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Scientology Seeks Captive Converts Via Google Maps, Drug Rehab Centers


Bluelight Crew
Aug 31, 2006
be careful of what you find when you get answers from Google...

Fake online reviews generated by unscrupulous marketers blanket the Internet these days. Although online review pollution isn’t exactly a hot-button consumer issue, there are plenty of cases in which phony reviews may endanger one’s life or well-being. This is the story about how searching for drug abuse treatment services online could cause concerned loved ones to send their addicted, vulnerable friends or family members straight into the arms of the Church of Scientology.

"The Church of Scientology" --> "The Cult of Scientology."
I have watched as shady rehabs are forced to close then the marketing team sells the website for the company usually to other shady operators. The new company which is in a completely different state just takes all the old marketing material including positive reviews submitted by many times ex residents who are then dead from an OD. Ok so these marketing teams then just change all the locations used in this material and keep the rest. So I am seeing my dead friends stories and "positive" experiences being used to market new rehabs all the way out in California. Funny thing is you scroll down on some of this marketing material and there are comments under from family and those in the field. On almost every page there are these weird comments that sound like someone who does not speak english. You click on the username and it takes you to a scientology/narconon backed website.
Narconon is truly fucked up.
How these freaks get away with what they do is beyond me.

...actually, no it isn't - they use blackmail, intimidation and shady, shady behaviour.
I don't really believe in "evil", but if such a thing exists, scientology fits the bill.
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I've heard they essentially poison you with Niacin in an attempt to purify your body. They're pretty fucking sly too, I might add. They have a nice website for Narconon, that I must say has some genuinely interesting information surrounding the history of drugs. They do a great job of shying away from the fact that they are run by the Church of Scientology.

For Christ's sake, it's a religion based off of some dude's Science Fiction novels. It's not even good Science Fiction like Dune or Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Maybe I just hate them because they're so successful at what they do. It all seems so ridiculous to the outsider, but they really seem to get their hooks into people quite easily.

"...while academic and medical experts have dismissed its educational program as containing 'factual errors in basic concepts such as physical and mental effects, addiction and even spelling'"
Have you heard about the shit they do to their public critics?
A truly poisonous scummy organisation. Criminal.
Keif': I love the phillip k dick drop. I liked that book, and loved the penultimate truth.

The bible is quite a lot like hubbards book. They are both works of fiction dressed up to be nearly believable.

That is very true about scientology. They target vulnerable people searching for meaning in their lives.
scientology always makes me think about that episode of south park where stan gets sucked in to the "church" and ive heard some horror stories about narcanon. I think na sucks in general, I know it has worked for some people but most people I know who have had habits found it to be a big crock of shite.
I just looked it up. Narconon is not Narcotics Anonymous (pay attention to the spelling), it capitalizes on having a similar sounding name to deceive people. It's pretty sly. That's pretty scary, it's quite insidious and predatory. I know that many religions try to convert people in times of need and some people do attain some positive changes by becoming born again christians etc. I am definitely not religious and I think that is replacing one escape with another but who I am to judge how othrrs attain sobriety?

Narconon is blatantly trying to capture and mislead people at their weakest and scientology is quite blatantly a for profit cult so it adds another level of skeeziness. The recovery industry is ripe with misinformation and misdirection.
I just looked it up. Narconon is not Narcotics Anonymous (pay attention to the spelling), it capitalizes on having a similar sounding name to deceive people. It's pretty sly. That's pretty scary, it's quite insidious and predatory. I know that many religions try to convert people in times of need and some people do attain some positive changes by becoming born again christians etc. I am definitely not religious and I think that is replacing one escape with another but who I am to judge how othrrs attain sobriety?

Narconon is blatantly trying to capture and mislead people at their weakest and scientology is quite blatantly a for profit cult so it adds another level of skeeziness. The recovery industry is ripe with misinformation and misdirection.
So sly that in some of their advertising material they have been known to make statements like, "Naconon better known as Narcotics Anonymous is the most reliable way to get sober."
So sly that in some of their advertising material they have been known to make statements like, "Naconon better known as Narcotics Anonymous is the most reliable way to get sober."

That completely goes against the policies of of NA/AA. NA/AA cannot be allied or endorse any outside entity lest it be drawn into public controversy.
The worst part about Narcnoon is the lack of qualified staff at there facilities. They hire recent graduates of the program to staff there centers. Since they don't believe in phychology they have no reasons to hire therapists or phychiatrists. That's one of the reasons they are so profitable. Many experts believe narcon funds many of the church of scientology programs. Patients and families are cheated out of money and pretty much sent home to die when the money runs out.
What appalls me is that no matter how many times this dangerous cult gets exposed in the media, they just keep surviving and getting their misguided Hollywood converts to "legitamize" it as some sort of "beneficial spiritual practice".
Have you heard about the shit they do to their public critics?
A truly poisonous scummy organisation. Criminal.

Yes, they're kind of creepy. A few years back, they tried to take over the city government of Clearwater, FL, with the idea of making it into some kind of "Vatican City" for Scientology. The locals got wind of it and were not pleased.

That being said, It's not all nonsense. There's some validity to Dianetics, as I understand it. (Never did manage to plow through that book) They also have some good things to say about the overuse of psychotropic drugs on kids who supposedly have ADHD, or ADD, or whatever when often they're just being hyper kids, or perhaps they're suffering from being male. Makes them easier to handle, I suppose. That's to me ominous.

Problem is the people who are running it, and trying to make it into a business.
^^good read spacejunk.

All religions are cults. They are all collecting money in the guise of offering you salvation. All churches have had a time that they discredited, or killed non-believers.

Also, the christian based rehabs are probably just as bad. Teen Challenge (which is a prolific organization around the world) is known for being a cult.

Teen challenge set the quality of rehab care back a couple decades with this:
n 1995, auditors from the Texas Commission for Alcohol and Drug Abuse (TCADA) demanded that Teen Challenge obtain state licensing and employ state-licensed counselors. As a result, (then) Governor George W. Bush publicly defended Teen Challenge and pursued alternative licensing procedures for faith-based organizations. “Teen Challenge should view itself as a pioneer in how Texas approaches faith-based programs. I’ll call together people, ask them to make recommendations... licensing standards have to be different from what they are today,” then-Governor Bush said.[15]

Bush then created a state Task Force on Faith-Based Programs, to identify and lift regulatory barriers for faith-based social service providers.[1] The task force included J. Herbert Meppelink, the Executive Director of South Texas Teen Challenge.[2] The resultant 1997 and 1999 Texas legislation exempted Faith-Based Programs, such as Teen Challenge, from state licensing and the health, safety and quality of care standards that accompany that licensing.

First off: Separation of church and state? This is obviously blatant lobbying and political favors...I mean come on J.Herbert meppelink was on the task force.

Also they don't hire non-christian people, or actual counselors or therapists because this legislation made sure they do not have to. Also, they try to convert jewish people, and refer to them after they convert to "completed jews".
All religions are cults? I wouldn't agree with that. Mainstream religions might have cult like aspects but that doesn't make them a cult. But Scientology isn't a religion anyways, it's a business modeled but a nut job science fiction writer who believed (or at least espoused the idea) that an alien brought billions of his people to earth.
Look. Most all religions are cults. Most just do not do crazy shit like the more non-traditional cults.
I didnt know that about Teen Challenge, but the name raises a variety of red flags in itself.
Upon doing some reading...jesus. How fucked.
There are some truly parasitic people out there.