all of you guys and Merry Christmas. I go to rehab tommorow and Smoky you said something really valuable about projecting, comparing, and panicking about where I happen to be at at this time and place in life. That totally makes me ungrateful and can cause cravings.

Anyways I'm glad I have this chance and I'm gonna give it al I've got because I'm done with all drugs and what I've tried in the past hasn't worked so I'm gonna just try and stfu and listen and take direction. Thank you all for all the support, I wish I could have just broke free off the methadone and done the AA/NA thing but I couldn't. I need help, and I'm ready to accept it.

Take care bluelighters I'll try and check in in a bit. And smoky it's amazing the difference 4 months of sobriety can make isn't it? It's almost impossible to put into words. So I'm in it to win it this time. My choice, I'm ready.

Nice Christmas present you got. If you use it right it will be one of the best gifts you will ever get.
Take care man keep your eye on the prize.
At this point that ain't nothing to it but to do it.
One day at a time.
Guys this is sort of a shameless bump of my thread but I wanted to update.

I just completed a 7 day detox and am now living in a sober living house. I sought professional help and they gave me a lot of tranquillisers and 2 days of suboxone. But now I'm on gabapentin, ibuprofen, Vistirol (hydroxene) and Wellbutrin.

Iam still dope sick but with very minimal symptoms like a runny nose, shakey, overall discomfort.

My plan: stay in the sober living house it's all young guys and they drug test so if I can just stay calm and not panick I'd like to stay an entire year because I've had months of clean time and I love it but man I keep relapsing, I can't keep doing this shit. I'm 29, noes the time I face my demon and slay the sob. Happy 2015 Bluelight.
Hey hey Get2, good to see you!
Congratulations on making it through hell, the first week phase and into sober living! I did it for 6 months once, another time a year. And don't regret anything. :)
Happy New Year!