school-suspected drug use



Say someone is suspected of drug use in school, the teacher 'knows' but doesnt say anything, however a cop car is observed pulling into the school area when that someone leaves, since the teachers observance was made toward the end of school anyway. That someone is afraid the next day they will be asked for a piss test just on suspection of drug use (this is a small town where no one has anything better to do than call a cop on one person who only displays vague symptoms of being on a stimulant drug (coldness, and subsequently shaking, mainly, since stimulants vasoconstrict).

Since that someone is under 18, and was at school when the teacher's suspection occured, would that someone be in any penalty to NOT submit to any drug test the next day? Could that person be sent off to a youth detention center or expelled/suspended from school for refusal to take the drug test.

Please elaborate on what may happen, (keep in mind this town is weird and everything may not go down like happens in bigger cities, lets just say that there WILL be a drug test tommorow, legal or not)

If it were me I'd drink ALOT of water, stop taking any drugs, and do whatever it takes to avoid a drug test for 3 days... If I was still at school, I wouldn't have cared about anything except my parents finding out.
guest said:
Since that someone is under 18, and was at school when the teacher's suspection occured, would that someone be in any penalty to NOT submit to any drug test the next day?

if they do not give you notice about the drug test then maybe. id just drink lots of water and eat lots of vitamins if i were this person, and try and avoid the test in any way
Unless your parents have signed a form stating that drug testing you (by the school) is ok you don't have to submit to anything.

If your school has a drug testing policy then the answer is completely different. Does your school have a drug testing policy?
Even if they have a drug testing policy, I believe it's tied to involvement in extra curricular activities. I don't know if there are criminal sanctions for a positive result?
^^True, true, but some (few) have made the move to school wide testing, so it's a possibility.


In terms of criminal sanctions I'm pretty sure most schools have diversion programs for first time offenders.
since when can schools give u drug tests?
ive smoked weed at lunch at school almost every day for the past 2 years....its not the smartest thing to do, but nobody says anything (my school is predomanently rich white kids, hence its got more drugs than the ghetto) and the teachers dont give a shit....getting piss tested is the furthest thing from my mind...
maybe if you live in the US that kinda shit in canada tho we like to consider ourselves a free and democratic society that isnt constantly giving children drug tests...who knows....if you live somewhere fucked up where the school administration can give random drug tests and your real worried, then, as stated above....ingest large quantities of water and abstain from all drug use until you think the coast is clear
ok, i got in trouble for suspected drinking today. they called a cop and i refused the breathylizer. they said for refusing to take the breathylizer i would not be able to drive for 2 years (they are supposedly not going to let me drive at all for a year, and the next year i can drive only as a learners license.

Also they are wanting to suspend me for 10 days.

Im only 15, was I being stupid for telling the cop I wanted a lawyer before saying anything or taking the breathylizer.

Everyone, the cops, administrators, parents, etc are acting like i was stupid for not submitting to the breathylizer. (i was drunk though)

what may happen?
btw ive been caught at school for drinking before. i got a half year probation and 20 hours community service plus expulsion for 10 days.

since this is a second offense for drinking, and a third offense in general with the DA (for truancy too) what should I expect
will going to the psychiatrist and saying i have an anxiety/panic attack disorder help my case any? because i really do, thats the reason i drank before school, the other day i had like 180 bpm panic attack i kept to myself when i had to sit in front of the class (in the middle front, yuck).
Dude ... you were afraid of getting in trouble ONE DAY AGO and then show up to school drunk?
I don't think anything we tell you is going to be of any use.
your going too get expelled probably, if you have panic attacks you dont need alcohole you need benzodizepines like valium ; xanax ; ect..........
I cant see how refusing to take a breathalyser breaks any laws unless you are driving, at least in oz that just wouldnt work.
Why the fuck would they give him a piss test? Drugs stay in ur system for days, he oculd of done his upper later that night or the night before and it would read the same, so its fairly inconclusive.
No, I was kinda in your situation but the cops told me I was suspected of runnin a drug ring out of my art class with 2 other people, how gay. One complaint from somebody and there was atleast 6 cops there to question 2 of us (one guy was in florida) so they proceeded to run all the cop tricks on me, godd cop bad cop, friends already told on you, help up well help you. That shit they proceeded to tear my locker,car, and clothes apart looking for drugs. And they said the only way a school could drug test me is if I was playing sports at the time. Iwish the best for you man, stop drinkin and doing drugs in school, do them before ;)